1 Replies
lisa - November 11

i am recently engaged, we are both very happy.. what would make us more happy is if we both could become parents.. we have been trying for the last 6months. i used to be on the pill, but i have stoped. also in my earlier years i used to be a laxative user, for about a year, which is something that is in my past now. but i was wondering if that could be one of the reasons why i am just not falling pregnant????


chicks - November 11

Hi Lisa! I'm certainly no doctor, but I highly doubt it.. At this point in time, I think it's time to see a doctor.. I saw a doctor after 3 months of trying (but that's because I had no period when I got off the pill) and have now been trying for 13 months with no luck.. There are many reasons for women not conceiving.. Timing, not ovulating, no periods or too many periods, PCOS, endometriosis, cysts, low sperm counts, poor motility and morphology, the list is endless.. But, also don't forget that a regular fertile couple has only a 15-20% chance of conceiving each cycle.. If you are concerned, definately go and get a check-up at the doctor's office and maybe they will refer you to a OBGYN or an RE depending on your situation. But, for your own piece of mind, just go and ask some questions.. Good luck to you darlin! Take care!



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