Anyone TTC in June? Looking for cycle buddies ... PART 4
222 Replies
kelley32 - June 26

GM girls ... well, was late in to work this morning, so can't talk too long ... I just want to say that I wish everyone their BFPs this month, and for those who don't get them, I wish you the strength to deal. How is everyone feeling today? Katt, Kathy, I hope you are both feeling better. I'll check back later on.


wannabeamom - June 26

GM Ladies! How is everyone today? I am on vacation this week. I have my nieces today. It should be a nice day. I am gonna "act like a mommy" and make them breakfast! LOL! Men can be such dix! Ok, I am not mad at DH just remembering yesterday! Talk to you all later!


slowpoke01 - June 26

GM LADIES thought that i would check in hope everyones day goes great


PoohBear - June 26

Hi lovely ladies. Sorry its been awhile since I last posted. I dont think that there has been enought time in my days to get everything done. I have to help my father. He has his own bussiness and the files are a mess so I get to arrange them. Plus Im moving in two weeks so I have so much packing to do and poor dh has to lift all of the heavy boxes because I cant. Anyways, Kelley so sorry to hear about Isabella. I hope she is feeling better. Im so excited that you can feel the baby. I cant wait for that moment. Ive heard about it but never felt since this is my first. Na- Thank you for missing me! All you lovely ladies in the 2ww I wish you the best. NB- as long as you temp stays above the coverline then its a good sign. Well I better get back to work. It really sucks, I have to work on my birthday. Some birthday present huh!


slowpoke01 - June 26

pooh bear happy birthday (((KATT))) how are you doing good i hope well talk to you all later


Shauna - June 26

FOUND IT!!! Hi everybody. I am surviving... I wasn't really impressed when he devised this ' FEST ' ( I would be happy with bi monthly lovin') but yesterday my DH got really sunburned and he told me that he wasn't really feeling up to the 'festivities' for last night and damned if I didn't try to start it up....I was like a bitch in heat....I guess my body didn't like being rejected cuz I was not about to miss out on it....But then I went to bed and.......................................FELL ASLEEP!!!! I felt sooooo bad cuz DH came to bed and was all ready and waiting and I was sleeping....He woke me up at 6:00 this morning and called me a tease. Oh and before I tell yah the next part I must add my husband is bald...really bald....................My dhs head is sooooo red today and he doesn't look well.....I told him that he should always wear a hat outside in the summer and he said.........................wait for it.......................................'Well you should have made sure I had one on!!!!!!' I could have sh-- bricks...I asked him if I was his mother and he said yes and that he had something for me in his pants....needless to say I wasnt mad about the comment long and there was definetly something in his pants. hee hee. SOOOOO how is everybody? Kelley....You are sooo motherly with your white lights and all that.... you always have some peice of love in your posts...I love that!!! I wish you all BFP and I hope that I get one too. I think this is the first time I wished myself BFP so maybe the sexfest and wishing myself luck will work...hell tried everything else why not this....???? Love you all and TTYL


slowpoke01 - June 26

shauna you are too funny girl i was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt..they say laughter is the best luck to you


cmelissa - June 26

Hey Girls,
I haev missed you much!! I haven't had internet access for the last few days!! Anyways I finally ovulated on cd 22 which was Friday so I have been bding like crazy! Hope it works!!! Now comes the long waiting time!! I have so much reading to catch up on so when write more once I read everyones posts!!! Hope everyone is doing great!!


NB - June 26

Hey everyone! Hope everyone had a good day. Had to take ds to the er this morning, but everything is OK now. Speaking of sick children, Kelley how is Isabella? It is soo pitiful when they aren't feeling well! Na_ How was your first day? Great I hope. Poohbear_ Happy Birthday! Katt_ How are you feeling today? Better I hope. Shauna_ My dh acts completely hopeless at times, I always ask him what would he do without me, he would never survive! I always joke and say I have two children, because at times he could count as one!

DS wants a snack, so off I go again! Will check back in a few. :)


Katt - June 26

THANK YOU KELLEY! THANK YOU MOMMY2JOSH! HAPPY BDAY CHRISTINE! SHAUNA_ you are toooo funny! GOOD LUCK MELISSA & SHAUNA! Yesterday I had a few dizzy spells and was jumpy and jittery - shakes, but all in all even with the ongoing pelvic pain I was smiley. Now I am at cd3 - i woke up in misery pain at 4am! cramping like nobody's business I almopst didn't work! My constipation left only to reward me with HUGE clots! I took a naproxen at 5 and it didn't kick in until 6 and started to wear off around 9/10am - I called the pharmacy as I wanted tot ake another and they said nope, twice a day - gggrrrah - I am currently left with the lull; an awful dull achiness and lightheadedness if I move too quickly. I made an appt with the a-hole OB and if he doesn't seem like he's gonna look in there in any way I am canning him! That would make 2 men wasting my time and one of them is cannable so he's canned, LOL! Well the other one is home and wants onthe OC so I am gonna go napping. I'll check in tonight. cyas!


Katt - June 26

Where's NicoleM?? Did she go somewhere - oh thats right, honeymoon?? hmm


slowpoke01 - June 26

(((KATT)))i dont blame you about the doc i would can him too if i didnt think he was doing all he could do (((cmelissa)))good to see you we missed you around here...good luck to everyone


LeslieK - June 26

Happy Birthday Christine! I hope your day is a good one. Nothing much going on here...its just hot. 95 degrees here in Seattle today...yuck. This is not a place with a/c so were just suffering. I'll check back in later....I've got to get some ice water!


bl - June 26

Hi girls! I'm back from Vegas. I know I have lots to catch up on, but I just had to send a little love to everyone:) I missed all of you! I will read and check back later!


bl - June 26

okay, I'm back! Well Vegas was a blast, It was a good combination of fun and relaxation. It's crazy how exhausting a vacation is! Katt, I hope your feeling better. It think it's cd (first week) blues! I know I get it every month after bfn! You know it does get better:) Na25, That wonderful about the new job! How's it going? Kelley, I'm so happy that you felt the baby kick, that's such a special time. It makes you realize that it's real! I hope Isabella is better. Slowpoke, when do test? I'm hoping you get a bfp. We need another one around here!! Nicole, How's the new house? What cycle day are you on? Kathy, I don't know why men are so lame! I think it has something to do with having a penis!hehe That's just my theory. Enjoy your time off work this week. Any special plans? Happy belated birthdays to Lelsie and Christine! Okay, hi to everyone else! Have a good night!


NB - June 26

Pretty quiet around here again! :) Welcome back bl! Hope you had a great time. Thought I would check in before getting ds ready for bed! Might check back in in a little bit. ttyl!



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