Can taking progesteron gel prolong your period?
1 Replies
cyntayc - July 11

When is the best time to start the progesterone gel? AND does it prolong your period from coming? I started taking it right around ovulation time b/c I've suffered two miscarriages already and I know my Prog levels are really low?


merlee - July 12

AF should not start until you stop progesterone. It is suggested to use progesterone for 12 days starting the day after O. Then, if you think you are pg, take an Hpt, if neg then you should stop prog and AF should be right around the corner. If your doc proscribed prog, and you had a treatment (IUI, IVF) you might want to get a blood HCG to make sure you are not pg before stopping prog. If you are concerned, you should call your dr. office, since I don't know your situation, I would hate to tell you something oppisite than your doc.



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