204 Replies
Amy - July 12

Hey. How is everyone doing? Good I hope. Well, i guess the trying game and waiting game is starting to take place. lol good luck jill, keep in touch and keep us posted. ok? karen and carrie, are you two ok? been missin yuns. keep in touch cuz when i do find out i am pg i want to tell all of yall:) anyhow, best of luck jill and take care everyone and lots of (((hugs)))


Karen - July 21

Hi Carrie/Amy
How are you ladies sorry i have not been online as my pc was down and its hard at work cus ppl are watching.
I have come to work early so i can send a msg to you girls.
Hope you ok carrie you have not been on line for a while hope things are ok.
Amy nice to hear that rex and you have come to a agreement and its good that you are occupying your time in different things like decorating the house.
Im ok still getting tired and eating loads.
Anyway ladies pls stay in touch cus we need to talk to each other now and then.
Take care love and kisses


kefy - July 21

hie guys karen ive been reading y articles that sounds interesting well ive been trying and this is my 4th month offthe pill so i hop ethis will be my month of luck im so frustrated


sarah - July 21

Hi karen, Dont lose hope, same thing happened to me with my first child 11 years ag, i woke up to a period, placed a sanitory, when i went to change later little dots, unusual for me, by tea time nothing. After a couple of days still nothing so did a test -negative. BUT for some strange reason i did another test a week later POSATIVE,, so dont lose hope just yet, all the best.


Amy - July 22

Hello karen/carrie. I have been moving and working. burning up also. but, i have only 6-9 more days left for me to be able to test. hope i get a positive. wish i could talk with yall some more. missin you guys alot. anyhow, take care ladies and talk with ya later, i hope.


Jill - July 24

How is everyone? Sorry I haven't been on, my computer has been on the fritz. I could have gone to the library, but it didn't sound like fun going to the library with a 2 year old! But now mine is all better. Hope everyone is well. Amy, keep us updated!


Carrie - July 25

Hi everyone - sorry it's been so long. Things are going good here - moving right along at 15 weeks now. Amy I'm anxious to hear how this month goes. That would be absolutely great if you get a positive. Jill - what's new, anything? Have you been to the doctor lately? I sure hope everything works out for both you and Amy very soon. Take care everyone!


Jill - July 26

I haven't been to the doctor. I was excited last month because af came when it was supposed to. This month, I was a few days late, but she has come to pay her visit. I'm going to stop for a while, I'm calling my doctor so I can go back on birth control for a few months. I've had problems with depression for about 9 years, on and off. I've learned how to tell when it's coming back, so I can go back on meds for a while then wean myself off. I always do okay. Well, I know it's coming back. I saw my friend the other day in Wal-Mart. The friend that was really snotty about being pregnant, you remember? Well that was the first time I've seen her since everything happened. So when I left the store, I ran into another friend and she asked what was going on. I don't think she was expecting me to have a emotional meltdown, but that's what I did. So I'm going to go on birth control while I get this under control again, then we'll start over. I just don't want to be on any medicine when I get pregnant. And I've heard that some antidepressants can cause pre-term labor if taken in the first trimester. I'm going to keep coming on here, for the great support, and I'll let you know when we start trying again. So what's going on with you, Carrie? Anything new?


Karen - August 7

Hi Carrie and Amy

How are you both ? long time no speak. Hope you are both well as none of us have been on line for a while.
It seems as if we are just busy with our own lifes and not finding enough time to come on line and chat
Hope you two haven't forgotten me already, Amy are yor pregnant yet ???and how is your new place hope you have settled in well and things are working out for you, just like the way you want them to
Hows rex and carter doing ????????

Carrie hope you pregnancy is going on well, i guess your 18 wks now time has gone by so quick.
I had my scan and it was so lovely and emotional. I am doing well just eating loads.
Apart from that im ok, my brother is getting married beggining of sept so that should be fun. The weather here is on/off one minute there's sun the next rain.
Please ladies stay in touch as its always nice to hear from you guys lots of hugs ((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))


Amy - August 8

Hey ladies. Sorry it has been a while. Well, I did not get pregnant, but now i have this month to try. af started the 27th, which was a day early. I almost thought it was implantation bleeding due to it being very very light. But as the day progressed, it got heavier. That is ok though. We will succeed. Don't know when, but i know it will happen sometime. I should ovulate here soon though. We have already started baby dancing every other day. we started doing so, thursday night. so maybe we will hit the nail right on the head this time. lol Take care ladies and i hope everyone is doing well. Lots of (((hugs)))!!!!


Jill - August 13

Where is everyone?


amy - August 14

hey girls. i have been wondering where everyone is also. i hope we are not losing contact here:( i have to play the waiting game again. I should be able to find out on or around the 20th if hubby and i achieved pregnancy. i will let you guys know.k take care all and keep in touch please:)


Carrie - August 20

Hi everyone. Sorry I can't get on here much anymore. Work is killing me but I'm here today (on a Saturday) and it is a lot quieter so I have an opportunity to say hi and see how everyone is doing. Amy and Jill - how are things? Any new developments or dr. appts.? Karen how are you feeling? Are you about 14 or 15 weeks, huh? I'm 19 weeks so I was thinking that you are about 4 weeks behind me. What is your due date? I've been thinking of you guys and wondering how things are going with everyone. Things are good here - it's very hot and humid here in Ohio which makes it a little miserable but thank God for air conditioning! Well I hope all is well and again, sorry that my visits are so few and far between. Amy and Jill I am keeping my fingers crossed for both of you and hoping that things will work out very soon! Take care!


Amy - August 20

Hey everyone!!!! Carrie it is good to hear from ya girl. Been missin ya. Guess what? I tested last night and then again this morning and got a very faint positive!!!!!!!! we want to see if we can have a blood test done monday. If we can't then we are gonna have to wait and test again on the 24th. so, i really hope the test was not wrong. I know it was faint, but it was still positive!!!!!!! It really got me excited!!!! lol. anyhow, take care and miss everyone!!!!!!!!!!!


Sharre - September 6

If my period came on August 21 but it was light like I was spotting, then on the next day August 22 it became heavy then when would I start my first day of ovulation?


Karen - September 11

Hi Ladies,
Its so good to hear from you guys, amy all the best hope the test comes out positive and just keep trying. You are in my prayers hows the house now that you have settled in bet it looks nice. Hows the hubby and carter.
Carrie good to hear from you, take it easy a work cause you should not be stressing at this time cus you pregnant.
Im nearly 19wks i have not been to well i have SPD which is when the pelvis streches during pregnancy but mine seeemed to stretch to much and it damaged my ligaments. Been going to phsyio getting better slowly.
So have you been for all of your scans carrie are you having a boy or a girl



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