Clomid even though ovulating - success, SE?
5 Replies
Heather - April 12

My ob/gyn said I could try Clomid even though I ovulate on my own - said I would probably produce more eggs = better chance. Has anyone taken Clomid even though you ovulate OK on your own? Any BFPs? Any side effects? Thanks! :c)


Heather - April 12

Heather - (my name is heather too) I didn't ovulate on my own and was put on clomid. My first round of clomid I got a BFP 15dpo! Unfortunatelyended in a m/c but it wasn't the clomid. Good luck!


Heather - April 12

Thanks Heather! Sorry about your m/c ((HUGS)) - hope you'll get another BPF soon!!!


Kelly - April 12

Hi Heather,
My Dr. put me on Clomid even though I ovulate to help me get pregnant faster because I have really bad af's. I am waiting on af now to start the Clomid and am 3 days late w/af. Wouldnt that be something? I got pregnant before I even started it! Anyway, good luck and I will let you know if I start the Clomid how it goes!!! Baby dust to you..


Luna - April 12

Heather doc put me on clomid even though I overlated said it would help as I'd been trying for over 2yrs and previous pg was ectopic. I feel pg after first course and I am now 7+4wks and I had a scan at 7wks to check beanie is in right place and that there was heart beat. All was fine. So good luck.


Heather - April 12

Kelly - WOW that would be great! I was hoping I'd be pg before I'd even start Clomid but my temp went down a little the past two days and it certainly feels like AF is on the way! GL and pls let me know if you get your BFP! If not looking forward to hearing how Clomid works for you. Luna - CONGRATS and best wishes to you!!!!!!! That's wonderful!!!!!! I am really thinking I should give this a shot - before I went in to my appt I thought it was only used for annovulatory women.



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