Welcome!!! TTC on Clomid part 3
75 Replies
Allison35 - December 23

Thanks,Jess. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.


kiza - December 24

Hey girls, I hope everyone is well. I'm great now. Surgery was a bit more painful than I had imagined, so it took me a bit longer to get up and about. The anesethic (sp? ) knocked me for 6. I could still sleep now and it has been 3 days. Well they did not have to take my tube, thank god, I just had some adhesions that they cut off and they faned the end of my tube out a bit more. The dye test was good no blockages, so I can basically start ttc anytime now. I was actually due to O tomorrow and the doc said he could see a nice big follie on the left side, but I am still a bit sore and don't think I will chance it this month. I also had a bit of bleeding so not too sure how that is going to affect AF. So looking forward to starting afresh in the new year. Well I hope everyone has a magical Xmas, and all your hopes and prayer are answered. Take care evryone and will speak soon.


Mindy1 - December 25

Hi everyone, I hope you dont mind me joining. i will be starting Clomid next cycle, as I am on CD 17 and AF is still here (it has been alternating between spotting and full blown AF, so I dunno whats up) Dr said its normal due to I dont get AF every single month. Is anyone else out there like me? I go maybe 2 mos without AF and then BAM I get it for 20 days. Anywho, Im very excited to start Clomid on my next cycle, and hopefully this will be a nice support system. Dr says Ill go in for bloodwork prior to starting and then on day 20 of next cycle. No ultrasound either. Is that normal. (sorry for freaking out, Im a little nervous)


kiza - December 30

Hey girls, I would like to wish you all a wonderful new year and lets hope that all of our dreams come true. Allison, is everything going well with you? Please take care everyone. xxxxxx Kylie


blanketsandbottles - January 2

Hey Ladies! I hope you all have a Great New Year! Let's hope that the new year will bring us some BFPs!!!! Well, Cd24 for me and just waiting! Talk to you ladies later!


Allison35 - January 3

The u/s is scheduled for 01/17/07. Idid get to do bloodwork and the first exam. The waiting is driving me a little crazy. I hope everyone is having a great New Year.


blanketsandbottles - January 7

Hey Ladies! Where is everyone? I hope that all is well. Today is CD28 and still waiting! If no AF by cd35 I am to call the doc to schedule a hcg blood test. I am hoping and praying that we are finally preggers! This has been 13months of torture and disappointment. Sometimes I just want to give up! I have so much respect for those of you who have been ttc for years! I am sorry to be such a whiner, I have a bad case of the blahs today! Well, talk to you ladies later! Jess


blanketsandbottles - January 10

Hey Ladies! Where is everyone? I hope you are all doing well! CD 31 for me and waiting? Hoping that this is finally going to be it!


Allison35 - January 10

Praying for all of you to get BFP. I am working and waiting for next wednesday u/s.


caribangell - January 11

Hi ladies, today is my first time in here. I'm not that familliar with all the terms but i'm working on it. I will be starting clomid next cycle and hopping for a blessing or two.does anyone know if its safe to mix clomid and ovulex? or clomid and weight loss pills?


iampg - January 12

hi blanketsand bottles, where did you go? cd 33 for you - have you tested!!!! I so want to hear about new bfps. hem & allison - great news for you!!!


Tenk - January 12

Cari, it is NOT safe to mix Clomid and Ovulex. They will count act each other and you'll be wasting a clomid cycle. They just work against each other instead of helping you then. Please only do one at a time. Hi girls, sorry it's been awhile. I'm here and on CD14 of my 2nd clomid cycle 100mg days 3-7. Still haven't O'd yet, but i'm sure I will in the next few days. How is everyone else? I didn't have time to read the thread yet. Just jumpin' in to say hi.....congrats to all the BFP's and hugs to those who need it.


kiza - January 13

Hey girls, I'm still around nothing new happening, on cd8. Have heaps going on at the moment so I haven't had much time to post. I hope all is well with everyone. Catch you all soon. Kiza


blanketsandbottles - January 14

Hey Ladies! Glad to see that you are all doing well. So...I finally tested last Wednesday night and got my BFP!!!!!!!! I went to the RE Thursday and had it confirmed. My hcg level was 140 and my progesterone was 20. I went back again on Saturday and my hcg was 242 and my progesterone was 14. The nurse told me not to worry about the progesterone level that it goes up and down like that during pregnancy. I go back again on Friday morning to have them checked again! DH and I are so excited! Thank you ladies for all your support and prayers! I am hoping BFPs for everyone real soon!!!


kiza - January 15

YAY! Jess, what fantastic news. Congrats to you and DH.Keeping everything crossed for a happy and healthy pregnancy for you and bubby, Take Care. Kylie xxxxxxxxxx


Allison35 - January 18

Bad news. I lost the baby @ 10 1/2 weeks. Can start back next month with ttc.



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