Herbal Remedies??
1 Replies
hoping2b - November 19

I posted a couple of weeks ago about unexplained infertility and my devastating disappointment about that. I have since been put onto a herbalist and I just wanted to let you know how I went with that...Well, she was great. Very upfront and to the point but I loved that. I gave her my history and the rest and she looked into my eyes and then proceeded to discuss my bowel movements...which are shocking I might say (sorry, too much info....). Anyway, she went on to talk about how close the bowel is to the uterus and that problems with the bowel means that toxins are spilling directly into the uterus and is such a common cause of problems falling pregnant. It makes sense I guess. She also talked about the blood and has since given me a range of concontions to clean my blood and lymph system as well as to get my bowel moving properly. It has only been a day but I am feeling really positive about it all and I will keep you all posted about how it all goes. At this point I am willing to give anything a try and what she offers makes sense, getting rid of the crap out that riddles our systems. Anyway, here's to good health xx


RLR - November 22

Good for you, hoping2b! I hope this route is helpful to you. Best of luck and baby dust!



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