late af, heavy bleeding, clots for 8 days
1 Replies
ccusack - December 1

I have had 3 cycles of clomid. My af was 6 days late this round and I am NEVER late. When it did start it was massively heavy, like a pad an hour heavy for 2 days and lots of clots. Then it continued lightly for 8 days. My af always lasts 4 days without fail.

Now I am a little confused with when to start ov testing. According to when af started, and my history I should be ovulating now, but there is not even the slightest sign of it. Of course all pregnancy tests are negative.

This has me very worried but my doc seems to be unconcerned and did not even ask me to come in, just said to sit it out. Anyone else have anything like this? ↑


puns78 - December 4

Hi ccusack.....I think I'm in a similar situation. Last month was my 3rd round of clomid. AF showed up yesterday with a vengence. Sorry for the overshare but last night in less than an hour I soaked thru everything. I've been clotting a lot and I feel like I'm hemorrhaging! I'm going to see how everything goes today before calling my GYN. I work for my family Dr. so if it gets too bad I'll just see him. Thanks for posting this, at least I know I'm not alone. Hopefully someone else can shed some light on this topic and I hope you were able to figure out OV.



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