IVF for First Timers?
3 Replies
HeatherP - October 2

Well, AF arrived to my dismay yesterday and our doctor is telling us that IVF is our best chance. We are going to meet with the doctor on Thursday to discuss. I am so nervous!! Just wondering if anyone else is getting ready to try IVF?


Mega - October 2

Sorry about AF, HeatherP. Never gets easier, huh? Actually there's a post with several ladies called IVF Sept/Oct--Support for First Timers that we'd love to have you join. There are lots of women at several stages of IVF, from cycling now to still waiting for there cycle to begin. It's a great place for questions too. It's a crazy/busy, but exciting time. Good luck to you, I hope IVF works the first time for you. I'm the only one on that thread who is on cycle #2 now. I had my 1st fresh IVF cycle in Aug/Sept. and got a BFN. I'm now on a Frozen cycle, FET. Good luck on Thursday. Keep me posted on how that appt. goes. You're definitely not alone in the IVF thing.


linds99 - October 2

Mega, How old are you? I'm really sorry to hear about your negative, that is rough, So sorry for you. Keep your chin up...it took Brooke Shields 7 times!! Heather, I also have been talking to a girl whose doctor told her she has to have IVF (I might need it too, I will find out soon), but she has told me that the younger you are, your chances of conception with IVF increase. And the odds are just remarkably more favorable than ever before it works overall for women compared with 10 years ago with all the extra technologies and information/research done on the issue. So I am hopeful too.


HeatherP - October 2

Mega - I will definitely come and join the IVF thread! That is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you for the invite!! Linds - I am 35 and DH is 32. The doctor said I had an excellent chance at IVF with my age and having, "unexplained infertility". I have had several friends that tried everything else and IVF was the thing that worked for them when nothing else did so I am extremely hopeful!!



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