@@@@ IUI and SPERM DONOR@@@@
213 Replies
whynotme - August 2

Jamie, where are you??? How is everything going. Have you started your clomid and monitoring yet?


thayward7 - August 2

yahoo! It is so great that it is on your birthday... that HAS to be a good sign. I am excited as well because I get to go home afterwards. The countdown is on! Smiles.... - T


thayward7 - August 3

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HAPPY IUI WHYNOT! I am thinking of you! I just got back from my progesterone check, and am now filling time until my IUI at 10:30... can't wait. Fertile thoughts and smiles for all.
- T


slowpoke01 - August 3

hey girls sry i havent been on much i had a horrible day going to the doctor the other day. my air went out in my car then i got pulled over for speeding and was so upset that i was cussing the state tropper out then i got to the appoinment 30 minutes late and they said i would have to come back the next day and i threw another fit because it is a 2 hour drive for me to go to the doctors office well the doc told them to work me in he didnt care how they did it and so they did i didnt get home until 8 pm so it has been crazy. the doc was upset that the first iui didnt work. so he didnt tell me anything about what the ultrasound showed so i have to go back monday and do it again and i guess he will tell me then how many i have and how big they are. i am nervous. but the doctor was so upset that it didnt work the first time that he said after 4 iui's he is gonna get more aggressive instead of waiting for 6 cycles like most do. so i was happy about that.MMELO welcome to out group. i hope that we give you all the support and hope that you need. this is a small group so far and we are able to answer all questions and give advice on things if you ever need it. U2 GOOD LUCK ON YOUR IUI"S i hope that this is the month for both of you. i wasnt you all to stay in touch and let us know whats going on..lol..well take care all


slowpoke01 - August 3

i am so excited for you 2 wow you will both have the same 2ww that will be so cool. let us know what happens and so sorry about the trouble that you had with the trigger shot. i would have probably freaked out and wouldnt be able to stick myself in the leg..lol..good luck everyone


slowpoke01 - August 4

hey girls how are you doing?


montie75 - August 4

I finally found you guys. Thank you slowpoke01!! My hubby and I have been ttc for awhile too. This Tuesday was our 4th IUI with donor sperm. I am taking 100mg of clomid with the ovedril shot. I had two good follicles this month. Both a 17 at monitoring on Friday, so I am sure they were bigger on Tuesday. I know its the horrible TWW. HELP!! hehehe


montie75 - August 4

slowpoke01, we are going to get more aggressive also, if the 4th IUI doesn't work. I am not real big fan of injectables....but I will do whatever it takes. My doctor is also surprised I am not pregnant yet. I am beginning to think I am just cursed!! LOL.................


slowpoke01 - August 4

montie-i know how you feel. im not sure about the injectibles but will try anything i have to try. it is good that your doc is wanting to get more aggressive too. this will be my 2nd iui with donor sperm. so i will have a couple more before they get more aggressive with it


montie75 - August 4

Slowpoke-this is going to sound nasty, but after your IUI, any of you ladies.....do you have a discharge for that day? I wouldn't say mine is red, but it's like a brownish yellow. I am wondering if it's just mucus or maybe iodine from where they wipe before the procedure. My sister told me this has never happened to her.


mmelo - August 4

Hi Montie,
When the RE does the IUI does he try to place the sample high into the uterus? Do you experience any cramping after the procedure? Some times women experience a bit of spotting due basically to either the catheter touching the uterine lining and subsequent cramping. Hope this helps. Maria


thayward7 - August 4

spotting after an IUI is completely normal. My doctor said not to be alarmed if it happens. The cervix is very vascular, and when they are poking around trying to find the opening, sometimes it causes spotting. Hope this helps! SMILES.
- T


montie75 - August 4

I am not sure how high they go, however the procedure itself is quite painless. I do have some cramping a couple hours later, but I always associate that with ovulating since the pain is in my side. I also know that my cervix is usually facing down with an extra curve. Maybe that's what causes it.............(this will make you laugh.....) The first time this happened, I thought maybe the swimmers fell out. LOL, but I know that can't happen. Then I thought maybe they didn't inject them properly. I am such a worry wart. I am sure all is well.


montie75 - August 4

Thank you ladies.


thayward7 - August 4

WHYNOT... where are you? How did things go? Hope everything is okay! My IUI went well. I am taking progesterone suppositories for support.... YUCK.... but I know it'll all be worth it! Hope everyone is doing well. The 2WW begins!
- T


slowpoke01 - August 4

montie- i too had some spotting after iui but they put this pack in it looks like a sponge with plastic around it and has a string like a tampon to remove it. i dont know why they put it in i assummed it was to make sure all the sperm stayed up there. i had to remove it after 6 hours. havent heard anyone else say that their doc did this so you may want to ask about it. the pack had some blood on it when i removed it and the doc said that was normal after i removed it there was no spotting or anything. hope this helps. good luck to the girls whoa re now in the 2ww keep us posted on how things are going. take care all and good luck to the ones waiting on a +opk



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