8 more days until my bloodwork for preg.
18 Replies
slowpoke01 - July 10

lifequest how was the bloodwork? i was wondering about you


cspears99 - July 10

Hi lifequest I wish you the best!! I just did my 3rd cycle of IUI on friday so I have a while to go? what feels like forever, if we could afford it we would go straight to invitro too, but we are hoping this is it, everything went perfectly all follicle were finally the right size this cycle, so fingers crossed, we are 32 and have been trying for 2 years and doing IUI for 3 months, keep us updated!!


lifequest - July 10

Hi ladies, well my b/w was "negative" just like I thought. I was a little sad, but i'm not disappointed. I look forward to doing it again, and I'm confiedent that it will happen, one way or another.... : )
Thanks for all your support, advice and friendship...good luck to all of you, and keep me posted too.



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