@@@@IUI and SPERM DONOR 3@@@
135 Replies
whynotme - September 5

melo - I had a donor problem last cycle that was tearing me up inside as well. My dr. suggested that I switch donors, but I had put so much thought and time into this donor that I didn't really want to change. Everyone on here told me to follow my heart and if I felt that I needed to stay with the same one, then I should! I decided to stick it out for another 2 and I have no regrets. It was a very trying time for me. I never even told my dr. that I didn't switch. I really do need to start looking into other donors or facilities before I am out of vials again and need to make a decision. I feel that you probably did the right thing by cancelling this cycle. I know that it hurts and you don't know if you made the right decision. But I feel that it must have come from the heart and you should trust yourself. You wouldn't have wanted to be rushed into a decision and then not be confident with it for the rest of your life. Definitely call the bank and find out what is what about your donor(s). They might have just not released any of their new specimens yet. That was what it was in my case. Where do you purchase your vials from if you don't mind me asking??


thayward7 - September 5

Hey Gals... I can completely relate to the donor issue. I was recently trying to order mine and was told that he is "currently unavailable, but we will let you know when we have information on him"... so I waited almost 2 weeks and sent another e-mail yesterday inquiring and she said "as so-and-so told you before, we will let you know when we have some information". I was kinda' annoyed because it is such a huge decision for me and really wanted to stay with the same donor. I will have to e-mail her again and ask if I should be looking at new donors just in case. AHHH! Anyway, first day of school done... I have a lovely class. Nice to hear everyone chatting again - it was pretty quiet for a couple days. MON, what did you mean about negative RH and a shot in the hip? I have a negative RH, so I was curious. My pain is gone, but I had wierd spotting today - I never spot in the middle of a cycle. It must be from the Clomid... I guess that's why my doc likes to take a break after 3 consecutive cycles. Okay, I've blabbed on long enough. Hang-in there MMELO! Smiles and Babydust to all.... T


mmelo - September 5

Hi again,
DH and I had a bit of a talk this afternoon, but we are going to discuss it some more tonite. The fertility clinic says they can bring a sample in "rush order" if I still decide to go ahead with it this cycle depending where my follies are at day 12. I called the sperm bank and inquired about the donors, but all I got was voicemail so I left a message. whynot, to answer your question, the vials are ordered directly from the bank by my fertility clinic on a cycle by cycle basis. I don't think I could "stock up" so to speak. The bank is called "repromed" it is in Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada. I attached their website to check out www.repromedltd.com


montie75 - September 6

Thayward – I have A Negative blood type. Because RH Negative is not very common, once you get pregnant they will ask what the husband’s blood type is. With our donor, we matched his blood type to my husband’s. Anyway, most partners are RH positive. When you are about 7 months pregnant and after delivery (if the child is RH positive) they give you a shot of Rhogam. This shot is necessary for a mother with RH negative blood type because if blood is exchanged between the child and mother with different RH factors, the mother will build antibodies to destroy a pregnancy later in life. My concern with the m/c was that there may have been blood exchange. I was informed that blood cells do not form until 10 weeks. Also, if for some reason you start spotting during your pregnancy, they may give the Rhogam shot. Well, I think my insides are finally cleaned. I am feeling a lot better, my body seems to be back to normal. I go back to the doctor tomorrow for another Beta test. Hopefully it will be back in the negative range and we can start planning to try again in October. I really can’t wait!!! However, I do understand how important this wait has been………..can’t get pregnant if my body is not healed properly.


montie75 - September 6

Mmelo, have you looked into the Cryobank in California? They are so good about letting me know how many vials are available, how many are in quarantine and if the donor is still giving specimens. I think it’s wonderful……….that way we know how to plan our purchases. We normally buy one at a time. It would be cheaper if we purchased three at a time because we would only have to pay shipping once. But……that is my dh responsibility so how ever he wants to handle it is up to him.
But regarding your concerns. Whynotme is right. You do what’s in your heart. If you really feel that your donor is the right one for you, then stick it out and wait. If you have a really good second choice and feel that waiting this cycle out is not your best option then go for it!!! Whatever you decide to do, make sure you follow your heart.


montie75 - September 6

oh so quiet today....where is everyone?


mmelo - September 6

Hi Monica,
I am here! DH and I talked last nite and he says whatever I decide is fine with him.(not alot of help) I called the bank this morning and they said both my donors were gone "forever and a day" as she put it so I have to choose another one. I hope I can make the right choice. I guess I am just scared b/c DH isn't what you would call the most supportive. He is just basically going along with this b/c he knows that I want it so badly. Men!!


montie75 - September 6

Is he not being supportive because he doesn’t know how? When I first started this process, my dh didn’t really know what to do. So to make him feel more involved and important in the process, I gave him the list and had him read it and pick out his top three. From there we both talked about the choices, but I let it be his discussion. That really built up his ego. He then found his connection to the process.
Make a list of the most important factors for your donor to have, then start picking out those that don’t meet your needs and go from there. You can do this in time!! I wish you luck sweetie......


thayward7 - September 7

Hey ladies... just a quick hello - back into the groove of school and busy again. It's good to keep my mind off TTC. Hope everyone is doing well. Smiles and Babydust... T


montie75 - September 7

Slow, have you left us now that you are pregnant? You haven't been around lately. Is everything alright?


montie75 - September 7

Where is everyone? The silence is just killing me.........LOL!!!


mommy2josh - September 7

Hi girls, I am from Jamie's (Slow) other thread. I spoke to her yesterday via e-mail and she was in alot of pain and could not even walk. I am sure she will let you know soon.


montie75 - September 7

OMG, I hope she is okay. Please give her our best and thank you for letting us know. I was getting worried.


whynotme - September 7

Oh no! I hope that Jame is ok and the baby is ok!!! Thanks for letting us know.


mmelo - September 7

Oh no....I hope everything with Jamie is OK also!!
Monica, DH is not that supportive because this is a long standing issue(15years)He was devastated with his diagnosis when we first went to a fertility clinic in our late 20's and did what alot of men do(denial). I guess I just kept waiting for him to come around and when I turned 40, it hit me like a ton of bricks. If I was going to do something, my time was running out. Now I have prolactin issues as well which makes things more difficult that if I had persuaded him all those years ago. He basically just says he will support whatever I want to do because he can't stand to see me so unhappy, but he would be just as content to leave things the way they are. He doesn't really want to be part of the process. He is more a "need to know basis" kind of guy.


whynotme - September 7

Do you think that he will be receptive to the baby/child? I'm sure that you feel that he would because you probably wouldn't be doing this if that were the case. I know that he probably wants to just make you happy, but what about his feelings?? Have you 2 been to counseling or anything?? I'm sorry to hear about your prolactin issues. How do they treat that?



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