I just can't get pregnant
5 Replies
Jessica - December 7

I have had 3 long term relationships and after a little while did not use protection and never,to this day have gotten pregnant. But for my friends it is easy. What do I do?


jj - December 7

well consider yourself lucky!


me - December 17

well dont feel bad im going through the same thing


Pinkywantsbaby - December 21

Hi Jessica, Maybe you need to see an OB/GYN or fertility specialist... How long have you been trying? tc happy holidays!


Kristina - December 23

Every woman's body is different, STOP thinking about pregnancy ok for a moment. Pregnancy will happen if you let it. Here is some tips: Buy Prenatal Vitamins, If you drink a lot of pop or caffeene cut down to one cup a day, when you have intercourse relax put on some soft music and light candles then lye on the bed in lingere it can help to make thinking about pregnancy less stressful. Good Luck

Also dont use any lubricant, the best option is your hubby should make you really wet or buy a sperm friendly lubricant! :)


WHAT? - January 21

why do you want to get pregnant if you are not married? Maybe that's one reason you can't....someone is looking out for you.



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