Another prolactin question...BFN, neg blood, no AF
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tdot - February 27

My wife and I have ttc for 7 months, this past 6 weeks has been extremely odd. She got what seemed to be implantation bleeding at 7 days after ovulation (1 week before AF due) then missed AF. It's been 2 weeks since expected AF and all HPT's have been negative and yesterday blood test came back negative. The doc said her HCG was low and prolactin was higher, and progesterone was high (her temp has stayed high)but she hasn't come out and ruled out pregnancy. If AF does not come in 10 days she has to go for more tests. Is it still possible to be pregnant with these results?? The only symptom of pregnancy has been enlarged breasts and some soreness now after 2 weeks...please help? Also, does AF eventually come?



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