Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor PART 3
437 Replies
TerriT - January 5

Edel~ I am sorry as well for what you are going though right now. God has a plan for just need to be patient and wait for it to unfold. I know that it is hard, as I have gone through the same thing myself. However, I had a healthy baby girl in August after a miscarriage and a year and a half of trying. Hang in there...and trust in God and what he has in store for you. Kelly and Sweetpea~ How are you ladies doing? I think of you all each day. I am still not back to teaching yet, maybe after second semester begins. It is useless to show up at the end of semester 1:( So, anyways, praying and sending babydust your way!


Sweetpea - January 7

Edel-I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that you are able to take some time for yourself to heal physically and emotionally. We're all here if you need us to listen.


Sweetpea - January 7

Terri-I'm doing okay. Starting to think about IUI's now. I'm praying we don't have to go all the way to IVF.


KELLY1717 - January 15

Just checking in with everyone. We have our appt. with the RE on Wednesday, so I'll keep you updated. We're discussing IVF, which I pray for the sake of our wallets, we don't have to do. :) How's everyone else doing? Edel, are you still out there?


Mac - January 17

Just checking in, believe it or not, we are expecting twins!! Found out on Christmas eve and it has taken us to now to believe that we could be this lucky.


Mac - January 17

Sweatpea, my only advice for IUI would be that you have to believe that it will work! We had six failed IUI's and the only difference in me with the successful IVF was that I was scared to allow myself to think that the IUI would work and was able to belive in the IVF. A wise friend told me, why be afraid to get your hopes up? You will always be devastated if it fails and not more so if you believed it was going to work, alternatively a positive stress free attitude might be all it takes - I like to belive that she was right.


Mac - January 17

Kelly, you asked about IVF. We paid for our full treatment as it was not available on the NHS until May. It cost us around $10,000 (best money we have ever spent) You have to seriously shop around though! We have a regulating body in the UK who publish the success rates of all the clinics (and ensure they are accurate) The clinic we chose currently has a success rate of 50% where the UK average is 30% for under 35 years of age. Good luck! Also our clinic is the only one in the UK who routinely checks AMH levels (fertility levels) As a result of my high AMH levels I was given a double dose of a drug called Metaformin (normally given to diabetics) to stop me from haviong Ovarian Hyper stimulation syndrome. I also was on an antagonistic cycle where they use your bodies own ability to down regulate after your period rather than doing with drugs (thus saving me from any menopausal symptoms). In every other clinic in our area, all females get the same treatment, regardless of their personnal circumstances. Good lucjk with your apt.


KELLY1717 - January 18

First, congratulations, Mac! It's so uplifting to see women on here get their dreams after so long! Enjoy this time! As for me, we had our RE appt. on Wed., and long story short, dr. is involved in an IVF study that we may be eligible for. If eligible, we get IVF for $3000 rather than $21,000! I have to have tests run at the beginning of my next cycle, and we'll find out if we are eligible (first week of Feb.). If so, IVF will be in March. I'm scared, but hopeful, but trying not get my hopes up too much. Please pray for me that we can take part in this. It could be the answer to our prayers! I hope everyone else is doing well...


TerriT - January 19

Mac~ Congratulations! Congratulations!:) Had to say it twice for your double blessings! That is the best news I've heard all day! Kelly~ I hope and pray that you are eligible! Just try Mac's advice and don't be afraid to believe! We will be trying for one more in June so I'll be back on the boards in full swing by then! Good luck everyone!


Mac - January 20

Thankyou Terri and Kelly! Good luck for June, you brave soldier! Kelly, about the scared to get your hopes up bit - I do believe that allowing my hopes to get up was what seperated all those failures from our success! I was happier, had something to aim for and i really believed (I have to say the process was not nearly as nasty as I had anticipated, the worst bit by far is the two week wait and that was defineately made more bearable by my new forund belief system). I genuinely doubt that I would have been more devastated this time, if it had failed that all those hideous IUI's, because devastated is devastated plain and simple! Atleast this time I knew that I had done everything in my power and getting positive mental attitude was by far the biggest part of that. Sorry if I sound like I am preaching, I just would love to share the good stuff, I have everything crossed that you are elligible and everything goes your way. Baby dust by the truck load! Kirsty x


luluholt1980 - January 20

Hi everyone. I'm new to this board. TTC for 1 year. I got pg in April and miscarried. Husband's sperm are fine, my 3 day labs are fine, my HSG last week was normal. I was supposed to get pooled progesterone drawn this cycle after I ovulated....however, I got no "peak" this cycle!!! Driving me crazy!! I have used the monitor for 6 months, always got 2 peak days. I did have ovulatory cramping and ewcm on day 13 (which is about when I "peak"). My cycles are so incredibly regular, the doc says I am ovulating. I'm going to have to skip the progesterone tests this month, though, because of the no peak thing. I have to pay out of pocket and on the off chance that I didn't O this month, I don't want to have to pay twice. I'm so encouraged by this thread (I read part 2 also!!) Babydust all around!!!


KELLY1717 - January 23

Welcome, Lou! I hope you'll stick around our thread and get all the encouragement that the rest of us have gotten. I know it has been a lifesaver for me, and I've made "friends" that I will keep in touch with for a long time! Mac--Thanks for the encouragement. You don't sound like you're preaching at all. When I get pg, I will be shouting from the rooftops to anyone who will listen! :) Terri--Girl, you have more energy than I do! I know you're a teacher, and you have other kids in addition to your baby. If you have the energy for another one, go for it! I hope this time is much easier for you. :) Good luck to everyone else this month...


luluholt1980 - January 27

I'm going to test tomorrow. Wish me luck!!


KELLY1717 - February 5

I started af last night, so I go to the RE tomorrow and Wed. to be tested to see if we qualify for the IVF study. Please keep me in your prayers/thoughts. This study could finally give us our baby without killing us financially! Fingers crossed...


KELLY1717 - February 7

Yesterday I went in for all of the tests to be included in the IVF study. I got a call in the afternoon saying that my FSH levels were too high (13.5--can't be higher than 12), disqualifying me for the study. My levels exactly one year ago were 8.1. In over two years, this is the first test of mine that didn't come back totally normal. It was a very rough night for me last night, but I'm up again. I am more determined than ever to make this work...and I will.


TerriT - February 12

Kelly~ Sorry about not being qualified to participate in the study, but thrilled that you have shown such strength and determination in the face of adversity! Tough times make tough people~ Hang in there and know that I'm praying for you!



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