Has any one used Follistim?
215 Replies
Mari - August 17

Anna, I just got back from my re and he said I have no cysts, therefore i start follistim again today. I was a bit shocked i could have sworn i had cysts. Did you go to the dr again? Do you have to take more b/c pills?


Mari - August 17

Hey Fran, how are you feeling? any side effects? Hope everything is well.


Anna - August 18

Hey Mari, thats a gteat news! I have to go to dr on monday for u/s, hopefully they r gone. Fran how is everything with u?


fran - August 18

Hi Girls. : )
I am doing good so far...the only thing that I am feeling is sore breasts and nipples right after ovulation/IUI. I am not sure if it means PMS Aunt Flow is coming or I might be pregnant??? Well I guess I have to just wait a few more days, I go for my blood work/pregnancy test on 8/25 lets see what actually happens. I hope I get to hear some good news with you Anna & Mari, lots of luck and keep me posted. Oh...the only thing I also felt with follistim this month is my ovaries feel big and bloated.


fran - August 19

HI Anna & Mari

How are you both feeling and what part of your cycle are you both on this month?


Mari - August 20

Hi Fran, I am on my 6th day. Thankfully I didn't have any cysts on my last cycle so I started a new cycle right away. The medication makes me feel very tired and i'm also getting bad headaches, but if this is what it takes to become pg, it fine with me :-). This will be my 4th IUI and 2nd one using follistim. Is this your 1st time using follistim? Did you have O pains? Good Luck and lots of baby dust. Anna don't forget to tell us what happend with your u/s. Take care.


Mari - August 22

Hi Anna, did you see your dr today? I haven't herad from u in a while, hope all is well. I went to my re today and it looks like i will O sooner than i thought I have 5 follies on my right and 2 on my left ovary, the Re said already 1 is mature. Tomorrow I will go in for another u/s and blood and at night my hcg shot. I will probably have my iui on wedensday or thursday I will let you now tomorrow.


Mari - August 22

Oops, lol it's not herad it heard.


Anna - August 22

Hi Mari. I was away for the weekend up in mountains and my computer doesn work there. I went to dr today, he said my cycts are gone and im to start medicine on wed for 5 days and to come back for u/s next monday. I dont know why they are not monotoring me like the last month? But Im happy that i could start already. Im thinking of doing IUI this month... U have a lot follicles , thats a great news. Good luck sweety. I really hope this month will work for u. Fran: how is everything with u, do u have any symptoms, how r u feeling? Let us know.


Fran - August 23

Hi Anna & Mari

Guess what....I got my period this morning. : ( I was very upset when i got it but than I realized I have to be strong and dont give up, if you want something you have to go for it! I am going in on thursday for u/s and blood work and than starting the Follistim again if all is well. So, it seem like both you girls are on the right track and I am hoping for good news soon! I am going to do 2 more cycles of follistim and than move to IVF if doesnt work. Do you know anyone who had Ivf? Is it painful? just wondering. Well.....keep in touch.



anna - August 24

I'm sorry about ur AF. And I dont know about painfull , but i've heard it is very expensive. Does u insurance pays for it? Lets hope u dont have go that far.


Fran - August 24

Hi Anna.

Yes, my insurance pays for one cycle of IVF, and I hope so too that I dont have to get to that point.



Fran - August 24

Hi Mari,

How are you doing?



Anna - August 25

Just took my first shot!!! Yeah!! Just want to share... Thanks


Mari - August 25

Hi Anna & Fran: I'm so sorry about your AF Fran. When do you begin your next cycle? IVF can be a bit painful and like Anna said expensive my insurance doesn't cover it so hopefully IUI works for me I had my 4th IUI today, for some reason it's been the most painful, i even had some slight bleeding, that worried me but the nurse said it pretty normal. I decided to stay home and take it easy today cause I am not able to stand up straight for a long period of time. I pray this cycle is succesful. Anna what is your dosage this time? They actually lowerd my dosage for this past cycle to 100. Good luck girls!!


p - August 26




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