Anyone having IUI this month? Join in...
207 Replies
Bless - July 22

Thanks so much... this form is giving me so much hope! Im getting excited


thayward7 - July 23

WHYNOTME... thanks! It took me a couple of days to "re-group". I am feeling better now, ready for try #4. I will head to Ottawa on Thursday and likely have my IUI around August 2nd. I am praying lots for this one - the doctor said if it doesn't work this time, I need to take a break from the meds for a while - I'll worry about that though when I have to. I have a good feeling about this one. Positive thoughts for all!!!!!
- T


angie35 - July 24

Bless.. I'm talking about 4MM and I don't understand why it's been so low because the first time DH tested was 16 MM !!!.. But .. you know that only takes one to do the job!!!


whynotme - July 24

It really does only take one. You have the right attitude!!


Bless - July 24

Wow... well im hoping that his 6 milliion did increase since he was taking the FertilAid. But iam still hopefull even if the count is the same. My RE told me that IVF was our only hope but i did alot of research and his count is not as low as others who have gotten pg from IUI. We will try 4 rounds of IUI ... and if no luck we will save for IVF


Bless - July 24

I go to the specialist in 2 days to set everything up for IUI. So IUI will be done in Aug. assisted with Clomid.


whynotme - July 24

Bless, I would suggest asking your RE about using the HCG trigger shot as well as clomid. I have just read alot of success using the trigger shot.


hailie - July 24

hi girls, i'm back in my 2ww period...just went in for an iui at lunch...lots of cramping tho for a natural cycle (no drug assist).


Bless - July 25

Thanks.. i will do that. Has anyone else had the hcg shot?


thayward7 - July 25

I had the hcg trigger on cycle 2 and 3 and will use it again this cycle. I could feel myself ovulate - it was helpful for me - even though I'm not preggers yet! I have a positive feeling about this cycle.
- T


whynotme - July 25

I feel positive about this cycle too! Actually I feel positive every cycle, because without that I would have nothing...Good luck Hailie with your IUI. Baby Dust to all......


angie35 - July 26

going for progesterone check tomorrow.. anyone else???
So far so good....


thayward7 - July 26

I leave for Ottawa tomorrow (to get monitoring and IUI) - not sure if I'll be able to post until I get back - probably a week or so.... for the 2WW... hope someone gets a bfp while I am away!


Bless - July 27

Well ladies i was at my appt. yesterday and not so good news. He won't do the IUI since DH count is 6.5 million. He said my chances are only 1% Im so upset now... i dont have the $10,000 for IVF. Im so lost


angie35 - July 27

Bless... why don't you look for a second opinion?... The chances with low sperm count might be statistically lower but there's always a possibility and it might be worth a try...


Bless - July 27

I know i just dont know where to look. He keeps telling me only 1% chance of getting pg with his low count. I have done research and seen lower sucessfull people. Im just so confused



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