First time IUI success?
1524 Replies
alrndn - April 2

mssy419- i will keep my fingers crossed for you.


alrndn - April 3

adopted- you are in my prayers. i hope everything goes well with your u/s. then hopefully that will take away some of your stress so you can enjoy your pregnacy.


AdoptedByLight - April 3

Thank you so much alrndn! And thanks for the congrats waitstoolong :-) I just hope I'm still preggo come Monday :-/


alrndn - April 3

so today was the day i had to give myself my first shot. i spent 15mins. crying before i actually did it. it didn't really hurt, but it was tough to get done. my first iui is on monday. i've got 2 mature follicles. hope it works. :)


AdoptedByLight - April 6

Hey everyone! Just wanted to update you all and tell you that my numbers went up again! Yay! They were suppose to be 342 and they were 338. The nurse said that the four points was nothing to be worried about and that everything is going great. She said that we are beating all the odds, but it's PRAYER and God that's really doing the work :-) We have an ultrasound scheduled for April 19 (it was originally the 16, but she said you may not be able to hear heartbeat then and I told her I could not handle there's a 99% chance of hearing hb 3 days later). She said with my numbers looking as good as they do, we should have no problem seeing both baby and heartbeat. Please say a prayer for me over the next couple of weeks. I am relieved, but still not outta the woods. Still throwing babydust your way and hoping you all get your BFP!!!! Thanks for the support everyone <3 <3 <3


Patty49 - April 6

Adopted: Just wanted to send my congratulations your way!!! Can't wait to hear more about when you hear the heartbeat in couple of weeks!!!


waitistoolong - April 6

Hey adopted Congratulations!!!! I was checking on ur soooo happy for keep us posted.... I would love to hear what u r having....good luck n best wishes!!!!!


AdoptedByLight - April 7

Thanks guys! I have been praying for all of you every night! I will keep you updated and please do the same for me!!! I wanna hear how your cycles are going!


lfisher2 - April 7

Hello all! Well I finally got the BFP that I have been waiting for!!!! My second IUI worked! I went in for a blood test this morning and things looked great! I go back on Thurs. just to make sure my numbers are still looking good. I am in complete shock right now.. and still a little nervous, but I have a good feeling about this. Goodluck to everyone, remember not to give up!


Patty49 - April 7

Hi lfisher! Congratulations on your BFP! I'll keep you in my prayers that you have a healthy pregancy and a smooth delivery.

New with me. Did the HSG on Monday and we are all clear. Finished my last day of clomid yesterday and starting estradiol tonight. I have my US on Mondy the 12th to see if I have any follies and hope to get the HCG shot that day and my 2nd IUI next week as well. I also bought some preseed and will make sure I do as much as possible to get that BFP this time around.....I did talk to my doc and we are going to test my progesterone a week after the IUI to see if I ovulated and whether I need a hormone replacement or not. Keeping my fingers crossed for me and all of you!! Sending baby dust to all!!!! Have great week.


CAI - April 7

Good afternoon ladies.

Just letting you know that I was in fact BFP. My doc had told me to test 14dpiui and I did and got the BFN. After no AF, I called my doc and she asked me to retest and I got the positive result. To those in the 2ww, hang in there; the those who got BFP (lfisher2) congrats. To all stay positive.


Patty49 - April 8

Congratulations CAI!!!! I'm so happy for you.


SJP - April 8

Congrats for all the BFP! I'm so excited for you. To all still working on it good luck and stay positive. I had another doctors app. yesterday it went well. I will be 15 weeks on Saturday. I'm happy we will hopefully get to find out what we are having on May 3rd. The specialist we went and seen told us probably 16-18 weeks we could find out but then my regular doctor said 20 weeks, when we went yesterday there was a fill in doc and he said 22 weeks, I was kind of mad so then he said he didn't care and scheduled it for 18 weeks I can't wait! Things with me are going good so far no major problems. I did find out that I'm rh negative so I will have to have a special shot at 28 weeks but no big deal. Hope everyone else is doing well. Talk to you all soon.


lfisher2 - April 9

CAI- Congrats! I guess it turns out that this really was our month! :) I had bloodwork on Tues and my levels were 99 and then I had more bloodwork on Thurs and my levels were 250. Things are looking good so far, so fingers crossed it will continue to go smoothly!


mtl24 - April 9

Hi ladies, I am also having problems conceiving.. have been trying for 4 months now and will be having an appointment with the doctor soon. She did mention something about clomid.. so we will see. I just wanted to ask you ladies, if you could recommend an ovulation tool kit.. I'm using these test strips and I swear I can never read these lines.. They seems to have always been negative for me, I don't ever see 2 dark lines.. It's so sad to don't know when you're ovulating :( :( :( Please help.. thanks.


YellowMutt - April 9

CAI: That is incredible!!!! I am so happy for you! I hope so much that you have a happy, healthy pregnancy! My two week wait is up on monday. and I am terrified to I'm just gonna wait this time and see if AF shows up, which last time, happened on the afternoon of 14dpiui, so we'll see what happens!! Here's hopin' the evil which doesn't show her face on Monday!!



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