beginning follistim injections....anyon else?
211 Replies
Galina - April 18

Hi Lynn, good luck tomorrow w/the dr appt. When do you think you will go in for IUI? You and Nata are probably going to be on similar schedules. Nata, being amom and full-time lawyer is fine. You just need to balance things out and I am a very organized person. At the beginning it was tough when I gave birth, I was 25 and in my last year of law school. I gave birth on a Sunday and went back to school the next Tuesday. Then I had to study for the Bar and barely had time to see her in the first 6 months. However, now things are more calm and we were very lucky to have a live-in nanny. Does your dh work full-time? How are you feeling? I have to fo work for a while and will check back later....:)


Lynn - April 18 IUI here. Insurance company will not pay for it and if I take the follistim I cannot do it per insurance company. So it will be time BDing for us and hopef or the best.


Galina - April 18

Lynn, I got my fingers crossed for you. Do you at least get u/s? How much is IUI where you live?


Lynn - April 19

Yes, I get u/s to check follies and size. The price of the IUI is not the problem seeing my insurance does not even cover any infertility treatments. The problem is....if we have any kind of treatment, it will not cover any medication. Seeing out-of-pocket for follistim at Wal-Greens in NC is $794.49, paying only $50.00 and timing BD is the option I can do. I currently cannot afford paying for follistim out of pocket and an IUI. I am only a teacher and seeing NC does not have unions, the pay is not that great so here is where I am. Dealing with the cards I have. Thanks for your interest. I'll share news tomorrow.


Galina - April 19

Lynn, it is amazing how these insurance co's work. They are out to rob us blind, but when we need something from them, it is like one fat big nothing. I know and feel your frustration. I wish you luck at the dr visit and please let us know. :)


Nata - April 19

Galina, you are a very tough woman! I don't know if I could do that. Well, I'm glad to hear that things are calm now. Good for you & your daughter. My dh works full time. His schedule is very different than mine but that is not a problem. My biggest concern is that because I am an engineer, I have to switch work places very often. It all depends on the job site location. The job site I am currently working is about 35 miles from home. I have no idea what I am going to do with my professional life when I get pregnant. Oh, yesterday I could feel that something was going on with my ovaies. Hopefully it was the follies getting matured. I can't wait to go for the u/s on Friday. How are you feeling today?


Nata - April 19

Lynn, I'm sorry to hear about your insurance. It's so unfair!! Well, you know what? You will get pregnant just BDing. If it happened before, it can happen now. You are in my prayers. When is your next u/s?


Galina - April 19

Hi ladies - Nata, I amsure those follies are growing and you might want to take it easy on the cardio exercise. I recall my dr telling me to do no cardio or EXTREMELY light cardio (which is pointless in my opinion) when you are on the shots for 5 days already. Maybe you should do some weights? Are you an independent K-or or does your company require traveling to various sites? I amsure that when you are pg, they will accomodate you and hopefully keep you in one location or locations near where you live. Have there been pg women at your place in the past? Do you recall their experiences?


Nata - April 19

Galina, thanks for the info about cardio exercise. As a matter of fact, I decided to not exercise anymore. After feeling something going on in my ovaries yesterday, I decide to avoid the gym for a while. Per my dr, I "can" do light cardio exercise before the iui but after that, I should not. Oh, well, just to be on the safe side, I decided to stop right now. I don't need to do any traveling for my company. The problem is that the company's main office is about 30 miles from my house so almost all the job sites are in that neighborhood. I guess I would have to find a company that has a main office close to where I live. I can't stand the driving but I have been dealing with it for two years because I don't have any kids to worry about. When I get pregnant, I have to think deeply about this issue. There is a pregnant woman who works with me but she also lives around here, therefore, no long commute for her. How long is your commute to work?


Lynn - April 20

Hey Girls...Just a quick note. I am taking trigger shot tomorrow at 9pm and will BD daily until Monday. RE said if dh can until Tuesday then extra swimmers. I am sure dh will until I say when. Are both of you doing IUI's? If so, when?


Galina - April 20

Lynn, Good Luck with all the bd'ing! Enjoy yourself! I wish you the best and hope that this time will bring you and your dh what your hearts desire. I am taking this cycle off b/c I had cysts left over from the Follistim, and hopefully will do IUI #3 next month. Hi Nata, how was your day? I totally understand what you mean by "commute" but I am so used to it, for me it has totally become a part of life. First, in L.A., everyone drives and traffic is beyond a nightmare on the freeways no matter what time of the day it is. I drive a total of about 6-70 miles per day. My dh drives 110 miles per day. So for us it is such a part of our lives that it is like breathing, sad to say. Maybe you should start doing some research at this time for companies around you so it won't be such a last minute thing. At least find who and where they are located near your home. Talk to you soon.


Galina - April 20

Nata, that was supposed to say 60-70 miles


Nata - April 20

Galina, I don't know how your dh can do it. I would be so miserable if I had to drive 110 miles per day. I drive 70 miles per day and I think it's the worst thing ever! You are right... I should start doing some research for companies around me. I have been working with this company for two years (it is my first job in the US). Maybe I am afraid of more changes and that's why I never really looked for other opportunities. But I do know it should not use it as an excuse. Besides that, I like the company I work with and it's going to be a hard move to do. Oh, well, that's how life is! How are you feeling today? You are expecting af to show up so that you can start a new cycle, aren't you?


Lynn - April 20

Thanks Galina for the well wishes. I hope it goes well also. DO you know when you will be beginning your next cycle?


Nata - April 20

Lynn, I have an u/s tomorrow morning and I will find out when the iui will be --- on the weekend or early next week. We will be 2ww buddies! Good luck with the trigger shot. I'm sending you a lot of positive vibrations. Enjoy your BDing time!


Galina - April 21

Hi ladies! What a day it has been! I am presently moving my office and working out of boxes right now and there is so much to do and definately NOT enough time in the day.....I am on cd23 right now and waiting for AF to come in about 12-14 days. I have a 36-37 day cycle. I spoke w/my dr today and we decided that I am going to go w/another IUI (hopefully if all cysts are gone) and if it doesn't work, she recommended I do a laparascopy before I do the IVF. So that is my plan. How are you guys feeling? Any cramping w/the ovaries growing? You both have appts tomorrow and I will be waiting to hear all about them. You 2 are going to be on the 2ww together and I will be living vicariously through the both of you...Good luck to you both. :)



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