Stress while TTC with IUI
64 Replies
Cooper5450 - November 25

Robyn, How did the transfer go? Are you feeling okay? I know that you are on bedrest for the next few days. Just try to take it easy. I did the HPT and got a BFN. I am still going to see my RE on Monday. DH and I are going to proceed from there. It might just have to be injectibles for us. I'll keep you posted. Get some rest and Congrats again!!!


lovemy3 - November 25

hi all, af arrived...feeling sad and horrible and unfortunately have to go to my dhs christmas gala. anyhow, thats me out for this month. Its weird though, its just been one wipe so far, and usually starts heavier for me. My hormones must be a mess, and I think thats the problem. My test day is Christmas day and we will be in Disney, maybe I;ll have magical luck!


montie75 - November 27

Good morning ladies. Sorry to hear about the BFN's. Don't worry, I have a feeling I will be joining you. I am now 9dpo and no signs, nothing. My bb's do not hurt and I don't have any unusual CM. Oh well.........I did however catch a nasty cold. UGH!!! Did everyone have a nice thanksgiving? Mine was just so busy. I am tired.......I need a vacation.....LOLOLOL!!!!


Cooper5450 - November 27

Hello All... AF came sometime yesterday afternoon. I still went to see my RE and they took my blood to get my levels. They said that they would do a Beta for me but scheduled Blood and Sonogram for Wednesday which would be the 3 day labs. DH and I are going to try again in December. We were going to wait out this month since we are trying to sell our house and move into a new house in December. Please pray that we will be able to sell our house soon. I don't need the stress from trying to sell our house and trying to get pregnant. Not to mention the holidays. I hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving.


montie75 - November 27

Cooper, sorry about AF..................


lovemy3 - November 27

Cooper...hugs. I know its crappy. However, maybe once you get your house sold etc, it will help your ttcing. moving is definately a stressful thing. We moved into our new house 1 yr ago and it was alot. Sometimes we don't think we're stressed but we are ya know. I'm sorry it showed, so did mine. HUgs to you.


Cooper5450 - November 29

Hi All, Just got back from my RE and he told me that we are good to go for my next cycle. I am going to do the same thing and see if there is a different effect for me. If not then we are going to talk about plan b. I hope that it works this month. What is going on with everyone else? I go back to see my RE on 12/11 which will be CD 15 for me. Then hopefully, I will be able to do the IUI sometime that week. Wishing everyone good thoughts and hope to hear some BFPs soon!!!


lovemy3 - November 29

Thats great news. What is plan b if plan a doesn't work?


Cooper5450 - November 29

Lovemy3... Plan B would be to try injectibles and an IUI. I think that we would try that once and if that didn't work then we would move onto IVF. What are your plans?


lovemy3 - December 8

Hi Cooper, How are you? Montie? I'm cd13 tonight and won't till probably cd20. Where are you all in your cycle?


Cooper5450 - December 8

Hello Everyone... I am on my CD12 today. However, I went to my RE this past Wednesday because I have the Clear Blue Easy Monitor and I had 2 bars which means high fertility. They did a ultrasound and saw 1 large follicle and 2 small follicles. They gave me the HCG injection on Wednesday and then I had my IUI yesterday. My RE isn't sure that it is going to work for us this time because I usually O late in my cycle and this time I am really early. We will have to see. I go for my beta on 12/22. The last time I had an IUI, I only had 1 follicle and it was 17.5MM. This time my dominant follicle was 22.5MM. So I am really hoping that it works and I will see a BFP. That would be the best Christmas present for me and DH. Hope everyone else is doing well...


lovemy3 - December 9

Hi Cooper, That sounds promising. My test day is Christmas morning. We are in Disney World this Chrismas with our kids.'ll be spectacular if we get a positve and down right nasty if we don't. LOL Regardless, it'll be good, Christmas and Disney..what more could make you smile. I am ovulating early as well this cycle for some reason. I am usually a cd20 o'er. But this time cd15, I'm thinking that is a good thing. I am not on any meds or anything, we are still ttc on our own at this point. So, I guess in the next couple of days we'll be doing the 2ww again. Come join us on the 2ww driving you crazy? thread. xoxox


Cooper5450 - December 10

Hey Lovemy3... This time I am trying not to think about when my beta is. I am going to relax and really pray and hope that this will be my month. That would be the best Christmas present!!! I really hope that you see a BFP on Christmas morning. Are you excited about going to Disney? How old are your kids? When do leave to go? My DH and I will be moving around the 23rd. Suffice to say I am not going to be moving anything if I see a BFP. Hope that everything is going well for you. Don't stress and try to enjoy the next few days before you leave for your trip. Keep me posted on your progress!!!


lovemy3 - December 10

thanks cooper, they are 11,5 and 3. good luck, xoxxox


montie75 - December 12

Hi ladies!! Cooper, your numbers sound wonderful!! I really wish you luck sweetie. Lovemy3, wow, wouldn't that be a wonderful Christmas present?? My thoughts are with you. I am cd9 today and finished my meds on Sunday. I have my u/s Friday to determine my trigger shot and IUI. We will see. I should be ready to test around New Years. Baby Dust to you both!! Let's pray this Christmas is one to remember for all of us!!


Cooper5450 - December 14

Hi Montie and Lovemy3... Things here have been a little crazy for me. I was sick with a cold for a few days and was just out of it. The only good thing about being sick was that it took my mind off of wanting to take an HPT. I have not taken a test yet. I really want to but don't want to be disappointed. Tomorrow will be 7DPO. I had my IUI a week ago. I go for my beta on the 22nd and really hope that I will get some good news. Lovemy3 - Good Luck!!! I know that you are going to have a great time in Magic Kingdom... Montie - Good Luck with the u/s on Friday. I hope that they find some mature follicles!!! I am really hoping that all of us will get our BFPs in the next few weeks. Keep me posted on your progress!!! Hugs to both of you!!!



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