151 Replies
Katt - February 1

Well I have finally caught up on the reading, I really have to start making time during the week for this thread as there is just way too much to post on. I usually pop up Notepad and answer y'all as I read but y'all be reading my post for hours if I did that at thiks point, lol! DENISE_ I am so glad you have returned to us even if it is for a short time ;) DANA_ I have had the belly itching thing quite a few times w/o any pos pg test. Going by the census here, I guess it's a 50/50 chance as far as a symptom goes. (((((GAYLE&DH))))) ROBYN_ It's tax-time will that help you? Also, remember that Tylenol and Excederine and things thin your blood and could increase your bleeding "down there" Be careful please. TANYA_ LOL!! I have Cingular too! I don't think I could handle delivering 6 babies! KATHY_ I am so hoping for your BFP tomorrow!! GIRLS_ check it >> http://www.myspace.com/kattsplaceii KELLEY_ Thanks for the add and maybe this map will help determine a spot to meet? BROOKE_ Is dh having sympathy pains? RHONDA_ Rascal is full of silliness!! He just learned to go down the stairs so he just goes up and down and up and down, lol! I guess he's perfecting it, haha. And thanks for posting Jamies Email! RHONDA_ I don't mean to seem crass but I do not think I would be causing any riffs with the employer as it took Mark a very long time to land the position and I would hate for him to lose it. Please be careful. TANYA_ I am thinking 11dpo is a bit early to test. Expect the worst and hope for the best is all we can do. (((HUGS))) ERIN_ 14dpo will be on or around Valentines Day would that be a coo! Well I haven't Oed yet but I got a positive opk so I expect it anyway. Well darn it what is keeping my hubby... he should be up here bding my brains out!!!! okay well I am going to go get him, haha! Luvyas! Hellos to Shauna, Nicole, Jamie, Erin, Caron, Esmerelda, Leslie, Christine, and Jess! BABYDUST!


ROBYN - February 1

KATHY thank you for the kind words. You are sweet as well. I figure knowledge is power and as much info as i can share with my experience especially with people going thru IVF and Clomid i will help them. I certainly needed the help and was so grateful to everyone who helped me. So its the least i can do. KATT - why cant he just understand how important this is to the both of you he needs to give in. <HUGS> Actually my question was related not to tax time but can we write the infertility off on our taxes we are going to see an accountant this year with the marriage new house and other new things we cant do them on our own. TANYA - its still too early to test wait a couple of more days or closer to AF. BROOKE - glad your hubby is doing better and you and your son havent caught it. I feel like i am getting sick now i have been sneezing all day nose is stuffy. KATT - thanks for the advice on the Tylenol i am not allowed to take Excedrin when pregnant but my doc says Tylenol is completely safe no aspirin in it. Anywy hi to anyone i may have missed will check in a while.


Rhonda - February 1

Katt thanks for the concern i do appreciate it girl.Dont worry he aint saying anything that could jepardise is job.He likes the job itself just not being blamed for something he did not do.No worries he is ok.Kathy my fingers are crossed for your bfp tomorrow.


Katt - February 1

Hellos again. I thought I'd seeif anyone posted since my last one. RSSN was on Regis and Kelley Monday morning - I taped it! I bet it's on U-Tube. Lukas did an awesome job on "Can't Bring Myself to Light This Fuse" He is so damn sexy! ROBYN_ He understands, he's just a control freak! As far as I know medical expenses are deductable. I have always deducted them! My Mother does taxes, like 30 years or something and the last couple years dh & I were able to deduct healthcare. mileage to and from the doctor/dentist whomever! Take what you can get - THAT GOES FOR ALL OF YOU - The Gov't expects infertility to be a covered service for most so definitely deduct-on! Once the Congress & Senate decide not to continue the tax cuts you will not be able to deduct all this stuff anymore so do it before you start owing them money!!!!!!!!! RHONDA_ I am glad you understand where I am coming from. I would hate for something to happen at work. He is new there and it will be easy for him to be the fall guy as no one really knows him well enough. Hang in there! Okay girls I am out - seriously though... take advantage of everything on your taxes this year and next because it's all gonna disappear in 2009! Shit, maybe even 2008 - NOT GOOD! I better go before I get all political, lol! alrighty then - g'night! oh, KATHY_ hands pressed for your BFP!!! Luvyas!


wannabeamom - February 1

GM girls! So far no AF. So that is good. Last month it was right onthe day I was supposed to test. Exactly 2 weeks after O. I am going to my b/w around 8. I will have the answer after 3. Iwill post when I get home from work. I am sooooooo nervous.TTFN


Rhonda - February 1

Morning to you all,well we got 2 in of snow last night so now the ground is covered in white! Beautiful but i dont like the snow.Katt of course i understand what your saying about Marks job,i know your just looking out for us,thanks sweetie.It is so good to have friends that care.Kathy im so happy no sign of af that is great.Lets pray she stays away and im so hoping you get a bfp with your bw.We still no water and im so depressed.It sucks big time.I truly do wish we could move but Mark and my mom are determined to stay living right here.So i have no choice.But i am not happy here.Well im gonna vacuum and a few other things.I sure cant do laundry though,oh that freakin bites.well luv ya all.


ROBYN - February 1

Good morning everyone, First, Kathy tons of good luck today i am sure we are all gonna be on pins and needles all day they better hurry up with the results. How are you feeling are you having any signs? We need some good news on here we are due. RHONDA - wow snow how beautiful we had 2 days of "Florida cold weather" today it will be 82 and tomorrow 85. So we were in the 40's yesterday morning thats what sucks about Florida people are constantly sick with the sudden changes in the weather during this time of the year. Well i woke up with a big bleed this morning my stomach hurts so i am just lying here i was so hungry made some toast and back to bed i am going. Wanted to check in wish Kathy good luck will be back to hopefully hear some good news today.


Rhonda - February 1

Robyn i wish we had 80 degree weather then our cold water would thaw out.Mark looked at the pump last night and it was all frozen even the hydrant on the well house.He even has a heat bulb in the well house over the pump.I hate snow.I hate to hear your bleeding again,i really hope it subsides for good real soon.It has to be very nerve wrecking for you.I agree it is pins and needles waiting for Kathy to find out,i pray it is good news.


mommy2josh - February 1

Morning girls. Kathy lots of luck with your beta. Cant wait to hear the results, hope they are good. I honestly dont feel that I am pg, I have these cramps around my right ovary and they could be pretty intense. I hope its not a tubal or a cyst. I am thinking that I dont know if I want to do another medicated cycle without an IUI. I guess I will call RE's office and see if they could give me a price for it. What do you all think? Katt, I hope DH gave you some last night. Sending tons of very sticky baby dust your way girl. Gayle, hugs girl. You are so strong, just keep positive. I hope you start feeling better soon. Rhonda, I am sorry that you still dont have water. Hope it gets fixed soon. As for Mark's work situation, tell him to just keep one goal in mind, and that is that he needs this job to support his family and keep food on the table and butts in diapers. I hope he just works hard. How long must he work in a plcae in order to qualify for unemployement in MO? Robyn, I am sorry that you are bleeding and are in pain. I really hope that this all ends for you soon. When is your next appointment? Have you listened to the baby? Brooke, I am glad that you and DS seemingly avoided DH's bug. I hope it stays that way and that DH gets well soon. Erin, how have you been girl? We have missed you, visit us more often. Good luck to DH with his contracting license. Well I need to get to work. Hello to all my beautiful girls. I'll be back later. Love yas.


mommywannabe - February 1

KATT-Just an FYI tomorrow I am going to se RSSN here in Columbus, Ohio. I meant to ask if they are coming your way are going to see them? I'll be thinking of you whilst listening to Lukas sing his heart out. HEHE!! I forgot to TIVO Regis and Kelly. Sorry ladies this really had nothing to do with TTC but I just forgot to ask her awhile back if she was going at all.


Rhonda - February 1

Hello Tanya honey,you might be pg.Here is something i found online for you.What if I notice some cramping and I am pregnant?
Pregnant women can have some light cramping early in pregnancy. The cramping is often like light menstrual cramps through the lower abdomen or on one side or the other. The cramping is often a result of all the changes that are occurring in the uterus. The uterus is experiencing change as the implanted egg begins to grow and develop.

Some light cramping may also be from the small cyst that can develop on the ovary at ovulation called the corpus luteum cyst. A small cyst forms in the spot on the ovary where the egg pops out before making its journey to the uterus. This cyst then produces progesterone until the placenta has formed enough to begin producing its own progesterone. This small cyst can cause some discomfort for women in early pregnancy.
Maybe that info might be useful to you.Tanya Mark is being really good to work his best and let things just brush off his back he wants to keep his job.His main boss yesterday let Mark go with him after work to pick up some pallets so Mark could in a little overtime and he got in 2 extra hours and he was happy about that.In MO you must work for at least 6 mos to get unemployment but no unemployment if you quit or are fired,only if you are hurt or laid off can you get unemployment.Luv yas.


mommy2josh - February 1

Rhonda, good for Mark. I forgot to tell you that I did mail the package yesterday. They said 5-10 business days. Also the sized are 3-6 & 6-9 months so you will have something cute to dress her in :) There was so much cute stuff for girls, I went pink crazy. Never thought I would like pink, but now that I think about it, I would probably take every opportunity to dress my little girl in pink, if I ever have one. LOL. Thanks for the info, but I am not too optimistic. I am really ok though. I am glad that I actually ovulated and the doc saw that I could produce mature follicles. That was a relief in itself. :)


ROBYN - February 1

Hey girls TANYA your question if you should possibly do an IUI next month I think you should explore going this route. I dont think IUI is very expensive. But honestly Clomid i think for you has run its course. Sometimes we just need a little extra boost some of us more than just a boost. Clomid prooved you can ovulate which what it did for me. But in the end there was no pregnancy the ultimate result we want. So do i keep putting this awful makes me pyscho medicine in my body every month or get more aggressive. Like i have said before my doctor in my case didnt think IUI with injectibles would really increase my chances for conceiving. I am glad he didnt have me pour thousands of more dollars into procedures that wouldnt work and said try IVF this is your best option. Now I know you arent nearly ready for that I am by no means pushing that on you or anyone. I think you really should consider doing IUI if it doesnt work this month. Just my opinion.


Rhonda - February 1

Tanya aww thanks for the clothes for Sophie.I love pink on the girls.Well honey dont give up yet on this month,you could have a chance at being pg.I know it has to be difficult just try to hang in there sweetie.It is great that you did ovulate.Fingers are crossed for you.


mommy2josh - February 1

Dont ya all think its time for February Part 1? Who will do us the honor? :)


mommywannabe - February 1

February started check it.



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