Doing IVF or IUI & need meds?
1 Replies
Cjsbabyblues76 - January 18

Moving on to adoption and have various injectables left over.
If interested contact me. My screen name is the same and I am on Yahu (not spelled that way of course).


Cjsbabyblues76 - January 19

Just incase you are curious: Answer: To make a long story short, we've been trying for 6 years. We've had 9 IUIs and 4 IVf. I've been pregnant 5 time but miscarried each time before I had my 3rd betta. They have no idea why I am miscarrying. My eggs seam good, uterine lining and progesterone levels are all good, Dh's sperm is good and I don't have any immune deficiencies or antibodies trying to fight the pregnancies off. It's been a heart breaking and long road and we just can't afford it emotionally or monetarily any more. We plan to peruse adoption as soon as we can scrape together enough money.----- > I've got 20x 75IU Repronex, 1x Fostimon, 2x Menopur, 2x 100 mg Clomid, 20x 100mg Prometrium, 35x 200mg Prometrium, 15 Cyclogest (like prometrium), 1 Ovidrel, 2 Pregnyl 5000IU, 1pack of birth control pills for pre IVF supression and lots of needles and alcohol swaps. I think I have 1 centrotide left in my fridge but haven't seen it so it would be a freebee with purchase if I still have it.



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