Power of Prayer (add your prayer requests)
336 Replies
MsMonet - November 8

Dawn-May God give you your hearts desire. God bless you!
Jazzee-Thanks for the prayers and May God bless you, also. We've all fallen in life... I had to get to a point in which I had to stop trying to undertand t


MsMonet - November 8

to understand the logic of my so called parents... I had to let it go... My mind could not go there... I know for a fact that my mother did love me at one point. Perhaps, up until the age of 4 or 5. Men always became number one in her life and her husband was like a superstar to her and I think I became the little peasant child after they married and had their own kids. Very sick individuals.. But I am still standing tall! Lol!


ls9762 - November 11

my request - I am hoping that i will be pregnant with my current cycle and to give birth to a healthy baby. I thank you God for the blessing to come. In Jesus Name. Amen.


Chi-Girl - November 11

Because I started this thread I thought I should share this with you all first. God is good! After four BFP home pregnancy tests and a blood test I can finally utter the words I thought my heart wouldn’t beat long enough to hear, “I am pregnant.” I am pregnant! Thank the Lord… He heard our prayers and was merciful to us. I am speechless... I am pregnant! When am I going to believe this? I am happy, excited, thankful... I am feeling everything that is good, but at the same time I am SCARED. After suffering a m/c in June (at 7 weeks) I know all too well that at any second this can all be over. Please keep DH and I in your prayers. I don't plan on telling too many family members or friends until I get to the 10 or 12 week mark. Thank you all for your support and prayers. PRAYERS CHANGES THINGS. I wil continue to pray for you all... as I did before posting this message. Let us all keep praying for each other.


MsMonet - November 11

Chi-Girl- Go, girl! I also prayed for you and I am so happy for you. You opened your thread with "We are all longing for and asking and trusting God for the same thing, a child. I believe in the power of prayer. The bible (Matthew 21:22) says, “…whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” My request: After suffering a miscarriage in June my prayer is that my husband and I conceive a child, my body is healthy and able to sustain the pregnancy, and to bring a healthy and happy baby in the world." God is so good, Chi-girl! What a praise report. Continue to read your scriptures daily and stay in prayer. Congrats to you and your husband. Keep us informed with whats going on. Wow! What wonderful news... What inspiration... What a wonderful Christmas present... You guys are in my prayers!!! Yippee!


angelkitty - November 11

Praise the Lord Chi Girl! I am so excited for you!!! This is going to be a wonderful pregnancy for you and you and your Dh will be blessed beyond measure with the beautiful and perfect and healthy child you are carrying!!!


tonyaandjoe - November 12

i am sooooooooooo happy for you way to go.CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


tonyaandjoe - November 12

i am on my 2 cycle of clomid when AF decides to show.100mg, i am praying that this too will work for us.keep praying ladies.


lovemy3 - November 13

My prayer is that I get pregnant very soon, or God changes the desire of my heart. Amen.


AllieJean - November 14

Congratulations on the terrific news Chi-Girl! I wish you the best and will continue to pray for you and all the others on this thread. Please keep us posted!


linds99 - November 14

OMG, Congratulations Chi-Girl! This is wonderful news. Keep us posted on how things progress with you!


Tink - November 14

my req- hoping for a BFP this cycle - testing Friday 11/17. my third IUI, first one with injectables. praying for a BFP and a healthy and happy baby and pregnancy!


slowpoke01 - November 15

wow CHICHI congrats to you. this thread has really grown since i last read it. I pray for all the wonderful women on here and that they get the little miracles that they are so hoping to hold in their arms soon.i pray that each and every lady on this thread is blessed soon. we have all been blessed already just by finding each other on this thread.


Jazzee - November 15

CONGATULATIONS Chi-Girl!!!! Defintely the best news I have heard all day, just shows you God will answer our prayers when the time is right!! May you have a blessed, healthy happy pregnancy!! Keep us updated on your progress!!! Love Jazzee xxx


emaan - November 15

congrats chi girl..god is great......when god gives he gives loads....so good luck with everything......i pray that all of us will contribute our share of pregnency news when the time comes for us....i pray for you all my cyber sis.....


simi2729 - November 15

Congratulations to everyone whose prayers have been heard! I pray for everyone in this thread who has a simple wish to have a baby!....i pray everyone gets "the gud news" this month! and I pray I am also one of those!..Please god hear my prayers!!



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