3 Replies
waiting-4-my-angle - July 11

Hey everybody, I have been trying to get preg. for about 2 years and no luck yet. I was just wondering if any one new any thing that might be helpful and if anyone else had the same problem. Thanks!


manyika - July 11

waiting-4-my-angle, did you try going to an infertility clinic yet? If not, you should so they can help you figure out your problem and find the right treatment for you. Goodluck.


soimpatient - July 11

Are you charting your BBT or using OPKs? Those help you get a better idea of when you are ovulating and can help you time intercourse.


waiting-4-my-angle - July 11

Hi, soimpatient
I just now started charting my BBT, and ov. about 3-4 days ago. Have you ever experienced painfull ovulation. I just started fertility blend and have tender breast and cramping in my back. I am thinkning about finding me a RE I am just scared about what will be found. Thanks



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