First time IUI success?
1524 Replies
JChristine - February 28

Cool! I'll be wishing you the best. I started using the progesterone suppositories on 3 dpiui and today I'm only 5dpiui, but I haven't had any side effects from them. Yeah, like you said, I don't think seeing it at home will soften the blow any because I would still be thinking in the back of my head, that maybe that test is wrong, so I'm just going to hold out as best I can! Keep me posted I"m praying good things for all of the ladies on this site. Infertility is a struggle that I wouldn't wish on ANYone. FX for us all!


JChristine - February 28

Cool! I'll be wishing you the best. I started using the progesterone suppositories on 3 dpiui and today I'm only 5dpiui, but I haven't had any side effects from them. Yeah, like you said, I don't think seeing it at home will soften the blow any because I would still be thinking in the back of my head, that maybe that test is wrong, so I'm just going to hold out as best I can! Keep me posted I"m praying good things for all of the ladies on this site. Infertility is a struggle that I wouldn't wish on ANYone. FX for us all!


stacy1225 - February 28

this cycle is my 4th cycle on femara. I have done 5mg all 4 times and it worked great for me. congrats on your daughter, did u get pregnant with your 1st IUI?


stacy1225 - February 28

keep me posted on how u are feeling! saying prayers as well!


JChristine - February 28

Is femara an injectable?


lfisher2 - February 28

stacy1225- IUI #1 was in February 2010 with clomid and that round failed. Then in March 2010 my RE switched me over to Femara 5mg and I had my IUI#2 on March 24... tested on April 6th and got the BFP I was waiting for! So it took me 2 IUI's before getting pregnant. My body seemed to respond well to the 5mg and it gave me 2 mature follicles. I don't understand why my body isnt responding to it now. I am hoping that upping my dosage to 7.5mg will get me at least 2 good follicles so I can proceed with IUI #3. THanks, and I will be praying for all of you as well!


lfisher2 - February 28

JChristine- No, Femara is in pill form. Another name for it is Letrozole. It is actually a drug that is used for women with breast cancer, but it has been also proven to help with infertility. It is supposed to have less side effects when compared to clomid and it isnt supposed to thin out your uterine lining as much as clomid does.


JChristine - February 28

Oh ok, thanks for the info. I took clomid this round, for my first IUI, and ended up with 2 follies, 21mm and 17mm, I wasn't sure if that was considered a success or not as far as the clomid goes and the next thing my doctor mentioned after clomid was injectibles, so it's good to know there are other options.


Wishing 4 No 2 - March 2

Hi everyone, so this is my first time posting. I have been trying to conceive for just about 15 months I recently had a normal pregnancy but my son was born prematurely and he passed away 2 weeks later. Well now after seeing my ob I was referred to a specialist in which I will be starting my IUI this cycle with injections. Tomorrow I go in for u/s and given my instructions on injecting. I'm extremely nervous but hopeful I've read throughout the forum and many of the success stories gave me more hope then what I have. Is there anything I should know that you guys can advise me. Fertility background right now that I know I'm ovulating on my own, normal periods, husbands sperm count is normal, and my only downfall is an incompetent cervix during pregnancy. Besides that the doc says IUI may work what do you think? BABY DUST TO ALL


JChristine - March 2

Hi Wishing. So sorry to hear about your loss, glad you're doing better now. This was my first cycle on IUI so I'm not sure I can be the most helpful but I have been through it. I didn't do it with injectibles only clomid and a trigger shot. I too ovulate naturally and husband's numbers were good so the doctor thought that would be good enough. From what I understand about the injectible meds it helps you to produce more than one egg which of course gives you a better chance of conceiving, but also more of a chance for multiples. Other than that I would say, the whole process went pretty quickly. THIS 2ww seems a lot harder for me than my previously cycles probably because I'm so anxious to see if it worked!! The actually insemination only took a few minutes and there were really no prescriptions afterwards. My doctor starts all of her IUI,IVF patients on progesterone suppositores which is supposed to strengthen the lining and help with implantation. Hope that helps. Good luck to you.


stacy1225 - March 5

so sorry about your loss wishing! when do u do your IUI?

how are u feeling jchristine?

i had my 7dpIUI progesterone check today. i am not on progesterone and my level was 15.6. nurse said this was great and no need to start progesterone. yay! i am going to test 12dpIUI which will be saturday! ahhhh!!! please hurry saturday! haha


JChristine - March 5

11dpiui today, Beta on Thursday, I told DH and my mom I would hold out, but honestly the closer I get the harder it gets to wait!!! My doc didn't do a progesterone check, I kind of wish she would. They just give progesterone standard, but if I didn't need it, I could have skipped this step and been looking for my period or some symptoms! With the progesterone though my period could not come and I still get a BFN even with a ton of symptoms! Still as anxious as ever! Good luck Stacy.


stacy1225 - March 6

oh i would so test today if i were u jchristine! haha

so i am 8dpIUI today and I am feeling very "period like". still feeling crampy, sore boobs on the outsides came this am, i am emotional, and tired. I am being negative today thinking it didnt work, but I know it still could be preg symptoms, its harder to think that knowing I have never gotten a BFP in almost 5 years of ttc. I need some positive vibes!


Wishing 4 No 2 - March 6

Thanks for the advice Jchristine

and Stacy 1225 as for my IUI im assuming this weekend or early next week I've been giving myself injections and tomorrow i have the u/s and blood work to see how the follicles are with the injections...when I went saturday for Day 3 u/s and bloodwork I had 10 follicles on each side and blood work was good so until tomorrow I wont have an update...I just pray this could work because being told I have unexplained fertility issues can be aggravating when you know you've had a baby once and now its giving problems.


JChristine - March 6

Stacy1225, don't say that!!!! LOL. I know, I know. 12 dpiui today and I'm just soooooooo scared it'll be negative!!!! And then I'll be telling myself that the blood work is going to say something different, giving myself this false hope. Or it'll be positive and I won't believe that either and just be waiting for the blood test to kill my dreams!!!! ARghhhhh!! It's so hard, the only symptom I have is sore boobs, which always happen before AF shows her ugly head. I am so sad right now and I don't even have an answer! And I'm right there with you, 5 years in and NEVER seen a positive test. I know I need to shake this funk and keep thinking positive, but it's just so discouraging, this whole process is just so difficult, people have no idea, I am so super thankful for these sites!


JChristine - March 6

And by the way, you're 8dpiui, so you know it's wayyyyy to early for AF to show her ugly face, so maybe that's a good sign?? Let's just say yes, and run with it, we need some positive going on!!!



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