IUI in February
56 Replies
jg - February 25

GoGo CONGRATULATIONS! What good news. Chele, Gosia, Addie, Ekoorb - good luck to you all. I'm still about 3 weeks away from testing. Hey, if anyone wants to look at my little mans website, it is www . elijahcutie . piczo . com. It's
nice to put a face to a name, even if it's a face as ugly as mine! :-)


SashaP - February 25

GoGo Congrats!!!!! I'm glad you got your BFP!! When will they do a u/s to see how many implanted? Your levels are pretty high so twins are a possibility. Keep us posted!


Gosia - February 25

jg and ekoorb, I just read my previous post. Lots of Baby dust to you. I meant for all of us to follow in Gogo's path.
Have a great Sunday. It's warm and sunny day in Ottawa.


Gosia - February 25

JG, You have a beatiful son. He looks like an angel.You mus be so proud.


chele - February 25

GOGO! How awesome! I am so extremely happy for you!!! It makes me wonder.... when I got af last cycle and was going to jump in to IVF, it would have been pretty much hand-in-hand with you.... I decided to wait it out, and now decided on 1 more try w/ higher dose of Gonal-F/IUI... maybe I would be prego like you! hmm ok, guess I can't think about what could have been. But seriously, I am so excited for you! It's been such a long journey and you finally made it! You really give me lot's of hope :0) Can you tell me what dose of Gonal-F they had you on? Probably 450units.... I know it's hard, but once in awhile can you pop in and let us know how your doing. I wish the best for you and your little one!!! Everything seems to be great according to your levels.


chele - February 25

Gosia, Hi there. Now is that not terrific news about GoGo. Seems like the three of us have been on this journey for some time together and it's so hopeful to find one of us preggo! Wait, things come in 3's.... do you think!hahaha Wait, we need Sasha and all the others too... ok, let's up things come in 10's when it comes to pregnancy! Gosia, don't worry about not feeling much because if you remember "GURINSA".... her and I were on the same exact schedule pretty much for a few cycles and the last one together I had some symptoms (probably caused by the progesterone) and she didn't have much of anything. I remember her worrying that it did not work because she did not experience much of any symptom and Boom! She wound up pregnant!!! I believe she's due in July! Chin up, and stay positive! Were all rooting for you! JG, adoreable little guy you have there! Seems that if af comes for me, you'll be testing around the time I do IUI. Sasha, when are you going to test? I am so anxious.


GoGo Trigger - February 25

Hi all...we had been trying since August 2005 and had been through 1 natural miscarriage, 3 rounds of IUI and 1 round of IVF (that's what worked :D). I was on 225 units of Gonal-F and actually less than that (about 125 units) for the last few days of my stimulation phase leading up to egg retrieval. My retrieval was on 2/10 and my transfer (we put in 3 embryos) was 3 days later on 2/13. I had lots of twinges in the ovaries, and at 2 p.m. the Saturday after I felt a pretty big cramp right in the middle...guess that was implantation :D I had really bad hearburn that Thurs, Fri and Sat. Then things started to roll pretty fast; on Sun, Mon and Tues I had hot flashes and dizziness and felt fuzzy-headed. Also got sleepy. Then I got my BFP on Wedn morning, the first time I tested, and felt much better and clear-headed Wednesday through today, even though I have gas, constipation, bloating, etc. (A lot of that is due to the progesterone gel that they put me on after the retrieval). But all very worth it :D Still kind of in disbelief that I'm feeling so good. Also have a hard lower belly.


SashaP - February 25

Chele I have been testing every other day to see when the HCG is out of my system so I'll know if I get a BFP if it's real or not. I took the shot 5 days ago and it's still + which I knew it would be. So if it turns neg then I'll start taking them again at 13dpiui.


Tink - February 25

Chele- just came back here to say hi and give you an update. i have my beta on thursday for my first IVF cycle. we transferred 2 beautiful blastocysts on day 5, which if they made it that long, to blast stage, means they have a great chance. i have had all sorts of symptoms, including cramping and twinges and huge swollen belly, but it could be the progesterone injections too. who knows. so thursday is the big day! i wish you all luck with your IUIs. I did 4- 2 wiht clomid and 2 with follistim, all great responses (good follicle count), but BFN for me. My friend though had both her boys through IUI. one was born this week through her 4th IUI trying for him! so it can work- good luck,


jg - February 26

Sounds like everyone is going along nicely. I feel like my ovaries are about to explode. Had last clomid tablet yesterday, and U/S is tomorrow (I'm an early ovulator), so hopefully if all goes well IUI will be on Thursday. Wish it was tomorrow already!


chele - February 26

GoGo, You and I started TTC the same time and lucky you!!! I am hoping that this next IUI w/ higher Gonal-F will do it but... hoping even more so that af does not come in the next couple days and whalla! Questions, questions... So if you retrieval was on 2/10 when did you get af? trying to figure out the timing... Also, is it typically 3 days from retrieval before they transfer, or is it dependant on your development? Sasha, any good news yet? TINK, I'm so waiting on your bfp! I know you need to do the transfer first, but I hope you follow in GoGo's steps! JG, I know how it feels.... Thursday seem so far away :0) Lots of Baby Dust!!!!


addie1717 - February 26

Hey all! Well I got BFN on Saturday... so I will be doing my 2nd IUI this month on 100mg of clomid, HCG trigger shot, and progesterone. We are only going to do this 2 more months...if it does not work, then we are taking a much needed break! What is gonal f? Is it an injection? I asked RE about injections and IUI and she said it would increase my chances, but that it is more expensive and I have to go to an injection class. Does Gonal F fall under injectable drugs? I want to increase my chance as much as I can since we are only doing this 2 more months. I've also heard the percentages are lower with 1st IUI...has anyone heard this? I guess b/c your more nervous? I think IUI should work for us, DH has super sperm, and I all I had was a luteal phase defect which seems to be fixed now...so hopefully this IUI will work. I think this is the first cycle, I wasn't really bad at the BFN, just mad I have to go through this another month! Baby dust to you all!!!


chele - February 26

Hi Addie, I'm sorry that af showed this weekend.... it's disappointing, but then you have to look fwd and try again. I have heard something about a smaller % of hope on the first IUI but I don't necessarily know if that's true. I have done the IUI w/ the same meds you will be taking and bfn for me, but I believe that is because of my FSH level being a little high (just found out recently). Yep, Gonal-F is an injectible medication. I used it for the last IUI at the lowest dose and will use it again on this last try at IUI. It is VERY costly, so what you heard is correct. Fortunately, I order mine online thru Caremark.com w/ my insurance and it costs me $20 per pen. I hear that the typical cost is anywhere from $590 - $900 for one pen!!! I had to take the injection class also, but it is probably dependant on your doctors office/insurance how it is covered. As for me, it is not allowed by my insurance so I have to pay out of pocket. I think it was $90 at my office. Good luck Addie!


jg - February 27

Well I had my scan today. One follie measuring at 15mm and a secondary follie measuring at 10mm. Trigger injection tomorrow night and IUI Friday morning - YAY!! :-) Sorry addie to hear your news. Anyone else got anything to report? :-)


chele - February 27

JG, I'm confused... they have you take your trigger shot just over 2 days prior to the IUI? Wait, you must be doing 1 IUI not back-to-back, right? I remember others telling me if doing 1 then it is like 36 hours before IUI. Am I correct? Good luck! Your 15 will be about a 23 by Friday... that's great!


jg - February 27

Yes that's right - 9pm Wed night trigger shot, and IUI 9am Fri morning. Yes I am only doing 1 IUI (plus intercourse Wed night).........what's back to back IUI all about?



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