Did I ovulate?....Am i pregnant?
8 Replies
GK - February 28

I am trying to track my ovulation (used First response OPK) My last period started on Feb8 (cycle ~27 days). I started tracking my ovulation from Feb20 till Feb26 ---but got nothing positive. Do you think I started testing a little late. I and my hubby had sex on 12thFeb and 16th Feb. Since yesterday, I am feeling mild cramping / backache. Do you think I am pregnant or these are just pre menstrual pains? (My next period is due march6)


sarah35 - February 28

cd13 (feb21) would have been my calculations of when you ovulated (Feb 8th being CD1) on a "normal" cycle. I know sperm can live for quite a few days.... i dont know about 5 days. And since you missed the window of time to test, its hard to say you even ovulated. Next month (if your not++) start testing on CD10. I too have an early O (on clomid) and i would start testing by CD10....GL 2 U!!!


Clomid question - February 28

Sarah35 how long is your usual cycle. On what day did you O with clomid?


sarah35 - February 28

"clomid" my normal cycle without meds was anywhere from 30-35 days, with a mostly annovulatory cycle. With clomid days(ttc#3) 2-6 i O'd about CD13(28day cycles). When i took it with #1 i took it cd5-9 and i o'd cd16.(30 day cyles). Hope this helps:-) GL 2 U!!!


mommyofboys - February 28

sarah 35 - I O'd on day 18 when took my clomid on days 3-7, I wonder if I should take them early to O sooner. GK - If you have a 27 day cycle without meds I believe you should start testing CD 10. You could have missed it easily...you may be pregnant. Lets say you would have gotten a positive test on day 10, you would have ovulated on CD 11 or 12. I am on clomid and I am told to start testing 3-5 days after my last pill with OPKs . Once you take your last clomid pill you could ovulate 5-10 days later.


janet86 - February 28

hi girls..well i got af on the 24th of december Od on cd 20,on clomid 100mg cd 2-6 in Jan af showed up on the 29th and Od on day 21clomid 150mg cd 3-7..i have very irregular cycles, but this month i got it on its own w/o provera...so i was so happy.. nd so i did O this month but NOT last montn (dec)....i took hpt and BFN...my dr told me that if i didnt get af by the 15th of march to give her a call nd shell rx provera..again...i have one for refil left of provera should i take it before..i just dont want my cycles to get to seperated..since they are o close to each other these past months!?!?
wat do u girls think>!>! id appreciate ur thoughts?!?!thanks alot BAbY dUsT to aLL!!!!


janet86 - February 28

o forgot to mention...do yall know of any reason why i O so late in my cycle...i see that all of you O on cds 11-12,...etc..
i dont know why i take soo long ...hope to hear from yall


GK - February 28

ooooops!!! With this preggo think going on in my head, i dont know what am I writing. I did not have sex on 12th a nd 16th of feb but 12 th and 16th days of my cycle. I normally have 27 days cycle. Today, I was so tired the whole day. I dont want to get my hopes high, but can't really help it.
Sarah35, what is clomid? Sorry, i am not much conversant with all preggo related terms.
Mommyof boys, thanks for your reply.


mommyofboys - February 29

GK - clomid is a fertility drug. Its main function is to help a women ovulate. It is also you for women who have unexplained reasons for infertility. I hope I was clear earlier about testing with OPKs (not PG tests). I started my period on Feb8 too, but because I just ovulated on Monday I am not going to test until next wednesday. You probably O'd prior to to Feb 20. Let's 19th...you could do a PG test tomorrow (2/29) even though it may be a little early (sometimes you can get a + PG tests by now) or at least wait until Sunday-Wednesday. GL - let us know if you pregnant...cramping without you period is always a good sign. :)



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