can i conceive naturally
2 Replies
gargi - December 8

can i conceive naturally when doctor says i have both my fallopian tubes are badly damaged at fimrial ends but one is attached or strched to overy?


Pinkywantsbaby - December 21

Hi Gargu happy Holidays. I had a Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy done recently and i have found out that I have Peritubal Adhesions. (Minor Scarring) Had them removed during surgery. A laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that evaluates the uterus and condition of the fallopian tubes from within the abdominal cavity. Laparoscopy is usually performed during the first two weeks of the cycle after the menstrual period has ceased. Laparoscopy is usually the only way to discover if you have endometriosis or not. If the fallopian tubes are badly damaged or there is reason to do further surgery, a laparotomy may be performed at the same time or at a later date.
The succes of microsurgical tuboplasty is directly related to the degree od damage of the fallopian tube prior to the operation. The greater the prior daage, the less the likelihood of restoring normal function, and the lower the chance of pregnancy. Where the fallopian tube appears almost and only mobility is restricted by adhesions, the operation produces excellent results. Pregnancy rates in the 12 months that follow the operations range 15-20% for badly damaged fallopian tubes, up to 75% after the division ofm inor adhesions. If the damage is less severe (fimbrial agglutination, in which the fimbriae are stuck to one another; or phimosis, in which the tube is narrowed, but open), then surgical repair is more successful, with pregnancy rates being about 50%.also read this site it is very helpful....http://www.infertilit


Pinkywantsbaby - December 21

sorry i meant Hi Gargi !!! TC and best wishes



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