3 Replies
vss - December 9

I would like to know if any one had done lap and had my prob ...I had lap last week and everything was fine but after five days I am having itching ,burning sensation and creamy discharge is it common I am planning to call Dr any replies will be great , Thank u,


janet86 - December 9

hey girl i just had a lap done on the 28th aswell..well mine went fine..Thank God..nd i have to say i didnt experiance any of those symptoms execpt the creamy discharge...i dont know u might wanna give ur dr a long have you been ttc for?!?!?me for 2 years...


vss - December 9

Hai Janet86 Thank u for replaying me.....
we r ttc for 2yrs..... for what reason u had done lap.... mine for endo...


janet86 - December 9

well mine was cuz wen i had my hsg they found that my left ovary was enlarged but thankfully my tubes were not blocked....nd also i had really bad cramping a heavy afs... so wen they did the lap they found adhesions nd some endo...nd now i should be starting my cycle by the end of the week...nd im goin to take clomid 150mg cd 5-9 hopefully i get good results from it...nd how about you.!?!?!?



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