@@IUI with Fermara@@
21 Replies
montie75 - September 28

I am not sure about the ovulation on Femara. I don't get to start it until November. My RE did advise me though that I will need to come in for an u/s on cd12. The clomid caused me to ovulate later.......but since I use the trigger now, I only go off of what the u/s says. I hope that helps you!!


ginger6363 - September 28

hi montie75, "come in on cycleday 12" that's what my RE told me, too. I think he mentioned that he would need to check the folicles at cd12. VHope: I have no idea what Femara does to ovulation. I expect that for me, it would make mine earlier b/c I generally ovulate around cd19 and my RE mentioned that after the u/s on cd12, he would perform the IUI at or around cd13.


montie75 - September 28

Ginger6363, hey girlie!! Let me see if I remember correctly, when I have ovulated in the past with clomid it was closer to cd16-18. But my cycle isn't a 28 day but more like a 30-32 day. Trust in your RE because when they do the u/s not only will they know the follicle size but they can tell if you are getting ready or not to ovulate. I remember once I went in for an u/s on cd15 and my follicles were still too small so they had me wait three extra days before giving me the trigger shot. I was so afraid I was going to ovulate but I didn't and I actually got pregnant from that cycle. (but you know the story......m/c) So sad. Don't you get to start the Femara soon?


ginger6363 - September 28

Hi, Montie! Well I am 10 dpo and waiting for AF. I am a bit disheartened b/c I have been charting and temping this month and this morning my temps were down and I had some AF-type cramping, so things are looking too good. If I start my AF then I can start the Femara on cd 5-9.(Of course, it would be better if I were PG this month and didn't have to take any meds!) Like they say, it aint over until AF rears her ugly head. I'll keep you posted. :)


ginger6363 - September 28

are looking too good = are NOT looking too good


montie75 - September 29

Ginger, you are too funny!! I understood what you meant. Yeah, I mean you really never know and when you least expect it.....is when you get pregnant!! Hang in there!!! I can't wait to start in November. I am getting so excited just thinking about it. Baby Dust to you!!!!



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