Clomid Support *-PART 5-*
110 Replies
vistagirl81 - April 27

thanx for responding to my post:P I had a good talk with my husband,( o told him he wasn't going to sleep until we talk about it) He wants to have a baby but he does not want to get his hopes up high just to have them let down when i get my pd.. and hopefully next mo. i wont feel as though im the only one trying:P


mother2Bsoon - April 27

hey ladies! Hi Vista - that is awesome news about you and your dh. Communication is always the key to successful marriage/relationship. Nicole, babybound is right. Just think a few side effects now to get PG symptoms soon. What a blessing indeed! Thank God for creating medicine and the great minds who come up with this stuff. I am truly eternally grateful. Babybound - I didn't have hardly any side effects. Took my pills at night. I got my BFP on my second round. TK- How are you feeling? Mindy...I miss you:-). Wishing everyone many baby blessings and I will continuously pray for God's very best for each of you.


Mindy1 - April 28

Hello All. How are we all doing!? Well, this month went well. I bought a 20 pack of OPKs, and I had a super fast surge on CD14... I first got the confirmation that I was surging at noon, and by 8:00 the surge was already gone. We had been BDing the day before, and when DH got home (at around like 11) and EW, the progesterone suppositories are most gross in the morning. I have 14 of them until my next refill and I hope they do the trick. Hows my TK and mother2bes pregnancies? and kaytee are u pg yet?


KayteeLeanne - April 28

hey everyone.. hows everyone doing?.. im good.. on cd 33.. af usually shows between cd 35-38.. so we'll see!!!!.. my dr said that if af dosent show up after a week that its suposed to.. to test.. so wish me luck everyone!!!.. an mindy,.. i freakin wish.. if im not.. then this next round will be my last round.. well im goin out with the girl.. talk to you all later! dust


NicoleM - April 28

Kaytee - *************BABYDUST*************


mother2Bsoon - April 29

hey everyone! all is well with me. for now, pregnancy has treated me quite well. I am very fortunate and I thank God everyday that I don't have many symptoms at all. After I saw the heart beat on Wednesday, my mind was at peace...because I didn't have hardly any symptoms I was kinda on edge. Anyway, how's it going with the crew? Ready, I hope you find this thread. Many baby blessings to you all!!


Readyfor#3 - April 30

Hi everyone! Mother2Bsoon, thank you for directing me here! I was starting to think that no one was responding :) So is everyone on here on clomid or got pregnant with the assistance of clomid?


KayteeLeanne - April 30

hey everyone.. hows everyone doing today??. im on cd 35 so if af dosent show up in a week im gonna test.. but i really feel like af is coming.. im not as emotional as i usually am though.. im just having light cramps.. and ive been having alot of cm.. but its been watery.. so i duno whats going on.. i just hope that if af is coming it will just hurry up and get here so i can start my last round of clomid.. ne-ways.. i hope everyone is well.. mindy how are you doing??.. tk and mother2b.. hows baby??.. readyfor#3.. everyone here is on clomid.. except tk and mother2b.. they both got BFP from clomid.. well baby dust everyone!!! lata


tk07 - April 30

hey everyone! i am pretty good, i was having some cramping so i have been on semi bed rest all weekend and today until my appt tomorrow, bummer on this awesome weekend weather, but i did get to stay home from work today! i think everything is fine and it is just a precaution. i hope af doesn't come kaytee! light cramping could be af but it could also just be light cramping from implantation etc...
mother2b, i was the same i didn't have any symptoms really and it made me a little nervous because i had nothing to go by! but now i realize just how lucky i was. i know all that praying must have helped us! and it still helps me!
hi readyfor#3 welcome and good luck with the clomid!
baby dust!!!!!


mother2Bsoon - April 30

Hi Everyone! TK - take care of yourself and your blessing:-). We need you to stay healthy. Besides, this is possibly God's way of giving you the rest that you need. Girl, Prayer has been the most important thing to keep me calm and at peace. God has been my perfect peace. Glad you made it over Ready:-). Yes, I got my BFP on my second round of clomid, preseed and lots of prayer. Kaytee, I so hope AF doesn't show her face. As always, praying for God's very best for all of you:-). Sticky Baby Dust to all!!!


vistagirl81 - April 30

im excited today is CD22, the dr. said that im supposed to get my pd on the 7th of May.... and he gave me the days to BD 20th to the 28th, but im wondering,, if last week was the beging of my 2ww if i just ended my may be ovulation dates??


NicoleM - April 30

Hey girls, READYFOR#3, I responded to you on the ttc in April thread. Sorry about what Amy did. I don't know what in the world that was about! I had my cd12 u/s today. I have a 19cm follie on the right and a 17 cm one on the left. I will do the trigger shot tomorrow, then we bd for 3 days. Please pray for me girls! TK, do your best to rest and let us know how your appointment goes. MOTHER2BSOON, thanks for the prayers and encouragement. KAYTEE, I am hoping a BFP for you! My MIL said when she was pregnant, she always just felt like AF was coming, but it never did, so it could still be it! VISTA, the 2ww starts on the day you O, so maybe you just are Oing late this month?


NicoleM - April 30

I meant 19 and 17 mm, not cm!


KayteeLeanne - April 30

hello ladies... thanx for the encoragment.. and today still a lil cramping.. and wet cm.. and i keep runnin to the bathroom with a tampon in hand excpecting there tobe a huge mess.. and still nothing!.. just pray for me ladies.. im really hoping that it happens for me soon.. TK** dont worrie.. im sure everything will be fine.. just take it easy and relax.. mother2b** thanx for the encoragment!.. vista** you probly are just Oing late.. i do.. i duno why lol.. but atleast its working.. well i just got offa work.. so imma sit here and relax for a few.. talk to you all later


tk07 - April 30

hello! maybe it was some needed rest! i had to switch around my appts so my regular visit is tomorrow but i had my u/s today.... it's a girl!!!!! crazy huh?? dh was really shocked he totally thought boy! he is happy still of course. the tech said everything looked good but my Dr will tell me tomorrow and i will find out more about the cramping. me too mother2b, praying has really helped me and i know i am being heard because of the great things that have happened for me. it just makes me feel good :)
those are good follies nicole! you could get twins that way.....
i was the same way when i got pregnant i kept thinking af was here and i was ready with a tampon and because i was feeling the cm so i thought af was here, but it never came!
good luck and baby dust to everyone!!!


dunne - May 1

I was in another thread and one of the girls was told she did not o by her doc, but guess what, she had a bfp on hpt and blood test, so you never know! Sam



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