DH has varicocele, I have high prolactin. Any chances??
3 Replies
impatientlywaiting - February 23

My DH had a sperm count of 3 mil/ml. Then, he was diagnosed with varicocele (enlarged veins in the testicles). We are going to do another semen analysis soon to see if wearing looser underwear, taking vitamins, etc. has helped increase the sperm count. If not, we will think about surgery. First question, has anyone had this surgery and any success? I was told it would take a year to conceive after the surgery. Meanwhile, I have been diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia, high prolactin levels. I did have a MRI to check for pituatary tumor and was all clear. The doc said I was probably not ovulating due to this. However, I looked up symptoms of this and I am having no breast discharge, no irregular periods. My periods are very regular, heavy, and painful. So my next question is could prolactin levels change greatly by day and could it be possible that I was just really stressed the day I had the blood work??? My DH and I have been trying to conceive for a very long time now and with all these problems, I'm wondering if it is even possible! If anyone could give me any advice or can relate, it would be so appreciated.


Blakey - February 24

Hi impatientlywaiting~
My DH also has vericocele. We found this out almost 2 years ago, and were shocked! We were wondering why we weren't getting pregnant, but the thing is, we went to meet with an RE (reproductive endocrinolgist) and after having the test done, it showed my husbands sperm, fell into noraml ranges. He had knee surgery just beofre ourr first IUI attemt- and when i went to have the insemination, found out his count had dropped dramatically- I (we) were shocked! We found out it could of been from meds he was on, during the recover period, medications can lower counts. After meeting with a Urologist, he did talk about surgery, but after great discussion, we opted against it. For us, they couldn't guareentee that the surgery was going to help. The Urologist didn't sell us on having the surgery, and we thought, that is an exspesive thing to do, and yes, we heard the reocover would be close to 6 weeks, and then we would have to wiat about 6 months so the sperm could build back up again. We are older, so it wasn't worth it to us, especially where they couldn't guareentee anything. So our course of treatment has been IVF with ICSI. I did get pregnant last Feb. but had a missed m/c at 12 weeks. We just started our new cycle this week, and are praying we will have a success story soon, with a healthy pregnancy. All the best to you hon. If you feel confident after talking with the Dr that the surgery will help you DH, then do it. For us, it just wasn't positive enough for us, to take the chance. I have heard from others, who have this same IF issue, that their husbands have hd the surgery, and their was an improvement, but others have said their wasn't much of an improvement. Maybe get a 2nd opinion. All the best..and hope this will bring you another step closer into your journey! Keep beleiving, and don't give up on your dreams! Follow your heart, and everything will fall into place! :O) Hugs!


impatientlywaiting - February 24

Thanks for your words of encouragement and advice! This has just been such a stressful journey that I never expected would happen to me. My DH and I have been married for almost 6 years now and have used no form of birth control at all. In the beginning, we were thinking 'if it happens, it happens'. now after all these years with no surprises, we've started to really try and get everything checked out. The doc says that when both partners have infertility issues, the chances grow very slim. I refuse to listen to this and am going to try to stay positive. I am so sorry to hear about your m/c. I could not imagine how that would feel especially after trying so hard for so long. Best wishes to you and I'm hoping to hear that you have a BFP soon with a very healthy pregnancy. Maybe I will be right behind you with a miracle!


Blakey - February 24

Thank you for your kind words, and good wishes impatientlywaiting! I can empathize with you, I think just about anyone who is struggling with IF can relate to how you feel. It is very tough. My DH and I have been ttc for quite a while. We have been married for 12+ years, and wanted each other for the first few yrs. (we had a long distance relatioship) so when we were finally together, we wanted to enjoy ourseves, and being newly married. When we started to try, I was 37- and nothin was happening. That's when my PCP referred me to my fertility clinic. I have been with them for 3+ years. We had all the test done, and i found out before doing any IUI"S (we did 4 before moving to IVF/ICSI) I have bilateral endomertiomas (cysts caused by endometreosis) I had to have surgery to remove them. They were removed, and then we tried a few months on our own, nothing. That's when we went directly to my RE. I did 4 rounds of IUI, and this is IVF/ICSI #4, (well, techinally it's #3 because my 2nd cycle ws cancelled)- We are praying, and staying hopeful. Have you thought about doing IVF/ICSI? that is usually advised for male factor. We have Ins. but it doesn't cover The treatments, so that's been tough paying out of pocket. Some of the meds are covered, but they are still very costly. Thinking positive for you!! Have you thought about going to a specialist? hang in there!!! I hope to hear some good news from you soon!!!



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