wanna join me ttc 1rst conted...
253 Replies
eb - February 2

Jamie, glad you got some anwsers . Did you like the new re? When will you start clomid this cycle or the next? Today is cd 12 for me, nothing to tell. I'm not opking this time b/c it really won't matter with dh gone. It really messed our schedule up when i had those two cycles so close together. Hopefully everything will work itself out and the timing will get back on track. Hope everyone is doing good.


eb - February 3

Hi girlies, Just wanted to check in and see how everyone was. DH left so i'm home alone and bored so i tend to stay on the internet and post a lot. My mom is coming in to spend the weekend with me , so we'll probably go shopping. I hope you all have a fabulous TGIF!!


eb - February 3

I forgot to ask if any of you had ever thought about purchasing a clearblue easy fertility monitor. I'm seriously thinking about it, but just can't decide... hum...


jamie - February 3

eb- you know I thought about it and now I am really thinking it would be a good investment. Isn't that easier to read than the stupid opk sticks? I don't want to try and use the opk sticks with trying to time an IUI because I really don't think I read them right. Doesn't the fertility monitor help with that? I got my results from the prog. test and it was low - so they called in a prescription for provera to induce my period. Then it is off for a baseline us. I hope you all have a nice weekend - I will be lonely since my dh left last night for a trip to Las Vegas with his brother and some buddies. They are going out there for some superbowl party.


eb - February 3

Jamie, i've read alot on the monitors. They are alot easier to read it says low, high or peak fertile time. Go to the clearblue site, it gives alot of good info. I've found them on ebay for 90.00 new buy now no auction. I'll decide over the weekend. I'll check with you guys later.


eb - February 4

Hi everyone, just popping in to tell everyone to have a good weekend. I am on ebay bidding on a clearblue monitor. I have about 20 min left and i'm the highest bidder on a new monitor and my bid is only 61.00 Wish me luck.


eb - February 7

Hey girls, i hope you all had a good weekend. I hung out with my mom and we went shopping and out to eat. I also tried to do something different with my hair (I died it )n ow it looks AWFUL. I hate it and there isn't much i can do to fix it. How are you guys?


JamieLynne - February 7

eb - I registered a couple of days ago - Jamie was taken so I had to add my middle name. Check out my post under signs of pregnancy - titled low prog. level - possibly preg? I am having some pretty messed up stuff going on and if wasn't for that darn low prog. level last week I would think I am preg. That day I had it I was spotting, so I wonder if implantation can make your prog. drop the day of... read the post and tell me what you think!! Your input is greatly appreciated. So where are you in your cycle? How are things going??


eb - February 7

Hi Jamie, glad to hear from you. I went to the other thread and read the info you gave. I'm not sure what to think. I would try a First response test. They are supposed to work up to 5 days before your af is due. When are you supposed to start meds to induce your period? I don't think they are supposed to hurt you if you are pg. It's some form of hormone. As far as the low progest count , could you have just ovulated or oed late? Sorry i'm asking more questions than anwsering yours. Your symptoms sound really good to me. Let me know what you do. Have you thought about going to your reg gyn and just get a blood pg test done? I'm on cd 17 today, i'm not sure if i oed this month or not on my own without meds. Just knda what for the 17th so we can see whats going on with dh. My b-day is mon 13th and i'm kinda bummed cause i'll be home alone, dh is working and mom is back in new orleans, oh well it'll be another day another year older. I'll check back later.


JamieLynne - February 7

eb- I went out and bought a first response test. I am going to wait and take it in the morning. My bra barely fits - I am debating about going out and getting a bigger one!! What is up with that?? I will keep you posted....


eb - February 7

Good luck Jamie, let me know what the results are. I'm here for you either way. Hey i'd take bigger boobs any day :)


JamieLynne - February 8

I'd take bigger ones any day too, but they are just ridiculous. My nipples themselves have seemed to double in size. Usually my boobs hurt right befor af but this is a deep within kind of ache if that makes any sense. Oh well, I guess we will wait and see.


Anna - February 8

Hi girls! How is everyone? I hope well and having a good week. Sorry, I haven't posted a lot. Work is keeping me very busy and I always seem to be on the go. Jamie, I hope you are pregnant! I read your other post and your s/s sound promising. Some of your s/s sound like ones I had after I got pregnant. I'll be praying for you that you get good news in the morning! Even if the HPT comes out neg., it may be a good idea to get an hCG level drawn just in case it's too early to show up on an HPT. I would hold off on the Provera until you know for sure, just to be on the safe side. Probably better to not take a chance of something happening-but that's just me. And how nice to have bigger bbs! My pregnancy book says that it's very common for your bbs to grown larger and become more sensitive during the first two months of pregnancy. I'm sending lots of **baby dust** your way!! :) eb, I'm sorry you won't have any of your family to celebrate with on your birthday next week. :( I'm sure your family will find some way to make it extra special for you, since they won't be with you! How are things going with your DH? Has he seen the md yet or started on any meds? If not, what kind of treatment will he have to do? I hope things worked out for you and your DH quickly now that your md has pinpointed the problem. JND, How are you and the baby? Have you had any more bleeding and are you on bed rest right now? I hope everything is going ok and I'll keep you and your little one in my prayers. Things are good here. The baby is getting bigger and kicking harder every day. I only have 11 more weeks to go! I can't believe that 29 weeks have gone by so fast! I'm still not very big and some people can barely tell I'm pregnant. A friend of mine asked me today if I'd already had the baby! I finally gained weight at my last appt. a week ago. I hadn't gained any weight at all since becoming pregnant and my md got on my case. So I'm trying to eat more and pack on the pounds! Well, I'm signing off for tonight. Jamie, let us know how your HPT comes out! **baby dust** to you girls!


eb - February 8

Any news yet Jamie? Good to hear from you Anna. I am fine. We haven't been to md yet for dh, we go on 2/17 so a little over a week. I called today to make sure they recieved his records and they did, so everythings a go. So, i'm basicly just hanging out until then. Dh won't be home until 2/16. I kinda wish i'd start af this weekend or early next week (mon) That would still be an early cycle but if i start any later we'll be off on timing again. Oh well , i'll just have to wait and see.


Jamie - February 9

Hey ladies - well it was a neg. I guess I am reading too much into it. Glad to hear things are going well Anna - I cannot believe you only have 11 more weeks to go!! eb - the 17th isn't too far away, I was so anxious for our appointment - I can imagine what you are feeling. Nothing else to report - same odd feelings but who knows.


eb - February 9

Sorry about the bfn Jamie. So, now you take the meds to induce af then what?



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