Anyone else doing IVF in Feb/March?
256 Replies
wantamiraclebaby - February 2

MY CD3 BASELINE UPDATE: My lining was a 5 and he said it was nice and very good. He looked at my left ovary and said that it looks normal and so does my right ovary. I have about 5 follicles on both sides. he said that was really good and normal and based off that I don't have anything to worry about. I was a little down b/c the last time I had like 8 follicles (small of course) on both sides. My blood work came back good.


kelsmi - February 3

But that's without stim drugs, right? when do you start stims?


hendy - February 3

Kelly- if my ideal timing works out- I will probably start lupron at about the same time as you. Keeping my fingers crossed that we've crossed all of the t's for the insurance stuff. WAMB- sounds good! So since AF already came, does that mean you'll be on a "flare" lupron protocol or using an antagonist like ganrilex? Best of luck!!! Hope you gals are having a nice weekend. Today is dhs 34th birthday and we splurged and finally bought a flatscreen LCD- about to watch a movie (we've been living with an old school 19" TV for the last 10 years!! :) Hendy


wantamiraclebaby - February 3

Hendy, yes I'll be on the flare protocol. i should be on lupron and not ganirelix (?)


wantamiraclebaby - February 3

hendy i apologize it isnt' the flare it is the long lupron protocol.


kelsmi - February 3

...and I don't know the difference -what's "flare" vs. long? I'm just on lupron for 8-10 days and then we drop it by half when I start stims after those days. What is that considered?


hendy - February 3

hey guys! check out this website that explains all of the different protocols: kelly i think you are on the long lupron.


kelsmi - February 3

Yes, I'm definitely on the long protocol after reading that - funny, I've been on that very same sight before and just don't remember it. I'm learning so much! This time my protocol will be long too, but modified (4 days prior to AF rather than 7 and then 4 days after). That may be because they uping my dosage from 10 IU to 20 IU. Curious to see how I respond!


hendy - February 5

Hi girls. So my insurance approval went thru. I will meet with my nurse later this week to decide when to start. How are you guys? WAMB- did you start your meds? :) Hendy


wantamiraclebaby - February 5

Hey Hendy, nope i haven't started any meds, i probably will on the 21st of this month and that will be lupron.


kelsmi - February 5

I thought you ladies were going to be quite a bit ahead of me, but it seems like we'll be pretty much right together. I'll be starting Lupron somewhere around the 15th. How much does your insurance cover Hendy? That's awesome that they help. Our is all out-of-pocket, but God provides in ways unimaginable. We've paid off almost all of our first two cycles completely without touching our savings - just from cutting back on daily things, but mostly from unexpected incomes that just "happened" to come our way exactly when we needed it!


hendy - February 5

Believe it or not, my insurance covers 100%. It is so fortunate that we decided to move to Boston 3 years ago for work reasons- Mass is one of a handful of states that covers infertility. I didn't even know I had fertility probs when we moved here!
Kelly it is amazing the way these things work sometimes- I think that means that it is in God's plan for you to be prego soon! And WAMB- this cycle will be your first IVF too- right? It is cool that all of our timings will be about the same!! Have a nice day gals- I'm off to vote! :) Hendy


kelsmi - February 5

That's AWESOME Hendy! I feel the same way - I keep praying that if it's God's will he would provide financially, and He has! So, as long as the funds are there, we'll keep trying.


wantamiraclebaby - February 6

Hendy, yes, this will be my first IVF. I'm glad that we are starting our cycles around the same time. Kelly I knew you were ahead of me, b/c I think you mentioned one day on either this post or another, that AF was here or something like that. anyway, i can't wait to get started. I am doing my best to patient and let go and let God.
HENDY! You got it so easy, my friend...well pin pal from webmd she stays in MA and she didn't have to pay for anything regarding her IUI cycles. she got pregnant on the cycle if it didn't work, they'll be heading to IVF, but she got pregnant and had twins. So I told dh that we have to move to MA. My insurance covers 100% but it is at 5000 and we will have to come up w/ the rest which is about 3000, whcih we already have, so of course we are ready. I have to be like Kelly and cut down on more extra expense. And God is good! he blessed you all w/ the money w/o your expectance...


hendy - February 7

hey girls- so i went to my ivf class today. assuming my meds get delivered in time, I will actually go on Lupron this weekend! Then one week from tomorrow I will go off of BCPs, have my baseline, and start gonal-f assuming it all looks good. CRAZINESS!! So my retrieval/transfer may possible be last week Fec/1st wk of March. ANything new with you guys? :) Hendy


kelsmi - February 7

That's great! DH and I just went in to sign the new consent forms today and I found out that I will be on bc pills one extra week - no reason other than that's actually what they had intended in the first place. I thought just 2 packs back-to-back, but they want 7 weeks instead. Oh well, if it works, one extra week is nothing. So, it looks like my ER will be around March 12. I'll start Lupron I believe on February 19 I believe. On the up side - I was talking before how God has provided financially?....Our tax return will cover this next entire treatment!! We found out that DH has been having WAY too much withheld from his pay. Typically, you don't want to let the gov't have that money all year, but we're really glad we weren't getting it all along, b/c right now it would probably be spent! So, I feel really good knowing that this next cycle is already taken care of...and hopefully this will be the last one we have to do. My RE explained what they are doing this time and why (with the suppression and then only Menopur and no Gonal-F) and also said that they will be more aggressive with the # of embryos they put back b/c it's my third try. They said that if we decide to do a 5-day blastocyst transfer (I'm still wary of that - what if they don't make it to day 5 out of my body!!?) we will put 3 back and if we do a 3-day transfer, he would put 4 back if we agree!! So, now I'm ready, but have to wait just a while longer...2 1/2 weeks...I think I can do it!



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