Pregnancy with one falopian tube
48 Replies
winlove - September 3



winlove - September 3

I had an etopic pregnancy 2008,I feel so alone my husband and family dont understand, they think Im just making a fuss.I have been trying since. Tje gynae says I have on good tube, but no baby I guess only God knows best.
Be postive even in the darkest times good luck.....


mom1126 - February 2

I know how you feel. I am 25 and I have had 6 miscarriages in 4 years. I am blessed to have 2 children already,but would loved to be blessed with one more. I had an ectopic last August(2010) and I had to have my right tube removed. We have been trying ever since with no luck at all. I am due to go in for a procedure next to check and see if my remaining tube is ok. It is the most dishearting thing ever. The horrible part is I am surrounded by people who are pregnant. Watching them go through everything I should be going through is just horrible. Through all of this I have learned that God is so faithful and has blessed me beyond anything I deserve. If I only have my 2 kids then im ok with that, but I would love to have just one more. One way to look at all this is that the first arms that held your precious baby was Jesus. That has always brought me such peace to know that when I die I have 6 beautiful babies waiting for me in Heaven. I hope this helps you some. Just dont give up hope and if you never have another one that should just make you love and cherish the 3 amazing kids you already do have.

Mom of 2



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