dont know whats going on.. need advice plz
21 Replies
babyforcole - August 20

sore breast??? hmmmm.. How many days past o are you today?


becy22 - August 21

my af is due on sunday lastest for im around 28 - 30 days so im about 7/8dpo


babyforcole - August 21

Her Bec. I was having cramps on Wed which was..........6dpo and then I was having some last night at 10dpo.


becy22 - August 21

cole- do u think u could be prego? good luck, keep me posted..


babyforcole - August 21

I do but then I don't because I don't have any symptoms. No sore breast. No nausea, nothing. I am tired but I'm around 8 kids all day so, that could be nothing. My temps are 98.0 and they higher during the day but I have a cold so again I dunno. I'm trying not to read to much into signs bec I used to do it everymonth and then along came af and I'd be depressed.


becy22 - August 21

Yeh I know its hard to say if have symptoms pretty much all the symptoms that u have can be from af coming!. I got really sore breasts. But today I didn’t have any af pains so I dunno what that’s about. Guess we will find out in a couple of days I’m really excited. I guess if its not this month its’s next month hey….means more baby making time hahah. I will give it three months or so and then I will probably go insane hhahhaah when is ur af due



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