Clomid success story - it does work!
2151 Replies
LAM - August 17

Congrats Chocolate Lady and Babymoon!! So glad everthing is well with both of you!!!

Tazynsmommy I hope everything with your gallbladder turns out ok, I'm sure you and your little one will be just fine!!!

Angel, how are you??

Welcome Josie, the ladies on here are so great, and so supportive, stay positive and it will be your turn soon!!! I am in the same boat as you, I haven't started clomid yet because I wanted to wait it out a little longer to see if my body could figure things out, I have PCOS, I'm 25, and just went off BC in March, so I was really hoping I would magically be ok, but I'm not, so hopefully I will start clomid soon, my dh is very reluctant, so we will see.

AFM, I really thought that I was preg, I had so many symptoms, af is so so so overdue, and I got 2 slight positive hpts, I went to the dr and their urine test came out negative, so she ordered blood work too, it came back negative as well. I guess I am just wishing to hard, and making these symptoms up in my head....? Does anyone think it is possible that I could be preg?? I have done a bit of research on the hook effect and variant beta HCG, but it is probably making my delusions see more real, I know if I told my dr this she would probably tell me to go away!! She isnt very understanding. Let me know what you all think!!


LAM - August 17

jac- Is you break from everything treating you well? hopefully you are less anxious!! I feel really anxious, I just want it to be my time!


jac1019 - August 17

LAM, you're going through a lot with the whole faint positives but being told you are not pregnant by your doctor. Most likely what happened is that you had what is called a "chemical pregnancy". I hate that term. It's used to describe when a woman does conceive, but the embryo fails to implant properly, or does implant and miscarries very early. With chemical pregnancies, many women never know a pregnancy even occurred for those of us ttc, they can be devastating. The good news is, that you did conceive, even if it didn't implant. That means is can happen again. Unfortunately, if the doctor confirmed that you are not pregnant with a blood test, then most likely you are not, even if you were :( I'm sorry, sweetie.

As for the anxiety, I'll let you know in a few days. As a teacher, I am going back to work next week, and that induces a lot of anxiety, especially with the massive education budget cuts we face here in PA. I have a whole lot of anxiety going on right now. In addition to what I experienced with ttc this year, my father almost died from a brain hemorrhage due to a brain aneurysm in Feb., and then I was diagnosed with an aneurysm in April. My aneurysm, thanks goodness, is just outside of my brain, behind me left eye, and would most likely not cause death if ruptured, just blindness... but my docs can track and predict if it is near has been a crappy year... I just want some good news, you know? We all do! TTC is so stressful!

Josie- it hurts, even when you are happy for that person, every time you hear someone else is pregnant. Don't be afraid to voice that pain on this forum... I do. How are you doing with the clomid?


LAM - August 17

Dear Jac, So sorry to hear about your father. Losing a family member is not easy, and certainly adds anxiety to your life. I'm glad to hear that your aneurysm will not cause death. Is there are cure? Hopefully going back to work doens't increase stress for you, going back to work is never fun, for me at least...I had three weeks off, and it was difficult to go back! Thanks for your information on chemical pregnancy, I suppose that could be my problem. I think I will take provera to bring on AF, because it hasn't been around since June. Take care!


Babymoon - August 17

Thanks girls! We are beyond excited, it's still so early but we are hopeful, my first beta was 505 so that was reassuring!

Jac - we aren't going to find out,we really don't mind and are looking forward to the scan. I feel pretty good so far, no real nauseousness unless I don't eat regularly, mainly just sore boobs, and 9.30 is my new bedtime!

Josie - I know what you mean, my sister in law falling pregnant pretty much immediately, after we had been trying 5 times longer than them pretty much killed me, it was then after talking to the doc that we decided to dive headfirst into ivf, the stress and anxiety was just too much!!


TazynsMommy - August 18

chocolate, what is ur due date hun,, i hope u have a boy im so excited im having another boy their so much fun..


J-Rafih - August 18

Hey Babymoon,
I had my first ultrasound today at what i thought was 6 weeks 5 days but the baby is measuring 5 weeks 1 day so we are pretty much exactly the same... i'm so excited to have someone to share my experiences with... hubby is lovin the growing boobs but i'm like touch them and die haha have you experienced any cramping or bloating?? i'm not feeling nauseous either but extremeeelllyy tired, i seriously could nap 3 times a day... ttys


@ngel - August 18

Good morning girls

Was off work yesterday for my bday so I could spend it with my brother who is visiting from overseas. Was very nice.

Josie – very ver welcome to our group!!

Chocolate lady – you are one of so many girls I know that want a boy, I want a girl lol, only girls lol. Think my brother was a terror when he was little and I was very good. But I don’t mind in the end, as long as I have my baby.

LAM – Hello! I’m ok thanks. I’m so sorry about the negative blood test, I think they are pretty accurate, but miracles do happen. Just keep your hopes up, it will happen for you.

AFM – yesterday was ofcourse a good day as bdays usually are, a bit down about being 33 now… its like every year is passing so quickly, I’m nearing 35 faster and still no baby or even one pregnancy to show for it. One thing that did get to me a bit I guess is that I can see from yesterday af is on its way, no spotting yet but there were some signs still… don’t wanna give away tmi lol.. and had some cramping too. I’m on CD33 and since I have 37 day cycles I guess its on time again. Now I know my doc said if its always the same amount of days you do ovulate, so dunno what else is wrong with me. I still had my little bit of hope this month, there’s always that little bit of hope, I’m scared after a few more months its just gonna be gone, I’m very pms’y as I just wanna cry, and cried all the way to work as I forgot to bring cake for my work colleages.. well I forgot it at home… so silly! Oh well, I think I must make my appointment for Dec so long since we wait so many months to get in to the doctors… maybe he’ll actually take things a step further then if he sees I’m still not pregnant!


jac1019 - August 18

Angel- Happy birthday! You still have many more years ahead of you; do not get discouraged. Reading your post filled my eyes with tears. You try to stay so positive, but I can read your pain. It makes me so angry that no doctor can see you until December. I just want to hug you and tell you to hang in there. You are ovulating, so that's great! What steps are you and your husband willing to take for a baby at this point?

Babymoon- when I was pregnant with my son and the one I lost, I was so exhausted. Every. Minute. Of. The. Day. With my son, it finally subsided around four months.... ugh... at least I didn't have morning sickness with him, but I did with the one I miscarried. Sleep as much as you can!

Josie, thanks for your encouragement. How are you holding up today?

Congrats, J-Rafih!

Here is the good news for all of you newer ladies: almost everyone who has been on here as long as me, since late winter, has gotten pregnant... except for me. Keep persevering and bringing in the good news. Angel- you are in my mind and thoughts. I know it's going to happen for you dear, in one way or another.


Bostonmommy - August 18

Hey ladies iui is set for saturday at 12:15.. trigger tonight between 6-8 let the.bding begin. Wish me luck ladies.


@ngel - August 19

Good morning!

Thanks very much Jac1019!! I will keep believing it will happen. Its strange actually, my parents want gran kids, they are the most amazing parents and are going to make the most amazing gran parents, but my brother lives in Ireland, and he told me his wife almost never gets her period, so I wonder if they will get to have ones. Luckily for them in Ireland its easier to get help. I’m not sure yet what we will do at this point, I don’t mind waiting until Dec as I think I need this break, I mean I was hormonal yesterday, badly, but that was understandable. Not like with the clomid though. And I also think I ovulate, I get ibs, and around the time I was to ovulate I had bad bad ibs cramps and now just before af too.. maybe I should see that as a sign on when to BD lol. In Dec I can still only see a gynae, so I’m going to ask him what to suggest, I’m sure they can do things like injectibles and that IUI thing (or something like that). It will be expensive, but not as bad as IVF and IVF is not an option unless we move to jhb which will only be end of 2012… so I might only get my baby by the age of 35 if it does not happen naturally. I would like very much for him to do a laparoscopy though, cause I am ovulating, and I’m sure I bd the right times, so for me to just never have been pregnant in my life, I’m sure he needs to go inside and see if there’s something wrong, blocked up or any endometriosis. It is amazing that everyone is pregnant already, and maybe its our turn soon girl!!

Bostonmommy – wow, good luck!!! This is your month for sure!

Some bad news at work yesterday, a girls at work got a call that her dad had passed away, we are 5 girls in the office so it was very emotional, and ofcourse with my bad pms I just burst into tears. AF even started instantly at that moment and later when I had calmed down it was gone again, weird how the body can react to emotional situations! I'm such an emotionally charged stressed person maybe if I learnt to relax I would actually fall pregnant!


Josie12 - August 19

LAM - I agree all of you on here are amzing - so good to share our stories with each other, helps me ALOT!!! so how long have you been TTC. Ive been with DH for 7yrs never used anything. At first i thought i was lucky but then i realised that i'd never been caught so i started to try for baby. No luck. So at the beginning of Jan 11 at saw my GP, i had bllod tests which showed i was not ovulating. I was ref to specialist. I was given a lap & dye procedure in June to clear my tubes just in case any blockages - but nothing found all clear. I waited and still nothing. Now in Aug i am on clomid cd2-6 so fingers crossed. My DH has 18mill sperm count which is good but quality is not that good - hopefully the sperm quantity has gotta count for something.

Jac1019 - Thanks, this forum is great to voice my feelings - it gets it off my chest. My friends are great but they dont understand the pain in your heart as you long for a child.
Clomid is going good, doesnt feel like it has done anything, ive had no side effects and dont feel one bit different - i hope its working?? Im currently on cd4. Have my scan on wednesday.
P.s wot does AF mean?


LAM - August 19

Hello Ladies!!

Babymoon, I am so excited for you!!

Jac, hope you are doing well!

Angel, Happy Birthday! I know that everything will work out for you, you must be ovulating, so thats good!

Josie, it is good to hear that you aren't having any side effects from clomid, I hope that it works for you right away!

J-Rafih, congrats, so exciting!! what days did you take clomid??

Tazyn and Chocolate, how are you feeling?


J-Rafih - August 19

Hey Lam
I was taking 100mg days 5-9 but this particular month was my month off, my doctor said clomid lasts in your system for two months if it's the correct dosage so you are wasting doses if you take them back to back each month and he said it was very common to get pregnant on an off month and that happened for me so i donno maybe he was right haha


J-Rafih - August 19

oh and one other thing the whole bd'ing every other day is crap i think the conception window is a lot smaller then they say so defintely try to do it everyday for those 4 or 5 days...just a note


Bostonmommy - August 20

Hey ladies iui went well just a lot of pressure. Relaxin today n some bding the rest of the weekend :0). Baby dust to all....



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