Day 21 test--Part 3
531 Replies
cw - March 27

yes you are and i still cant believeyou got there before me!! LOL have you heard anything from your nurse yet? oh and i forgot to answer your question about the paint. last weekend we painted the kitchen a celery colored green and half of our living room tan so we were just trying to finish that up. we have about a whole day legft and we will be done. (except now i want to paint the bathroom a purple color) i am actually off tomorrow and thursday so i think i may start that project myself!!i want to have all of our home improvements done by the middle of springso we will not have to waste our weekends doing that instead we can play outside!! :) how is yoru "reorganizing going"?


Mega - March 27

Yes, I rudely cut right in front of you in this 2 WW thing. Ha! Oh, celery color for the kitchen & tan for the LR--that sounds really pretty, good color selections. My re-org project got stalled. LOL! I can't muster the motivation really. That's nice that you're off tomorrow. Sounds like a fun project to fill that time--painting the bathroom. I need to do that to one of our bathrooms as well. It currently has the ugliest faded 24 year old wall paper that just needs to go. I'm thinking of doing a sponge painting or something. That's not optional.


cw - March 28

goodmorning! i hope that work is going well for you. lol i just finished watching Dr Phil... i could really get used to this lifestyle LOL hunter is in the bathtub and then we are headed out to the dentist. he has to have sealants put on his teeth today! he is not that happy about that at all. i promised him after that we wuld head to the park though. so anyways how are you feeling today? anything new going on???? you only have 4 days left of your 2ww!! its wierd for me this time b/c i have no made up symptoms!! i have already convinced myself that it isnt my month cause i dont "feel anything" although i know that doesnt make any since b/c i am only 4 dpo!!! this really ios going to be a long 2ww for me!!


cw - March 28

oh and i forgot to ask did you get your results back yet??


Mega - March 28

Good morning! Any thing good on Dr. Phil today? :) I hear ya, I think I could get used to the life of a full time mom, too. At least for a couple of years then I'd be dying to go back to work! Sealents huh? That shouldn't be painful for Hunter, should it? But even so, hours at the dentists office, tourtous for 7 YO everywhere. But the park sounds like a nice reward. As you said, you're still very early in the 2 WW. No, I haven't got my results back yet. I'll call this PM if I still haven't heard back from them. I've been getting twinges occassionally, I had one real sharp but quickly fleeting pain last night that made me cry out. I'm trying not to get my hopes up though b/c it's not unusal for me to get ovarian twinges normally thru out my cycle. My bbs really haven't been sore at all this cycle, which is kinda unusual. But again I've had 1 other cycle where that happened & it was BFN. So again TRYING not to read too much into these.


cw - March 28

twinges huh? i have read on a couple of different sites that can be a really good sign, but i know what you mean b/c i have had them before and of course they were all BFN's. its funny cause i keep going back to hunt and i had NO clue that i was pg. only after i found out did the symptoms start. i cant wait to hear your results today!! i am guessing at least a 15-17!! heres to a high progesterone level!!! haha the things that we get excited about! yes hunt is not excited but it will not be a bad visit this time all they do is paint the sealant stuff on his teeth and then kinda help it "dry" we should be completely done within an hour i think. dr phil was ok today... it was about people being money hungry. i should have been on there! LOL


Mega - March 28

Me too! I'm a greedy b*tch when it comes to $$$. Ha, ha! Well that's good I'm glad Hunter won't be there long. It sounds pretty painless too, so that's good. I think dental pain is about the worst there is. Thanks! I echo that--I'll drink my cranberry juice to that (high progesterone levels). You're right, we do start getting happy about the weirdest things these days. EWCM! High Progesterone! Yippee yay! Too funny. Well hope things go well for Hunter at the dentist. I've got a webexe demo I'm going to sit in on here in a few minutes. Talk to you later this PM, if you get the chance to check in. :) I'll also let ya know when the prog. comes back. I was hoping for 25+ but you're right, even a 17 would be a BIG improvement for me. I'd be quite happy with that too.


cw - March 28

sounds good and have a great meeting. i will be sure to check back in later for the results!!!


Mega - March 28

Well, according to the prog. test I definitely did O, so that's good. The value was 11.8 & since my RE always rounds up, technically it's a 12. a little less than in the past, but still higher than the last time I took Clomid. I spoke to Phyllis, the nurse & she said Dr. Williams was still happy with it though, he said "oh good, she ovulated." So there's still hope, I guess. And when I get that BFP maybe I'll push for progesterone supplements. How'd Hunter's appt. go? Where'd you go afterwards? Is it a good day for a trip to the park? :)


cw - March 28

well thats still good. at least you know that you Oed and that is all that matters!! i still have a really good feeling that you will get your BFP this month. our day was fine hunt had a little more work then i thought so that was over $500. that kinda hurts!! but i guiess it is better to nip it in the bud now rather then wait.. well i bet you are probably gone home so i guess i will talk to you tomorrow. have a great night!


Mega - March 28

Thanks! Yes, you're right, the important thing is I know I O'ed! Good, I'm glad you still have a good feeling about my chances. I needed that! :) $500 huh? Yikes, that is ouchy, but you're right, better now than later when it could cost twice that. Thanks! You have a good night too.


Mega - March 29

Good morning, CW! How was your night? Did you get any painting done? Are you back at work today or are you off again? Anything new with you?


cw - March 29

absolutely nothing is new with me. i am still symptom free. i am not feeling very good about my chances now. thats why i need to focus on you!! LOL mynight was good. very uneventful but good. what are you up to today?


Mega - March 29

Not much, just battling for 1/2 hr with my email account. I needed to attach a file & my attachment icon was missing. Otherwise, nothing much is going on at work now. You're what 5 DPO now? That's still early. Besides, didn't you say you didn't really have any symptoms with Hunter til after you already had your BFP? You're still in the game.


cw - March 29

you are right i didnt have any symptoms but for some reason i think i am going to have them this time. yes i am 5 dpo so not even half way through the 2ww. you on the other hand are almost at the end f yours. do you feel anything different yet?


Mega - March 29

Well, they say each pregnancy is different so you never know, it could be no symptoms like with Hunter or you could get a zillion & 5 signs, guess we'll know when you get that BFP, huh?! But 5 dpo is plenty of time left for symptoms to develop! Well, nothing new symptom wise for me. My bbs still aren't sore (except when I poke them 50 times just to make sure--LOL!). I don't think they're any bigger either, but I had DH do a boobie check too & he thinks 1 is slightly bigger than before. While he's very observant when it comes to that part of my anatomy, I'm still skeptical. Oh well.



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