Help me Grandpa Viv or anyone else who can...
1 Replies
Loulouse - December 26

I have so many symptoms and I am worried that something might be wrong. I have been married for a year now and I have been trying since then. I have irregular af from 31-47cd. Around the time when I am close to have af, I feel all those unexplained symptoms: pelvic pain, burning sensations like where my ovaries are, achy-stomach, af-like cramping, all kinds of twinges and one side or both. I have fequent urination, nausea (I have that throughout the whole cycle), a lot of food cravings specially sweets. I basically feel all those things like around a week before af every cycle. I have done blood test 0n cd3 and 21, vaginal ultrasound, pelvic sono and everything looks fine. I am schedule for a hsg on my next cycle. I was on cd 58, the longest I had when I went to my Gyn Dr. and she put me on provera after negative pg test to induce af. I just wanted to know if anyone haven't had any of those symptoms and how come I experience them before af? What could that possibly means? Sorry for writing so much. Thank you for all your time. Merry Chistmas to everyone!!!!!


Loulouse - December 27




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