Clomid success story - it does work!
2151 Replies
LAM - June 15

Taz, I am soo happy for you!!!


@ngel - June 16

Tazynsmommy - its great about the sacs:) You must be so relieved. Thanx for the acne advice, the breaking out is also part of pregnancy hormones, some people glow, the rest of us with pcos break out!

As for me, CD10, spotting seems to be gone finally! Had some major EWCM today, its too early for me to be ovulating, WAY too early, but have been taking evening primrose oil and that is supposed to help, only taken twice so would be weird if its working already! Will fetch my opk's tomorrow afternoon and start tomorrow (housesitting at the moment for cousin). Who knows, maybe I'll have my first CD14 ovulation!


Bostonmommy - June 16

Angel- so went in for my cd 10 blood and u/s nurse called and said i have a 13mm on the right and 5 smaller ones and 5sm ones on the left side. Estrogen level 127. Have to go back saturday day 13.


Babymoon - June 16

Hi girls,
We decided that if we are going to kick my butt next month with mess for ivf we will take a break from clomid this month, which I'm happy about except now I'm just crossing my fingers that af doesn't go back to 40 days! I know that some of you have said that some docs say clomid lasts 2 months, so I'm hoping that's right!
Good luck ladies! I'm not even sure I will opk this month, although it would be nice to know when lh surge arrives so I know when will!


Babymoon - June 16

Mess = drugs! Stupid predictive text!


TazynsMommy - June 16

Angel, i ovulated this past cycle at CD10, so it could be good luck, let me know how the acne starts to ease up..

babymoon, i was told the month off clomid does wonder's lets hope so for you this month good luck..

Lam, thank you i am so relieved.. i can put my mind at ease finally..

update on me i am 5 wks 3days, i go back on monday for a fallow up ultra sound and i should be able to here the heart beat =)


LAM - June 17


It is CD 1 for me, and it is not so bad!!!


jac1019 - June 17

LAM- You seem ok :) Keep up the optimism, and remember, CD1 is just going to move you toward the O day.

Babymoon- after two years of ttc, that included clomid and IUIs, my best friend took two months "off" before starting injectibles. On the second month off clomid, she became pregnant and delivered a beautiful, healthy son months later. During both of those two months, her cycle stayed in sync with how it was on her clomid cycles. In addition, the month (March) I took "off" of just one round of clomid for some brain scans/concerns, I definitely ovulated. I saw the positive on my monitor :) and, I had the exact same cycle length. Before me doctor suggest I take the month off for the other health concerns, he assured me without my even asking, "And yes, women do get pregnant on their months 'off'."

Tazyns- goodness- you have been on a rollercoaster ride with this baby! Fingers crossed for Monday.

As for me- even though I am on the highest clomid dosage that I have yet received, 250 mg, this cycle does not seem nearly as bad as last clomid cycle. Who knows- I still have three days left on it. My crazy chips could start activating any second, I guess. I definitely have been weepily sentimental, crying over some different things that I find so moving... yeesh! Now that school is out for the summer, I am home taking care of my son. I found myself today googling whether the weekend partying with copious amounts alcohol I did all through most of my 20s are causing me this. I finally stopped and cut myself, literally saying, "Knock this off!" Maybe I am already going bezerk on some crazy chips.


jac1019 - June 17

angel- good luck with those doctor's appointments! I can't belive you have to wait so long... unreal... I too have anemia, but just need a suppliment. I can't imagine what the iron infusions are like!

Bostonmommy- here is to clean and fresh start ;) I am trying to keep the optimism, even if I have to lie to myself that I am optimistic. How are staying positive?


@ngel - June 17

Bostonmommy - that sounds good so far! i wish i could go for scans would take alot of stress away from me, with all this guessing!

Babymoon - I'm hoping you dont even need the ivf, but if you do I'm sure it will work. I'm also hoping my clomid is still in my system for this month. I'm gonna start opk's today, CD11, bit early for me but you never know.

Tazynsmommy - so you got pregnant by ovulating on CD10, wow.... well guess we did bd yesterday morning, but I will keep checking my temps.

jac1019 - its awesome how many women fall pregnant off of clomid. I'm housesitting for my cousin, and she keeps telling me just bd the day before, of and after ovulation, but she has perfect cycles and always knows when she ovulates. also they were not wanting a baby yet and just happened to do it on ovulation day and she fell pregnant from that one time! Healthy pregnancy and perfect baby, but she is vegetarian too. I hope that the drinking in the 20's doesnt cause infertility cause them I'm doomed, I partied very hard in those days! Good luck for your last 3 days of clomid.


jac1019 - June 17

angel- I didn't mean to worry you. Please don't even think about partying in your 20s as a reason for your infertility... My main point was that the clomid is causing me to obsess, which is easy for me to do even without it because I just don't understand why I can't get pregnant again. Oh, and I couldn't find any conclusive answers; more so, just the effects of egg quality of drinking moderate-large amounts of alcohol when TTC. Come to think of it, my crew LOVED their drinks in our 20s... LOVED! And each of the girls have gotten pregnant so easily (except for me and my secondary infertility). Regardless, up until 28, when I became pregnant with my son, I had a goooooood time ;)


@ngel - June 18

jac1019 - dont worry not worried, i dont regret all my partying in my 20's and the 4 yrs in the UK, I'm glad I've done it all. Feeling a bit bummed out as I have bn house sitting since thu till tomm and left my thermometer at home! I'm on CD12 but I hate not being able to monitor my temps.. and chart them. At least Monday morning I can start again but I'll be CD 14 already! Did an opk yesterday was was very negative so sure I've still got time. So many ppl fall pregnant on drunk nights out so I'm sure we're safe ;-) Not really feeling into the whole ttc this month and with the arguing with dh not much bd'ing going on, so maybe it will literally be my month off! Also had a free assesment yesterday at an expo, where they take a drop of your blood and scan it, apparantly my blood is full of cholesterol, now I dont eat meats, fatty things etc, so they say it could be hereditary, guess I'll have to book some tests at my gp since they looked a bit concerned, I have never had high cholesterol so I find it a bit weird...


Bostonmommy - June 18

jac- I was really upset + stressed about this whole thing last month. But the i said to myself this is.just the beginning if u want this bad enough then go for it hands down. So thats what i am doin. Its hard...

Angel- i am at my second blood and u/s as i type.... ok so the u/s tech was greatttt. She told me i had two follicles size 15mm omg she said its great activity. When i went on thursday i only had one at 13mm she said shes been doin this for 25 yrs and i could possible end up with twinssss. I still have to wait for the rest of the labs but im excitedddd this.cycle....


jac1019 - June 18

angel- go see your gp about your cholesteral. A really good friend of mine, from Indonesia, has really high cholesterol. She is very thin, and eats neither much meat nor fired foods. Her doctor said it is often times hereditary. Both of my parents have high cholesterol, and neither are heavy. In fact, they both take very good care of themselves. They were told about its genetic link, and have both reduced their numbers with some meds.

I am sorry you are feeling so stir crazy inside the house ;/ I have been getting like that too, but have been trying to keep busy to deter the negative thoughts. I only have today and tomorrow left on the clomid. The other day I said how I am surprised I am over not feeling as many side effects for such a high dosage. I take that back. I have been more depressed the last three days over everything... I am reading a book about a German family during the WWII/Holocaust period in the world history, and I am having like haunting images from it that make me cry all day long. I can't even hold my son without thinking about the awful things I am reading about. Normally such things bother me, but not in such a way that it pervades my day. The tears... awful, over everything. Yesterday- the way I perceived a neighbor treated me made me cry! Needless to say, I am putting the book down for a few days until this clomid dosage is over, and I am taking deep breaths every time I want to scream at my husband or cry over someone else.

Bostonmommy- I am trying to keep that perspective you mentioned: going for it hands down :) I am excited hear about your great follicle news! Any idea/prediction about when you expect your ovulation date? I have my u/s and blood tests next Thursday, which will determine my next IUI. My guess will be Saturday or Sunday of next weekend.

LilMissP- I too am 31, my husband is 37. We have one son who we conceived first try, and then a I conceived first try last summer and miscarried. Since then, my period became so irregular that I had to go see the fertility doctor, per my ObGyn's rec. Fer. specialist thinks for some reason my once regular cycle has been totally wacked since my mc last summer. I am now on my 5th and final round of clomid, and have had three IUIs, with another one scheduled for most likely next weekend. Obviously, I have not had luck with my routines yet; however, most women I have read about have had their success after several tries with the combo. I hope your respond your first try- and I know two women with beautiful babies from their first IUIs! As for me, I am hoping this 5th time is a charm, or then onto injectables.


AshleyW - June 18

So ladies I have a question for you. I ovulated late this cycle on day 19. My ovulation days always vary from month to month though and have gone from CD 10 to CD 19 but I always have a 28 day cycle with spotting on CD 27. I am now on CD 29 (10 dpo) with no sign of AF but I don't know if ovulating late will cause my period to come later. I believe that it is suppose to cause late periods but youre also always suppose to have a consistent luteal phase too and that really hasn't applied to me either. What do you think?? Haven't tested yet cuz I really don't wanna see a BFN and would rather hold on to the hope a little longer. Sad I know. Any input would be appreciated!


LAM - June 18

Hi Ladies!

I am CD 3 today. Feeling really down today, I think it is hormones. I was trying to find something to wear today and none of my summer clothes fit. It sucks. My skin is all broken out, it makes me want to go back on b/c really bad. I hate wacky hormones, like really am I sitting here

I had some bloodwork run yesterday, I will let you know what it was testing prolactin, FSH...etc



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