160 Replies
Ann1 - June 6

Cheri didn't say anything about needing help, but I didn't give her any info except my birth date. Unfortunately, there is nothing they can do about rising fsh levels. Once you get a bad one, you are stuck with it and it only gets worse. I am 37. I wonder, too, what happened to the others. Okiejpb should have her ivf results back, too. Where are you guys?? Any BFPs?


Jaqi - June 10

Hey Ann, well I guess we lost everyone else on this forum. I hope all are well. How are you doing? Yeah, I figured since I wrote that I've been trying for a while, then that's why she wrote I will need help. I'm supposed to get AF next week. I already feel it coming. Sucks but oh well, what can I do. I know I'm going to have to do IVF. I just hope it takes on the first try. I can't afford to do it over and over again. I'm not feeling well today, so I might seem a little bitchy...sorry. Hope you have a good weekend.


Ann1 - June 14

Hey Jaqi. Did af ever show? That is strange that everyone dropped off. Hopefully, they will at least post if they get a BFP at some point. Have you ever heard of the Shared Risk Program for ivf? Another person I talk to said she was filling out the forms for it. I assume it is for women that don't have insurance coverage. Hope you are feeling better!


Carrie31 - June 14

Hi ladies..I have been off for sometime but finally have some time so I thought I would check in. DH and I did IVF at the end of April., early May we found out we were pg and most recently found out we are having twins. Doing IVF was a difficult decision because like many of you we don't insurance to cover it. we were lucky enough that ours took on the first try and we had 3 embryos that could be frozen. Although I am happy and excited I am a bit overwhelmed. I also must say that I love my RE..she has been wonderful, supportive, and accomidating. Her name is Karen Lee and she is at Presby in Dallas. IVF went pretty smoothly and the shots were'nt bad at all.and that is coming from a person that can cry when someone flicks them to hard. The progestrone shots didn't hurt but they gave me alot of tips to avoid pain. If anyone is going through this and has questions let me know..I'd be glad to help. Hang in there ladies..your time will come


Ann1 - June 14

Carrie, that is absolutely great!!! Congrats! I would love to have twins, since I will probably only have one shot. I plan to do ivf in September. Would you please share your tips on the shots?


Carrie31 - June 14

Ann- I did a few rounds of follistim and IUI before going to IVF. I used follistim in my ivf treatment. The Lupron and Follistim shots were no problem. The needle is really small and honestly it never hurt me. My RE suggested I do the Lupron in the leg because there is a time that you are taking both shots at the same time. I thought the leg was easy too. The biggest tip I can give you is to alternate spots and points of injection. With the progestrone shots. DH did those for me. One needle is really long (don't look at it) but it is only used to get the oil out and into the needle. Then you switch to a little smaller needle (not as small as the other shots though) Warm up the oil first, it helps with getting it into the needle and then into your hip. The best advice I got was to use an ice pack. While DH was preparing the needle, I took a gel ice pack and put it on my hip area. I laid it straight on the skin, no towel or anything. It is uncomfortable but works. I kept it on there until DH was ready. It totally numbed it. The first time DH did it I was crying because I was so scared and started yelling because I felt he was taking to long and he told me the needle was already in..I didn't feel a thing!!! Thank God! When the needle comes out have DH take a minute or so and massage the area, that loosens the oil up and hopefully will keep you from getting to terribly sore. Any other questions please let me know.. Good luck!


Ann1 - June 14

Carrie, thanks for the info. I will reread it in September before I go through the process. I have done 2 rounds of injectibles, so I am familiar with the tummy shots. However, the PIO shot terrifies me to death!! I am a needle phobic anyway (I even had a nightmare last night about giving blood) and my dh is a needle phobic as well. How long did you leave the ice on? Did you lay down flat?


Jaqi - June 15

Hey guys...yeah AF showed yesterday. I figured that bitch would...lol I'm a little bit sad because I had that lil bit of hope. I am going to the dr again tomorrow and will try again. I know it will have to be IVF that does it, I hope. Ann, I've heard of the shared risk deal. It's like $18,000 though I think it what I read. Girl, I don't have $4!! lol Carrie, congrats chica!!!!!! Have a great 9mos!!!!! Any other info for us???? Ann, I'm struggling a little bit mentally, but I will be ok. I'm trying to keep the faith, but it sure is hard. I'm doing my best though!!!!


Ann1 - June 15

Jaqi, I am sorry that af showed for you. At least you had prepared yourself a little for the let down. The first couple days are always so depressing. I hope you can keep your mind off things and get prepared for next month. Did you talk to your dr about having a lap that would not be coded as "infertility?" I am having surgery next week for firboids, and the RE said it is not considered an infertility procedure. I hope you feel better soon, and if you need to vent, feel free!!


Jaqi - June 19

Hey Ann, yeah I talked to the dr about not coding it with infertility and he said they will see what they can do. The other dr said they tried and don't have any codes that they can use to pay for the first sx. Harris SW wants me to pay them $3500 asap! Uhhhh nope, don't have it! lol They will just have to wait or take what I can send them each month. I just hope Dr. Haas can code it w/o using infertility, since he is a dr for infertility. We shall see I guess! When is your sx? Good luck!!!!!


Ann1 - June 20

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things have been hectic. I got up Saturday morning and took a hpt, since af hadn't arrived--BFN of course. I was extra bummed, because since af didn't arrive by 6/17, I could have done ivf this cycle if not for the surgery on Thursday. Af arrived on Saturday, or so I thought. It totally went away after just a small amount of bleeding, so I didn't start w/the BCPs (waiting for full flow). Sunday still no af and I didn't have any hpts. I have read about people getting a surge with an opk, so I took one of those Sunday night. I got a surge. I sent my dh to the store and half time on the Mavs game for some hpts. I took 2 hpts Monday morning and they were both positive. I went straight to the dr and they drew blood. I looked on peeonastick.com and looked at the "a line is a line" faq, because my line was lighter than the control line. Of the 3 examples of positive tests, my line was almost as dark as the darkest one. I thought this just can't be right. I don't feel any "symptoms." Absolutely NOTHING!! After nothing w/injectibles, I thought I couldn't have been lucky enough for this to happen on its own. The RE's office called yesterday afternoon. It really is true. I got a BFP!!! My hcg was 104 and progesterone 29.6! I am cautiously happy, but I can't wait to get the next blood test results tomorrow to see if everything doubles. I am also at a higher risk of m/c due to my high fsh and the fibroids, but this is the first step! I am still in total shock.


Jaqi - June 20

Congratulations Ann!!!! I am so happy for you!!! What is the next step, besides bloodwork? I take it the sx is delayed right? Or is there something they can do to help you out??? Again, I am so happy for you!!! Please keep me posted!!!!


Ann1 - June 20

The surgery is canceled! After more blood work tomorrow, I will have a sono in a couple weeks and will hopefully see a heartbeat.


Ann1 - June 20

Oh, also, my RE is the one that was going to do my hysteroscopy surgery. He said that it won't be coded infertility, so a RE can definitely still do non-infertility surgery. I can't believe they won't code your surgery for something else. That is ridiculous. You had endo surgery, right? And they didn't remove it?


Jaqi - June 20

I am very happy for you! It's exciting it happened on "its own" too!!! I hope everything goes well!!! I bet DH is excited!!!


Jaqi - June 20

The lap was done by my OB-GYN. She did not remove anything, she said she didn't want to make it worse. They can't change the code because the reason for the sx was blocked tubes, possible infertility. They said they tried to re-code it but the blocked tubes comes under infertility. Also, they said they didn't know I had endo before sx and they can't code it endo afterwards. I don't see why that has to be under infertility. SO, the hospital is just going to have to wait until I can pay them something. That is good the RE can do that. When I talked to mine about the sx, he said he didn't see why he couldn't code it that way, so I can get it paid for by insurance co. I go this Sat for trigger shot. Either way though, I have to have the second sx....so...I have no choice but to figure something out! Well, maybe this pg will work for you. Remember Cheri's prediction??? I think she told you April and a Boy. This would put you at March!!!! That's close enough for me!!!!!!



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