278 Replies
Tracy - March 16

Oh and JCR--enjoy your trip!!!!!


d - March 16

I ate my creation for lunch too now. Pms. without a doubt.


Tracy - March 16

I'm too lazy to make lunch. Just feel like laying around. Got to clean house though.....yuck!


d - March 16

I have so much to do around here and I just don't have the energy to get anything done.


Lori - March 16

D - I like scallops and I like pasta with red sauce... but the two of them together, YUCK!! JCR - enjoy your get away! Tracy - Sounds like you are on your way to a healthier you with this trainer. I am a "fuller figure" gal and my motto has always been, "I can do anything a thin person can do except fit through a smaller space." Even til this day I can still run circles around most of the thin, young ones, lol. I think it comes from being heavy my entire life, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I were thin. Even after I had lost the 60 lbs, I "felt" big. Everyone who looks at me thinks I weigh about 50 lbs less than I actually do. I guess I am just very solidly built. Sorry for rambling!! EMM - any word from your DH's doctor? CC - how are you doing?? What happened to Lulu?


d - March 16

I wish i could test already. If i tested now it would be a bfn anyway. But i am going crazy here. I have such a headache. and something strange I have noticed my pee is very yellow everytime i go. Usally after I drink my 4 cups of coffee it is clear but it is still yellow everytime. I DON"T get it. I know it is just mother nature messing with me. any thoughts.
sorry if that was TMI but i need thoughts. Where is everyone?


Lynn - March 16

Hey girls....Tracy, I am so confused...maybe the migraine I had. Were they your wedding pictures? I looked but need to go back. UGH!!!! D....I do have a MIL from hell but dh says she is different around me because I do not take her shit. I was raised to be honest and not to let someone walk on me. I am not rude honest, just feel the truth is better than the 2 face stuff. My MIL is 2 face and it bugs me. Not to mention she always has her nose in everyones business. We see her every other month maybe and they live about 35 miles. I will say, dh loves my mom and she is always sticking up for him and talks nice to him. jcr...have fun on your trip. 9 years is great. I have only been married for 3 years. Career took first seat and now look, I want a child and think I waited too long. CC...glad to see you posting and hope everything is okay with you. Lori.....I am fuller-figure and have been since AF began to visit. Dh and I are loosing weight but honestly, I was not an unhealthy overweight person. RE asked me to loose to help with pregnancy so I am. I have gotten over the weight issues. EMM...I hope you get some news soon from that doctor. check back later


Tracy - March 16

Yeah Lynn- I am the bride in those pictures. D--four cups of coffee???? I would be bouncing off the walls. Well, I did nothing this afternoon except take a nap. Lazy, lazy, lazy!!! But I did get up and clean the downstairs until I ran out of paper towels. Guys, I may be thin, but I have been so sick in the past two years and have felt so weak, that I have started getting worried. That is why the move to nutrition and exercise. Conventional medicine has not worked, so I figured I should move on to a more natural, common sense approach. I know quitting smoking is key, maybe that is why my stubborn brain is having a hard time letting go of it. Anyway, I am going to put the patch on tomorrow and give it another go. Lynn, how are you feeling? And yeah, what happened to Lulu?


Lynn - March 17

Tracy...okay, time for me to go back and look at those pictures. Now that I know it was you, you are a very pretty girl. I understand we are all more of a critic of ourselves and no one but you can understand that. I read side effects of femera and headaches is one so my migraines are from that. I am going to finish this post and go to bed. I dont think Lulu has posted for a while. Hope everyone has a good night.


Tracy - March 17

Thank you Lynn (for saying I am pretty). I don't know why, but I have continued to have some form of pain in my head all week. That and I am just really tired. Gonna go to bed. I have to go to the gym tomorrow and work out harder than I think my body can handle in a week! Gonna sit in the sauna when I am done with my weak little workout. Sweet dreams.


CC - March 17

jcr, you sound soo good! I cant think of a more romantic anniversary then Palm Springs w/ your daughter!! We will be there next weekend for a wedding. Have a wonderful, relaxing time. I cant wait to find out what you having, I can only imagine how you are feeling! When will you be able to know? d,/Lynn/ and who ever else posted on the MIL post..I read that..How sad. I have a great MIL so I didnt respond but I felt for her..for all of you who have the MIL from hell. That sucks. d, I laughed at your dh and the M and M story and laughed even harder when I read what you had for breakfast. Thanks for the good laugh, I needed it..You never know, maybe you are having early cravings??!! Tracy, Scott is hot!! I love him, although it makes me laugh as my dh is just like me..Sandy blonde hair and blue eyes and that guy is my mental picture of my type. I always laugh when dh and I talk about that. We both like dark hair and eyes, yet we ended up with each other! I still cant imagine little you w/ a trainer. I understand and everything..but you look too cute! Lori, I love you motto! Over the last 5 years I have gained weight, but slowly and people also think I weigh much less then I do. I chalk it up to just carrying it all well..My motto is "God loves chubby people"..My mom laughs and considering I am not religious at all, who knows where it came from but I have been saying it for years. Im doing ok, thanks for asking Lori/Lynn. Im just trying to keep myself busy. I find when it is quiet and I start thinking about my Dad and things, I freak out and force myself not to think about it. My dh thinks that bad and I need to let myself feel it all, and I am sure he is right but just not now. I am tired of being sad. I want to concentrate on living life for now. Eventually it will come. d, are you taking pre-natals? I find that they make my pee really yellow, but I hope you are experiencing early signs! Tracy, good luck w/ the patch tomorrow. Just remember its a new day and clean slate and all you can do is try you best. I know you eventually are going to kick it! Have a good night everyone..


Tracy - March 17

CC- I know what it's like to be tired of feeling sad. You will grieve when you have the strength to do so. I don't think you are stuffing your feelings, I think you are just gathering the strength to deal with the gamut of emotions something like this brings. In due time......No patch today, but went to the gym and worked out pretty hard. Feels good to breathe! Slept like a log last night. On cd7. I have a question for those of you who do the CB Monitor...... do I have to start it on the first day of my cycle or can I start it tomorrow? I am the idiot that did not realize that I needed batteries and plan on getting them today. I also keep forgetting to temp. I am like the absent minded professor! At his rate I will never get PG!


CC - March 17

Tracy, I think I am the only one who uses the CB monitor besides you now..Its too late for you to start it this month..When you start AF it gives you up to 5 days to program it..So, if you remembered on day 1 of your AF you would set it for day 1..If you didnt remember until day 3 of AF, it will still let you go back and set it for day 3..If you didnt remember until day 5 of AF, it will still let you back and set it for day 5..Since you are now on day 7, it will only let you go back to day 5, and you would be 2 days off this month..Since this is your 1st time using it, its important to set it right..You should wait till next month..It takes a few months to get to know you, so you want to do it right so the memory in the monitor is accurate. Does that make sense? Let me know if I can help you more..Hope everyone else is having a good day (its quiet!)


CC - March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my Irish friends!


Tracy - March 17

Thank you CC! Happy St Pattie's Day right back at ya!!


Lynn - March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!! Irish I am and I have the temper (when pushed over the edge). My brother is the very typical irish person...red hair, temper and all. Tracy, I did use the monitor for 7 months with no luck for me. It did however let me know I do not ovulate on a regular basis (which lead to HcG shots). I gave to back to my friend for her and began with RE. CC is correct to follow it closely so it memorizes you and gives you accuracte information. CC....grieving is a process and you are at the beginning. Like I have mentioned before...you will always shed a tear for your dad no matter how much time passes. But only you can go through this and at the pace you can handle. My dad will be gone 6 years this May and I still think about things when he was alive. Go at your pace. I agree with you motto....if god did not love different sizes of people, we would all be the same. I tell dh I am "fluffy" not fat. Stupid huh? d....any trips for the traveling girl? jcr...have fun if you have not left yet. Enjoy the time with just the three of you. Before you know it, there will be four. EMM...anything about doctor? Lori...how are you? Havent' talk to you for a while. check back later girls...



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