brown spotting, then light blood 1 day
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magicmarcy - November 29

Tuesday the 25 I was 11 dpIUI, Took test, BFN. Then on Wednesday I wiped brownish, Thursday I spotted brownish enough to wear a mini pad then I felt like AF was really coming out, so Friday I put in a tampon (small one), and it was enough to be covered (normal red), then I put another 2 tampons in throughout the day but they were dry. Now today....nothing at all. Thoughts? Has anyone had a period like that? I normally bleed 3 days and spot prior to. I used to bleed 7 days before I had my abdominal myomectomy in 2006, but period are very regular since. Supposed to start 3rd round of clomid tomorrow....just wanted to hear if anyone else has had the same and were you pregnant or not?



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