What do AF, BFP, BFN and DH stand for?
3 Replies
celestia1977 - August 27

I've been seeing these abbreviations and I don't know what they mean - are they any other abbreviations out there I should know about? Thank you :-)


Tracy88 - August 27

AF stands for "Aunt Flo" or your period, BFP is "Big Fat Positive" or BFN for "Big Fat Negative" for when you test and get one of those two results, and DH stands for "Dear Husband" or "Darling husband". When you see U/S it stands for ultrasound and TWW is the two week wait between ovulation and your period. http://www.inciid.org/articl
this is a link to the acronyms, but I'm pretty sure that if you go to www.twoweekwait.com they also have the list of acronyms. Hope this helps!


celestia1977 - August 27

Thank you, Tracy. That helps a lot :-)


celestia1977 - August 27

Okay, thank you again for your help.



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