Anyone Looking for Cycle Buddies....TTC JULY Chapter 3
254 Replies
cmelissa - July 27

Hey Guys!! Robyn - sounds like we are both late ovulaters!! I O'd cd 18, but last cycle was cd 22 and ive been trying natural these last 2 cycles. Just waiting now for the bfp!! NB - have a blast at the waterpark - those are always so fun!! DMK - im cd 24 today so yes im in the 2ww, I had a +opk on cd 18. Keeping my fingers crossed! LESLIE -old dogs are hard to train :(. Anyways gl at your u/s appt - can't wait to hear all about it!! So exciting!! MOMMY2JOSH - so when will you find out if you got the job or not??


Shauna - July 27

Hey...just wanted to let you know that I found the person I was trying to 'talk to' on another we (her and I ) will talk there so as to not interfere with here....last of it you will hear from me.


bl - July 27

Hi ladies! By the time I get on here, I've missed so much! Kelley, so happy you popped in! Nb, I'll have to try those vitamins, ds will eat fruit but no veggies at all. He'll eat anything that resembles candy!! Have fun at the water park. Tanya, I'm sure you did great, positive thoughts girl!! Robyn, how do manage with those hours? Do you just get used to it? I hope a/f stays away for you. Leslie, can't wait to hear about u/s. My b day is Nov. 28th, so your baby will be close to me. Sag! Katt, my thoughts are with you today. Hope to hear from you soon. Hopefully they give you some good meds!! Hi dmk :) Cmelissa, yes I'm fine just emotional because a/f is due in a week.AHH No spotting yet, but well see, it's so hard not to get my hopes up. Next month we'll start more fertility testing, it would be so nice to just get preg. Oh question.. ds woke up and hour early, my temp was 98.2, do you ever move temp if you wake up early? I only chart on paper not the computer.


Shauna - July 27

BL...I get really emotional just before AF too... as far as temping goes...with the amount of kids I have I get up all stupid times of 98s about right for your temps right now? If not there is a changing 'system' but I dont know off the top of my head...if I find it in my book I will post.


bl - July 27

Thanks Shauna


dmk - July 27

Hi Brooke! It's quite in here today. Where is everybody???


mommy2josh - July 27

Denise, sorry I am not posting much. I came in late and I read all the posts but have not had a chance to respond. Hope that everyone is well. Katt, please let us know how you doing. Robyn how is your foot? Be back later. Brooke, Kelley, Shauna, Nicole (((Hugs)))


mommy2josh - July 27

Leslie (hope your appointment goes well) and Cmelissa ((hugs))). I'm sorry if I forgot anyone else.


dmk - July 27

Hello Mommy2josh- I'm sorry but what is your real name :) ? I have such a hard time remembering names... When do you think you will hear about your job interview? Soon I hope!!! The waiting part will drive you crazy...


mommy2josh - July 27

My name is Tanya :) Thats ok, as I have said before, I would read the posts and bythe time I would get to the bottom, I would forget what the first ones said. LOL.


bl - July 27

Hi ladies, nothing too much going on here. Just cleaning up and laundry. Oh fun. Hey, I saw Katt posted on the other thread. Do you think we should just stay on that one. It's silly to have both. What do ya think??


dmk - July 27

Hi Brooke- I don't mind if they don't... But I remember someone saying that they did not like having alot of people on their post... I'm not sure who said it. I would not want to butt in. I am kinda a newbie...


dmk - July 27

Thanks Tanya!!!


bl - July 27

Denise, I asked what they thought over there too. I think it would be fine.


bl - July 27

If not, I'll just go back and forth, I don't want to lose any of you!!


dmk - July 27

We don't want to lose you either... We would miss you!



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