2ww driving you crazy?--PART 7
75 Replies
pmblake - November 13

Good Morning Lovemy3. DId you bd this morning?? and my ovulation has always been off that's why I've been seeing an RE. My periods are very very light. one tampon a day light (tmi) I am 5'3" and when 107 when I'm not on fertility shots! 115 when I"m on meds. I think it's water gain. who knows. So I don't think weight is an issue. It's hereditary. My aunts and Mother all have reproductive problems... but all have 4-5 kids so something happened right. okay well let's see how the week does. I'm going to the dr this morning but probably won't have any b/w results until tomorrow. Did you temp this morning??


angelkitty - November 13

Good morning ladies! Hope all is well. Things are good here. Happy Monday!! How was everyone's weekend? Lovemy3 sounds like you and your dh were doing some serious bding this weekend!! :o) You are going to get pregnant girl! It is going to happen - do not lose the faith!


Tink - November 13

hi ladies- lovemythree, definitely sounds like possible PCOS, i would mention it at your appt in January or even ask your gyn now. My RE has also said late O can reduce egg quality and of course so can age. I am 33, but feeling the crunch already. with 2 great IUI cycles with clomid where i had 4 mature eggs, and none worked....surely my quality is bad too. the injections are supposed to improve egg quality, so i am hoping it worked this time (i did injections). Also- when you see the RE in January, just know that all the drugs can definitely help regulate you more. the injectables are known for making you o early too. when we tracked on clomid, even though my cycles were irregular some still, my O date was solid, CD14. so it did help. just hang in there! PMblake, i am wishing you a sticky and healthy baby this time around. sounds like you've been through a lot! well i am still in my 2WW-----i test on friday (14DPO). i am so nervous and can't test yet, since the ovidrel trigger shot might still give me a false positive. i am so nervous!!!!


lovemy3 - November 13

Tink, keepoing my fingers and toes crossed for you. I hope this is your month!! Its funny, my af is never irregular, always on time. Who knows how come my first three concieved so quickly. The only thing differeent is the weight, it must be the problem. We;ll seethis month. Did your re say that ovulation around cd19, 20 always causes poor egg quality for sure?


Tink - November 13

oh no, it can't cause bad egg quality for certain, but i've heard that is a possibility. i would just be sure to mention it to your doc when you go as your concern and ask about solutions. i am sure lots of women have conceived and had healthy pregnancies with late o dates. i just don't know if it is ideal. so stay hopeful, nothing is out of question to work. just ask lots of questions and keep on trying! ;)


lovemy3 - November 13

tink, thanks for the info. Gosh, you must be getting so excited about testing friday. The last few days are always the toughest of the waiting. hang in there!!!!


pmblake - November 14

Hi Lovemy3! Did you temp today? Have you had any OPK readings today?


pmblake - November 14

Hi Tink, How are you feeling today? are you taking progesterone suppositories? if so, how many mg?


lovemy3 - November 14

Good morning, OPk surge is over today, it lasted 2 days. We bd yesterday a.m and the a.m prior to that and prior to that every other day. I wanted to get a chance to bd this a.m but had 3 kids wind up in my bed thios a.m jumping on us prior to getting that chance. Do you think that was enough bding, we can tonight but will that be too late. I still have ewcm this a.m.


pmblake - November 14

Wow! Sounds like you've been busy. It really sounds like you've done all you can do. I told you that after I found out I wasn't ovulating on Day15 that my DH and I kinda gave up on this cycle. We stayed busy and only bd a couple of times a week after that and here I am. My Dr is happy. He said that there is definitely truth behind being stressed about it. Even for the man - he's under quite a bit of pressure to perform. Hang in there! I would stop for now and let nature kick in.


JB0405 - November 14

Hey ALL!!! Hi PM, I believe that I have seen your name on another thread! I can't remember which... anyway, it sounds like things are going well for you! I am on cd14, no drugs this time around...although we are not having any timed/regulated bd'ing, just fun bd'ing, sometimes I can't help but think about becoming pregnant, it becomes an obsession... anyway, the past 2 weeks have been stressful but this week thus far is not so bad... I will have an u/s tomorrow to see if any follies developed on their own... I will let you all know!


pmblake - November 14

Hi JB. I had my follicles checked on CD15 also. I had 3 at 10 and many more at 6. I surged that night but didn't ovulate.... then maybe 2 weeks later (maybe earlier) I did finally ovulate. I've been reading about double ovulation in a cycle. Usually it's closer together than mine but it sounds like that's what happened to me. Anyway, good luck tomorrow! Let us know what's going on! Pam


linds99 - November 14

Pam, Congratulations! That is great news...I know you will make it through the first trimester and find out the sex in January!! Stay positive, I have a good feeling for you, this one is it! Come on ladies, who is next now? We need a few more in November.... Hey lovemy3, your symptoms do sound very PCOS to me too. But knowing you've had other children no problem, I would say that yours is not that bad, it may take you longer this time since your symptoms are more pronounced with the weight gain, but don't give up, it could still happen for you. Maybe you just need the clomid for a jump start to your hormones. Hey JB,how you feeling? Angelkitty...where you at today cycle wise? I had my doctor appointment yesterday, got all my medications in the mail, and now I am a few days away from Lupron injections. She thinks my egg retrievel will be about November 28 or so... I am seriously freaked out about all the meds I have to take, Lupron shots for a week then the Lupron and FSH shots for another week then the HCG shot before retrievel, two anti-infection medications, and after the retrieval I have these darn estrogen patches and progesterone suppositories, and I continue to take the metformin. All these medications have weird side effects too...I'm just praying now guys, I am a bit freaked on what this is all going to do to my health and body.


Tink - November 14

pmblake- no progesterone for me. my levels were good this time. i don't know what they were- since the doc just will call if they are bad and then doesn't call if they are good. so no news was good news. so i am just on my own. i am hoping if the prog was good, maybe that is a good sign. it was good last cycle too, but low my first IUI cycle before that. i am feeling ok.....i am trying not to get my hopes up, but i really feel different this time around. the cramping is unlike pms and more similar to o pain, very down low. i have some lower back pain, but similar to pms. i've been forgetful and emotional and have some soreness in my bbs, but near the armpit, although i had a massage sat and maybe it is from that? who knows. it's tortuous, all these 'possible' symptoms! Lovemy3- sounds like you bd'd on the all the right days- good luck! well i might just break down and test tomorrow am- which is 12DPO. at least if i get a negative, i'll be prepared to see it again on friday.


JB0405 - November 14

Well, I am feeling ok today! Stomach is ok, feels weird at times but nothing to worry about! PM, CONGRATS!! I must have skipped that or something, crazy days...anyway! I am hoping that all goes well for you this time around! please keep us posted! Tink, I know it's easier said than done BUT it ain't over!!! LOL!!! Stay positive! We are all here for you!!! I am thinking of you! Good Luck to us ALL!!! Bring on those BFP's!!!


lovemy3 - November 14

hey everybody, Gosh, just got in and got a call from my family dr, who had to send a referall to my ob and request the appt for jan 23. The ob's office called my family dr and said thayt they saw me there 2.5 years ago for a pre-preg consult for #4 and that there is no need for another appt. They said he is a maternal illness and fetal medicine dr and that women generally come see from the request of another ob after 20 weeks when the regular ob can't handle the situation. they said he is strictly for high risk. I have had my 3 other kids with him and was there because of my preeclampsia. So, who the heck am I suppose to see about not getting pregnant? Do I go back to my family dr and get a referall to a regular o.b? I was planning on seeing my original guy who I had my others with, gosh this new secretary is like a barracuda for heaven sake. I'm nervous now, that if I do get pregnant that this new policy will be the wait to you get sick and then we will see you appoach where as in the past I have seen him since 8 weeks and he has prevented me from getting sick, preeclampsia is very serious I kmight add. Talk about ticked off.



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