Colostrum a sign of pregnancy???
3 Replies
JLS - November 20

Ok, so I get undressed to take a shower and I notice a little wet blob on my nipple (TMI, I know) so I look closer and give a little squeeze, and 3 more little blobs appear. I try the other breast...same thing. What does that mean??


Ren26 - November 21

That is a really good sign. That happened to me at the very beginning of my last pregnancy. I also searched it online and others have said the same thing. It has to do with hormonal changes.


JLS - November 26

Update: I took a test...NEGATIVE...frown! I asked my doctor about the colostrum and she said that it's most likely from the hormonal changes due to clomid. Here's hoping for next month!


Ren26 - November 26

Thanks for keeping us posted and sorry about your BFN.



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