December/January IVFers
458 Replies
ROBYN - January 1

Oh, one more thing they did my beta it was 70,000. So that was real good. Ok i will check in later.


JenG - January 1

Oh Robyn, what a fright that must of gave you! I am soo glad everything is okay. I am sure it was not that much fun dealing with the ER on New Years, but at least all is well. Bed rest till next Tues? That will get old but it is all for the cause! Isa, good luck tomorrow. My prayers are with you and I am sure all will go well.


isa - January 2

JenG thank you very much . Robyn holy scare. I'm so glad your beta is so high and they saw your baby so quickly how exciting I'm sure that was amidst all the upheaval. I am so glad they could get ahold of your RE too at such a time of night. Take it easy and I hope the bleeding stops.


ROBYN - January 2

Good morning girls, I cannot sleep so I am up really early hoping that I will fall back asleep. I am trying to rest. I still have no cramps on and off. And there theres a little spotting on and off. It looks like old blood. But my RE said unless it gets heavy again than just stay in bed. I told Jason we need to update our photos so I can show you girls the little peanut. Its so tiny but looking at a heart beat is so amazing. Hey the one perk about IVF is we get more u/s than regular pregnancies. Thats a good thing. But I just wanted to check in this morning say hi to everyone. STACI - how are you sweetie? You said you started spotting already? You are in my thoughts. LINDS - whats going on with you when is your next beta? KB did you get your beta in Canada? ISA tons and tons and tons and did I say tons of luck tomorrow please if you can post with your outcome I have a good feeling for you. JEN - did you get AF yet? Anyway i will check in later.


ROBYN - January 2

Oh I meant to say I still have cramping not that i have no cramping on and off. My RE doesnt want to see unless I start bleeding heavy again other than that I just continue resting. I am sure you all figured that out but when I read it back it looked stupid LOL. Oh Mega hi I realized I forgot to say hi to you sorry !!


ROBYN - January 2

I know I mentioned the septated uterus thing. That was not really exactly what the RE said. But it was more likely due to my uterus being mis shaped. But they mentioned like a left horn right horn thing. I dont know all i cared about was the baby being ok all the rest was doctor talk. But I just hung up with the RE to schedule another scan for next week. They said since I am going to my OB next week to call them with the results of that scan and if something obviously happens btw now and then to contact them immediately. But they saw no reason to do 2 scans with 2 different doctors in 2 days nothing would really be different.


JenG - January 2

Hi Robyn, how are you feeling? My OBGYN thought I had a heart shaped uterus, but my RE ruled that I did not. So, are you already being signed off to your OBGYN? Not My AF started last Tues... 12/26. He said that I will most likely O late so I am loosely temping. I am going to ATL for a couple of weeks then will come back to Philly for the FET. I thought about finding a RE in ATL to do it, but think in the end it will take too long. So, I need to know when I O so I can make the flight back in time. Plus, being the multi tasker... we will of course try. Mega, I cannot remember, what drugs besides Estrogen do they put you on?


ROBYN - January 2

Hey Jen - I am doing ok. Still crampy so I know when its too much and I lie down. The heart shaped uterus sounds exactly what the RE said now that you mentioned it. So thats why they implanted the embryo where they did. So when would your tenative FET be? I will only go back to the RE if something is wrong. So pretty much I guess I would say I am moving on. Its going to be hard. But it will definitely save us a ton of money. Even though we are Shared Risk the amount of money we have spent after the BFP is still alot. At least my insurance can now finally be used. I do have to call the RE next week to update them on what the OB said with the appt and scan.


Mega - January 2

Stacie--I bled for about 6, 7 days. The first 4 days were really heavy. Only the first day was really crampy, back-achey for me, then physically I felt fine after that. On a Friday I found out my beta had dropped in like 2 days from 601 to 584. By 4 AM the following Monday I started bleeding. You bleed way before you hit the 0 mark on the beta. I'm so so sorry you're going thru this, & please feel free to ask me anything about my recent experience. We're all here for you. Oh & it took me about 3 weeks to get my beta down to less than 2 (neg. beta at my lab), I had a beta every Friday for like 3 weeks. Yours will probably drop quicker than mine though. It's completely unfair, all you & DH are going thru but you're right, it's key that you CAN get pg. And sadly, these types of early m/c aren't uncommon but do bode well for future odds of that take home baby we all desire. It will happen for you, your dream of motherhood. But in the meantime, mourn this baby. I hope the bleeding happens quickly for you so you can move on when you're emotionally ready. Robyn--WOW! How absolutely frightening, what a way to begin 2007. Thank God the baby is okay, & what a super high beta you have now. Too bad your dr didn't warn you something like this could happen, though I'm not sure you could be truly prepared ever for a big gush of blood. Enjoy the bed rest, hope DH is pampering you. JenG--For the FET I started out on BCPs for 11 days, then added 20 units nightly of Lupron. Stopped the BCPs 5 days after adding Lupron, continued the Lupron though. And about 3 weeks before the tx I started the Estrogen patches stepping up gradually on that. I did stopped the Lupron 5 days before the tx & started the PIO at that time. I also took 2 rounds of antibiotics, once when I started the est. & again before the actual tx. That was my FET protocol. I think they're fairly standard, at least more so than fresh IVF cycles. I'm glad at least AF came quickly for you. I think it's probably a good thing that you'll be doing the FET with your Philly dr, someone you're familiar with, trust. Good luck with all that packing. Yikes, so not fun. I love moving to new places but I hate the nitty gritty packing that comes with it.


Mega - January 2

Isa--Yay! ER day for you. So happy that this cycle went so well for you. I'm hoping that the dr is right now retriving high quality eggs from you. Rest up today, take it easy. Update us when you're up to it.


cmelissa - January 2

Hey guys, Happy New Year to everyone!!! Well i had my day 3 baseline yesterday and started the bcps yesterday too! My dr. said i had a chemical pregnancy so basically the embryo implanted but then stopped growing. So i guess the good thing is it can implant! I think its all a #s game and a little bit of luck involved too!He also says its less than 50% chance when you only implant 1 - i guess you have a higher chance 1 out of 3. He is going to keep my meds the same this time around. I just hope my ovaries produce more mature eggs this time around so i have 2 good ones to implant! Right now my ER is tentatively scheduled for Feb 7th!! I really pray this is the cycle that works - b/c then i will really start to get worried! Its just got to happen - i was meant to be a mommy!! I go back in on thursday to sign the consent forms again and to ask all my questions!! Isa thinking of you today at your ER - cant wait to hear all about it!! My dr. said they do the trigger shot around 17, and i thought thats why i dont have as many mature but he said you dont want to risk them ovulating, but it seems everyone here triggers once the follies are much much bigger?? Linds gl tomorrow on your 3rd beta!! Does anyone know of a site where it talks about when to do the trigger shot?? What size the follies should be? Stacie thinking of you and dh!! Like you said the good thing is you can get pregnant and thats huge!! Jen what part of atlanta are you moving too?? When do you start your fet again?? Robyn so glad everything is ok! reat high beta # too! Jen you arent on the bcps before the FET? I have never done a FET so unsure how it is different than a fresh cycle? Mega how are things with you - any AF yet?? Well i'm heading to go grab lunch - be back later :)


linds99 - January 2

Hi cmel, glad to hear you are forging forward, February will be here in no time! I bet it's taken a lot for you to stay strong and look ahead. Thanks for the "luck" tomorrow. I also have an ultrasound, I'm so curious and cautious at the same time...


linds99 - January 2

Robyn, just read what happened to you over the weekend. Holy Cow...that is scary. That is my biggest fear to see blood, I just can't imagine. But glad to read everything is alright. Gosh...Isa has ER today?? Wow time is flying by...


isa - January 2

cmel this is what they did for me the night i triggered with theovidril my sizes were 22mm, 19mm, 18mm, 15mm +2 smaller and on left side 16mm, 15mmand 1 smaller. M y lining was at 9 my e2 was at 7027 (can level; to get us level divide it by 3.67) my lh was 1.02 and r 0.814. I was triggered at 9pm jan 31st and had procedure preps by 8 and 8:15 i think he was doing the procdure. our of our 6 follies we got 4 EGGS. embyologist said at first glance they looked good. She will dall us in 24 then 48, 72 hours to tell us how its going. IF all ok all 4 are going in . We were aiming for transfering 5 and hoping for some left overs but it wasnt in God plan. I'm giong to bed now to rest. KNew you'd be waiting to hear.


Mega - January 2

Isa--4 eggs, that's fantastic. Phew, I know you're relieved to know for sure your follies do contain eggs. And if the embryologist says at first glance they look good, then if anyone can tell just by looking it's the embryologist. So yay! That's good that they're giving you a daily report too, my lab doesn't do that which is somewhat nervewracking. Though I guess waiting for that call each day is nervewracking too, heck it's all nervewracking, this whole darn process. But that said, you're really on track & it's looking good for you. I'm so happy that you got this far & got some nice looking eggies. And we'll be praying real hard your babies in the dish keep thriving & dividing nicely. Rest up! I hope you're not hurting too badly or anything. Thanks for the update, you're right, we were all eager for some news. Linds--I can't wait for your update tomorrow! Find out how many are in there. :) Robyn--Hope you're doing okay. So you have exactly 1 more week of bed rest now? Is that right? Cmel--So glad the baseline went well & you're on track for this next cycle. Lucky #3! And that's good that the dr thinks it was a chemical pg, b/c as you said you now know 100% you CAN implant. Very important thing to know. Feb 7 for the ER, sounds good. Linds is right, Feb will be here before we know it. :) No, no AF still for me. Grrr! I wish it would hurry up! I figure I will end up having to call the dr to get it induced. He said end of this week to call if AF still isn't there, but I might call a day or 2 early. We'll see. But if I delay a bit more, then I can plan it so my ER is near DH's b-day (which is Feb 24) & the beta would be near my b-day on 3/9, so decisions, decisions...Stacie--Thinking of you today! KB--I hope you're doing well, you & your bean(s). Back in Paris yet? Probably jet lagged now, I'm sure.


JenG - January 2

Isa, that is wonderful that you have 4 eggs!!! That means that out of the 4 highest when you triggered that they were able to get 4 out! You have eggs... I really pray that all works out for you. Rest, rest, rest... I felt like total sh$@&^ for several days. I don't care what anyone says... the ER takes alot out of ya. Mel, for my FET, the RE said one cycle off then gave me a perscrip for estrodol to begin on day 1 on my next cycle. No BCPs. Not sure what the plan is after that. Since I had my AF on 12/26, I should see my next cycle around the end of Jan/1st week of Feb. Mel, I am moving to northern Atlanta to Cumming, GA. I can't wait! Ready to get to the next chapter of my life... kids, new home... I think we all are!



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