6 Replies
mommyofboys - February 22

Does anybody know if it is possible to get eggwhite mucus and not ovulate (or get a + OPK)?


hope-31 - February 22

hi, i am cd 8 and i am getting ewcm,not a ton but a good amount. i am always a 28 or 29 day cycle and quite frankly not really sure when i ovulate. i have been ttc since i m/c in april. i only started ttc since last january wheni stopped bcp. i conceived in march but since i had just stopped the pill i knew ovulation may be off and apparently it was when i conceived since i had af on feb 9th and then on march 6 but then had ib on the 16th of march and af cramps.i got married the 17th of march and chocked it up to nerves. didnt know i was pregnant til the next week when the ib was always after sex and called doc and she said to test. i m/c 2weeks later and no luck ever since. i use opk's and seem to detect an lh surge around the 13th-16th but this month although i have not gotten a lh surge i am getting the ewcm and ovulation pain,or maybe its something else. i know you can ovulate and not get af and also get af and not ovulate so who knows. i am getting it and may not be that close to ovulating either. where are you in your cycle? share somethings about yourself,if you want to of course.


mommyofboys - February 23

Hmmm that is interesting that you already seem fertile and you still are getting a - test on day 8. It is possible that you could ovulate soon. I am CD 15. The past 4 months I have been on an 32 day cycle. The OPKs seems to point to day CD 15/16 as when I ovulate. The lines are both weak...usually the control is pretty dark. I am not sure what that means, maybe nothing. I did get some ovary pains today so maybe it will start surging tomorrow. Which puts me o'ing on day 17/18. My EWCM usually only lasts a day or two...maybe cause I am 35. I have a friend who stills has 3-5 days of it. I am on Clomid maybe it has thrown things off. I do have breast pain...however it is probably related to working out and not pregnancy.


hope-31 - February 23

i guess only time will tell. lets keep each other up to date.


mommyofboys - February 25

Hey Hope! So I finally got a positive test on CD 17 (yesterday) so that means I probably am o'ing today. LAst month I O'd on CD16, I wonder if Clomid is the cultprit. How are you doing? Where do you think you are in the cycle?


hope-31 - February 26

i am cd 11 and if i go by the fact that i noticed ewcm on cd8 and 9 and that i had a positive opk on cd9 and a few twinges in the ovary area i am gonna assume i ovulated cd 10,which was sunday. i did an opk tonite and there was a definite line but obviously the surge is on its way out. unless this was a flukey thing and it has not happend. i temped last cycle but what a pain in the ass. as much as i want a baby i dont think i am ready for the bbt crap yet,lol.i bd'd on cd4,cd9 and cd10. gonna skip cd 11which was today and then bd cd 12 ,14,16 and 18. i did 3 rounds of clomid 50mg cd3-7 in oct,nov and dec and i had longer cycles and had to take progesterone after the 1st round to get af. i see a specialist march 3rd and my gyno was just being pro-active and tried the low dose clomid to see if anything would happen. all i noticed was i was more moody and sensitive and the pms signs were more than usual like bfp signs so every month i was thinking i waspregnant. i guess if i did o early then af will be early,right?


hope-31 - February 26

i meant that there was a def. line but still a lot lighter.



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