Feb/March IVFers part 3 (contd.)
219 Replies
Mega - February 20

Robyn--Hugs. I'm glad you're home, resting & that part is over. I think to an extent it helps knowing the sex. I would've done the same thing. I'm also glad the staff gave you some extra-TLC, you needed that. Just heal at your own pace. Love you girl. Thanks for the update. Isa--Oh I'm so sorry they postponed your IVF this cycle. Are you continuing with accup? That's helped lower your FSH before. You've got a lot of stress though & the stress link makes sense. Are you using your meditation tapes? I'm sorry your hands are still bothering you. You're in my thoughts too! We miss you, but the important thing is you rest your hands/wrists, don't strain them more. I'm good. Thanks for asking! JB--DEAL!!!! :) Aw, let's all take a vacation!!! Somewhere warm & tropical. JODY--I don't want to give you false hope b/c symptoms vary greatly person to person, pg to pg but hot flashes are a sign of pg for me. I've blamed the prog. twice but both times it was related to being pg NOT the progesterone. But yes, under the mindf***K category, it can be prog. related too. But here's hoping!!! I do sadistic things like that to myself all the time. LOL!


GoGo Trigger - February 20

Lol, thanks Mega! I hope you are right. I just am wrapping up my first day back on campus (I teach tomorrow) and I think I'm going to actually end up going in later so I'll have the stamina to get through the class I teach from 4:45 to 6:45 p.m. I'm not exactly ready to fall over, but I'm pretty pooped. I've had really bad hot flashes all afternoon but feel better if I put the air on. My face is flushed too. And I am in pretty good physical shape--I know I am--but I climbed 3 flights of stairs and it was like pulling teeth. Headachy sensation returned as well. Being in a pool and being weightless sounds really good to me! Day 2 of poo bars working well. I have vowed not to break down and test, but it's getting harder. I hope to wait at least until Friday. I tell myself that the rest of the week will go so fast because tomorrow will speed by with class and all. I think I'm going to make a yummy Trader Joe's flatbread pizza for dinner tonight. :D


Mega - February 20

Jody--With peperoni? Testing the heartburn thing?! :) Flatbread pizza does sound yummy though. Yes, if you have to give in to the testing urge, definitely hold off til Friday if you can. Glad your poo bars are working. I may I have to invest in those myself. LOL! Just think if the beta's + (fingers' crossed!) you'll have 9 mos. of poo bars.


Tink - February 20

hey guys. Robyn- so glad your day went okay, the breakdowns are to be expected and i am sure a part of the process. i would have asked the sex too, i think it gives more closure. i really hope you rest up and i am so glad to hear they treated you well, you deserve it. you and your whole family were in my thoughts and prayers and still are. Cmel- sorry to hear about the job change, that really sucks with a new commute. well my transfer went well. i've been switching between the couch and bed all day. we got home about 2pm. the transfer was quick, DH got to be there. he said it was just like watching an IUI, excpet in scrubs. they transferred 2 blastocysts of great quality. i got the pic- you can see the baby part, the placenta and outer shell- that is the cool thing about seeing the blast and how developed they are. i am really happy we made it to day 5 wiht 2 blasts, i was scared we wouldn't. i didn't get the report on the others- the embryologist is hard to understand with a thick accent! lol- but i think he said there are more blasts out of the remaining 6. they will continue to let them grow until tomorrow (day 6) and then see if any are good enough to freeze. the RE did the procedure and said we have a really good chance. i have had some light cramping and lower back pain, but nothing else so far. DH is waiting on me. which if you knew my tough guy DH and independent me, you would find this very funny. i am continuing to do bedrest tomorrow too. they made me lay on the table for an hour after (in recovery). so i am excited, but nervous. we test next thursday, march 1st. i will probably test maybe a day or 2 before, or maybe not at all. i plan to work from home the day of the test/call, so i can be alone either way. are you guys working the day of your beta? what's your plan? ISA- so sorry about your cancelled IVF. i hope you get to start your cycle soon. Mega- how are you holding up? JB- when is your test again? good for you for not testing yet! and still LOL at Jody's go go poo bars! i really need to get some this week. i am crossing my fingers that some of your s/e are the real thing Jody! well back to bedrest.


GoGo Trigger - February 21

Robyn--I was so relieved to hear that you came through the procedure safety today and that you are facing it, working through it. You are so strong! Enjoy Disney, you and your family deserve everything good in life--including a vacation!! Mickey works wonders :) Michelle--Great to hear that your transfer went so well. Two blasts! I'm jealous :D Take care over the next few days! Sounds like DH Is a champ (as are you!). I found that things really started to pick up two days after the transfer in terms of back pain, etc. But you're farther along than I was too in having the blasts transferred. Those guys should be burrowing in anytime now! I have another lovely development. When I burp, stuff I've eaten comes back up into the back of my throat...ewwwwww. Acidy and disgusting. But no stomach sickness. I can deal with anything but that. Tonight was better in terms of hot/cold flashes; feel headachy and out of it. I fell asleep for seconds behind the wheel on the way home since traffic was moving so slow...not good! But I woke up when I got home and found out the dogs had puked all over the floor, and DH is working super late every night this week. Again, ewwww.....


baby1234 - February 21

Tink, I just wanted to pop in and say congrats on the transfer! Hope you're doing well! ISA--sorry about the cancelled cycle. I swear that accupuncture helped decrease my fsh to below 10 from 13. I totally believe in it! CMEL--sorry about the job. That totally sucks. GOGO--everything sounds positive so far! JB--twinges are a good thing I would think. I had them last time I cycled! And the fight with dh was probably just those preg. hormones rearing their heads! lol MEGA--so do you follow the shopping=stress relief idea? I personally think that is brilliant! Have you bought anything for the baby yet? ROBYN--I am glad that the staff was so sensitive and caring today. I am sure that made a world of difference. I would have also asked about the sex of the baby too. I might also go as far as naming her so as a way of helping with closure. I hope now you can begin healing and mourning your loss. Your breakdowns are healthy and needed. I heard this saying on tv and love it. "My tears don't compromise my strength. They never have." So, because you need to cry, remember that doesn't mean you aren't strong. You are. You have to be to go through all that you have! Take care of yourself, your dh and son. Hugs. Stacie


baby1234 - February 21

As for me, I am still laying around doing nothing. Dh is taking good care of me. I get the occasional twinge, but it goes away if I change positions. I wish there was a uterus cam so I can see what is going on in there! My imagination is going wild. I picture parties and slam dancing happening while they are waiting to implant. Dh always writes a saying on my belly and talks to it each morning and night. Last time the saying was "stick, babies, stick!" but we changed it to "grow, babies, grow!" with 4 little hearts. He wrote it in permanent marker yesterday and I just about had a heart attack this morning when I went to pee. The dark color of the ink shocked me! I am getting used to it now and have been known to stare at my little saying while talking to the embies. How corny is that? Anyway, hope you all are doing well. I'll check in tomorrow. Take care. Stacie


KBinParis - February 21

Robyn, hang in there sweety, you're doing really well. I'm so glad you had such good care for the procedure. I'm feeling crampy and out of sorts today. I'm stressed I guess. I hate not working, I feel like I have no purpose in life right now. On top of this, we are trying to decide whether we stay in this apartment or move. If we move, do we buy or rent. Will it be a house or an apartmnet, in the city or in the suburbs. We don't even know whether we will be in Paris 6 months from now or will have moved to Switzerland! We're also deciding on a new car to buy, a stationwagon or a 4x4. They're introducing emissions taxes in Europs so that makes a 4x4 really impractical but neither of us is a stationwagon-type person and I feel bad that DP has gone from dreaming about this high flying sports car that he wanted to having to settle for a kiddie mobile. Forgive me for venting but my whole life feels so uncertain and transient right now, its making me depressed. Add the hormones to this mix, and boom! You get how I feel right now. Aaargh! And I know the stress is not doing my baby ay good as I'm feeling these tiny achy cramps. Poor kid!


GoGo Trigger - February 21

Hi guys! I have some NEWS...I was bad, bad, bad and tested this morning with First Response Early Result. I told myself to expect a negative result and all that, especially since my Beta's not until Saturday. Well, I got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!! The seond line is most definitely there. It looks like the 10 d.p.o. test on some stick pictures that were put up at twoweekwait.com (http://www.twoweekwait.com/peesticks/display
OR just google "positive first response early result". So I'm now completely out of credibility by telling anyone else that they're testing too early. :D I never, ever tested positive with an HPT before even when I got my blood HCG of 30, and it was decreasing. I'm going to keep taking them every morning until Saturday to see if they darken. Tonight, however, I have to teach. I'm going to try to meet DH for lunch and tell him then :D


JB0405 - February 21

TINK- I test on 2/26. I felt slight AF effects last night BUT feel nothing today! I am nervous, anxious, scared,
etc. JODY-did I read correctly, falling asleep behind the wheel? I ought to come out there, I think you need
more than a time out! LOL!!! I'm glad youmade it home ok. By the way, the stuff that comes back up after
your burp sounds like acid refluxx, fun, huh?! STACIE- that saying you got from TV sounds very familiar to
me, I have heard it. Who said that? Do you remember? I was cracking up when I read about when you went
to pee and saw the marker still there, LMAO!!! KB- please take it easy! I know things are up in the air right
now BUT you guys will have to cross that bridge when you get to it. You couldbe stressing over nothing right
now. PLEASE calm down and wait to find out if you're going to Switzerland or not! The car thing is NOT a
big deal. Wait till the baby gets a little older and you can drive the family vehicle, which by the way does NOT
have to be a station wagon, and DP can still get his dream car. You guys will be fine! Think about a subaru as
a family car, I like those! I hope I have helped you somewhat! JODY-WHAT!!!! STFU!!!! WAY TO GO!!!
CONGRATS!!! You are such a cheater, LOL!!! I have been itching to do one and I have 1 test in my drawer at
home that I swear calls my name all the time, LMAO!!! I just don't hink I can do it for a MAJOR fear of
disappointment. You're gonna tell DH at lunch, he's going to flip out!!! Please let us know how that goes!!


Tink - February 21

well bad news. got the call on day 6 frmo the lab, none worth freezing. of course if we had done a three day or something we might have had some to freeze, but our lab is really picky and only freezes top quality embies. we transferred to the 2 blasts and the others just didn't make it to look great enough to freeze. so i am really really upset about this. i know for a lot of you, you have IVF covered by ins and it can be a testing round for your first time.....but not for me. i can't go back again or a third time. this is it. those of you with coverage, i am so jealous and envious. you are truly blessed. i wish i had coverage. this is my one and only shot. if this doesn't work, i don't know what we will do and i don't want to be childless. we can't afford a second try. i was counting on having some frozen at least for a FET. so i am in tears right now. this really sucks.


JB0405 - February 21

TINK- I am sorry honey BUT please don't lose hope. Have you asked your fertility center/RE about grant
programs? It is based on your income most times, but you will be responsible for only a fraction of the cost,
then based on that the center/RE can work out payments for your portion. Please don't give up. I have major
hugs for you!!


ROBYN - February 21

Morning girls, JODY did i read correctly you saw the BFP thats so wonderful i did mine then it was a positive so sounds like we got our first BFP coming and i am sure many more in the next few days. CONGRATS. How are the rest of you doing. KB - you have some big decisions to make if you are planning to possibly move to Switzerland than renting right now would make more sense. JANAE - how are you feeling? MICHELLE - i read you had nothing to freeze how many did you transfer? We have 4 frozen right now that will be our next cycle. When they were frozen they were 8 cell stage 1 so i hope they remain in good condition for thawing when our time comes. I think we are going to transfer 3 this time even though 2 was what we did and obviously it worked. I had a bad night last night Jason finally insisted that i take something to go to sleep i was bawling my eyes out. Today i am still crampy but not drastically bad. So i am lying on the couch and Jason is cooking my breakfast. I cant wait to get back in the swing of things again and start my next cycle. I know my body needs this month to try and get back to normal. Anyway i will try and check back later.


ROBYN - February 21

Michelle - i read you transferred 2. On a 2 day transfer. None my IVF is covered at all by any insurance. We paid a fortune this past 9 months in total it was 44 thousand we were fortunate enough that we were able to do that but also half of that went to a Shared Risk program thats why i still have 5 more attempts. Depending on your clinic and success rate Integramed does Shared Risk with certain clinics as long as you are not 38 yet and meet their qualifications you can get more IVF attempts. Do you even know if you arent pregnant yet? Or are you assuming that you arent I am sorry i havent really been reading these posts the past week so i am out of the loop on a lot of things.


Tink - February 21

Robyn- i transferred 2 on a 5 day- both were blastocysts of great quality. the remaining 6 were already morulas (10-30 cells), but they won't freeze anything less than a blast on day 6. i am feeling a little better. my parents say they will find a way to help us and ask grandpa for more money if they need to. i do have 2K left from this cycle we didn't spend since we didn't need ICSI or freezing. unfortunately, we make too much money to qualify for any grants. but while we make good money, it would still take a while to save up. Jody- super excited about your early BFP. so how many days post ER should it be okay to test? my ER was 2/16 and then 5 day tx on 2/20. i have beta next thursday, march 1st, but might be tempted to test a few days before. Robyn thanks for the words of encouragement, you too JB. i hope you are feeling better today Robyn, sounds like you have a super DH.


Tink - February 21

oh and our clinic does not believe in shared risk and neither does my hubby. he doesn't like the idea of paying out all that money and having it work on the first try and being screwed by having to have paid more than we would have for one try. he just didn't like the idea. it wasn't offered to us anyways unfortunately.



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